Home → Serials in Evergreen → Serials → Holdings
Last Updated 11/13/2023
As issues are received, Evergreen creates a holding statement in the OPAC based on what is set up in the Caption and Patterns of the subscription. The systems generated holdings can only be edited by changing caption and pattern information and there is no ability to edit the statement as free text.
MARC Format for Holdings Display (MFHD) records contain location and call number information, and are linked to bibliographic records. They display in the catalog in addition to holding statements generated by Evergreen from subscriptions created in the Serials Module. Evergreen users can create, edit and delete their own MFHD. The MFHDs are editable as MARC but the holdings statements generated from the control view are system generated. Multiple MFHDs can be created and are tied to Organizational Units.
Catalogers can create an MFHD Record from the bibliographic record for the serial title by following the steps outlined below.
Whether you are setting up your MFHD record for the first time or editing it due to a change in holdings, follow the steps outlined below to make the necessary changes.
853: the caption and notation for volume and issue numbers.
863: enumeration and chronology information for the publication.
866: A textual statement of your library's holdings.
You can link your current and new subscriptions to existing MFHDs.
Open a serial record, go to Serials → MFHD Record → Manage MFHDs and select the appropriate MFHD.
Go to Actions or right-click on the MFHD and select Delete Selected MFHDs.
Click OK/Continue to delete the record.