Home → Cataloging in NC Cardinal → Appendices → Appendix K: Holdings Import Profile
Last Updated 11/08/2023
When batch importing holdings into NC Cardinal without using the acquisitions module, libraries should use the Evergreen 852 Profile as their default Holdings Import Profile. (A few libraries have a "grandfathered" existing profile that they may continue to use.)
The Evergreen 852 profile is visible under Cataloging>MARC Batch Import/Export.
A library system may use Library Settings to generate temporary barcode prefix and/or barcode, as well as default call number prefix and/or call number. If not, the fields below are required as noted:
p=barcode (required, unless using "Vandelay" library settings listed below to automate)
j=call number (required, unless using "Vandelay" library settings listed below to automate)
g=circulation modifier (required)
t=copy number (optional, if needed)
b=owning library (required)
y=price (optional)
c= shelving location (required)
z= copy status (defaults to In process)
In regard to format: Spacing, spelling, and capitalization must be exact and any mistakes by vendors will cause import errors. Terms must be exact as noted below, there cannot be spaces before or after any of the fields or values, and $y should not have a $ before the dollar amount. The fields do not have to be listed in any particular order.
A correctly formatted 852 should look like this:
=852 \\$pFOR12345667788$bFORSYTH_CENTRAL$cAdult Fiction$gBOOK$y12.50$jFIC$zOn order
Not like this:
=852 \\ $pFOR12345667788 $bFORSYTH CENTRAL$cAdult Fiction $gBook$y$12.50$jFIC$z On order
You can set up two Library Settings to generate a temporary default barcode prefix and number for imported items that have not yet been assigned a permanent barcode:
The Vandelay Default Barcode Prefix should be the short policy name or first 3-4 letters of the short policy name of your library system.
Example: FOR for Forsyth or POLK for Polk
The Vandelay Generate Default Barcodes setting should be set to True to generate barcodes.
You can also set up two Library Settings to generate a temporary default call number prefix and number for imported items:
You must use the exact format from the NC Cardinal circulation modifier list; must be in ALL CAPS, e.g. BOOK.
List the short policy name for the owning branch, as it appears in Evergreen
You must use the exact format from the NC Cardinal shelving location list.
You can set up two Library Settings to generate a temporary default copy status for imported items. Most libraries select "In process" for both.:
If a copy status other than the default is desired (e.g. On order), you must use the exact format from the list below. The grayed out statuses are not an option, as they can only be applied via Evergreen's automated processes.