Home → Reports in Evergreen → Folders → Creating Folders
Last Updated 12/30/2024
Whether you are creating a report from scratch or working from a shared template you must first create at least one folder in each of the three functional components in My Folders.
The steps for creating folders are the same within each component. It is easier to create folders with the same name for Templates, Reports, and Output at one time, though it is possible to do so at any time.
This example demonstrates creating a template folder.
If you want to share your folder, click the folder name in your template folder list. Click the Share Folder button, then select who you want to share this folder with from the dropdown menu in the pop-up box.
Note: If you wish to share a subfolder, the parent folder must be shared at the same level or higher. Based on examples in images, if you share the 'monthly circ count' folder at the system level, the 'Circulation' folder must be shared at the system or consortium level, as well.
The folders you just created will now be visible by clicking the arrows in My Folders. Bracketed after the folder name is the org unit the folder is shared with. For example, if you share with your library branch or system, the short code name for the branch or system will appear in parentheses after the folder name. If you share with the consortium, (CARDINAL) will appear after the folder name. If it is not a shared folder, there will be nothing after the folder name. You may create as many folders and sub-folders as you like.
Note: Using a parallel naming scheme for folders in Templates, Reports, and Output helps keep your reports organized and easier to find. We recommend naming folders based on function, not date.