Home → Cataloging in NC Cardinal → Bibliographic Cataloging → Batch Import Bibliographic Records and Holdings
Last Updated 01/17/2025
The cataloging module includes an enhanced MARC Batch Import interface for loading MARC (and MARCXML) records. This interface allows you to upload multiple title records at the same time, specify match points between incoming and existing records, and to specify MARC fields that should be overlaid or preserved. Records are added to a queue where you can apply filters that enable you to generate any errors that may have occurred during import. You can print, email or export your queue as a CSV file.
Note: If you are importing e-resources DO NOT use this interface. Instead, please see the Retrieving E-Resource Advantage MARC Files from Overdrive and Uploading Electronic Resources with Secure File Transfer pages for further recommendations.
Log into Evergreen and select MARC Batch Import/Export from the Cataloging menu.
Note: We recommend that you always open a fresh tab to import bib records, as there have been instances where reusing a 'stale' tab has caused problems for catalogers.
The upload form is split into two sections: MARC File Upload and This Upload. Within the MARC File Upload section, there are two panes.
These options should only be used if all the criteria for their use are met. If you do not meet all the criteria, you will end up with duplicated holdings.
Auto-overlay In-process Acquisitions Copies allows you to overlay temporary copies that were created by the Acquisitions module. The system will attempt to overlay copies that:
Auto-overlay On-order Cataloging Items allows you to conduct a full overlay of a brief record once you have built or received the full record. When using this option, select the Use Org Unit Matching in Copy to Determine Best Match option as well. The system will attempt to overlay copies that:
The Full Overlay profile (or any profile with the 901c in the Preserve Specifications field) should be used rarely and with caution, as it will overlay the existing record with the newly imported matching record, based on the Match Set used. It is important not to overlay a full and complete record that already exists in the NC Cardinal catalog with a vendor record of unknown quality without first evaluating the existing matching record(s).
If using Full Overlay, you should not check any import/merge boxes (instruction numbers 11, 12, 13, and 14) and should, instead, review all matching records using the upload queue (beginning at instruction number 20). The record retained should align with NC Cardinal best practices. It is also important to compare and evaluate if there are more than one matching records, as it may also be necessary to merge and/or edit those records outside of the batch import process.
Note: Before overlaying an existing record in the NC Cardinal catalog, a cataloger should always examine that record individually to ensure they are only overlaying brief records to avoid wiping away the additions and enhancements made to the record by previous catalogers.
At the bottom of the import page, there is a section to set up the file to be uploaded.
If you selected Import Non-Matching Records, all new records and holdings should automatically be imported. Any records that duplicate existing records within NC Cardinal will be displayed in the import queue you created.
NOTE: The more records you have in your import file, the longer it will take to import.
If you are uploading a large file and want to navigate away from the upload interface while the file imports, you can check the box to Request Background Import. Enter your email address and proceed with the import process. You can navigate to another screen in Evergreen and you will be notified via email when your import is complete.
Inspect the Import Queue. If all records were imported, you are finished with the import procedure. If there were existing records with the same ISBN, those records will be listed in the import queue. If you selected Match Only Merge as the Merge/Overlay Profile and checked Merge on Best Match, then your holdings should already be attached to the records listed in the Imported As column. You can confirm that the records and/or holdings were imported by copying the value in the Imported As column, open a new tab and select Cataloging → Retrieve title by database ID from the top menu and paste in the database ID you copied. Alternatively, you can search the catalog to confirm that the record was imported. Do not import the record(s) again.
If you prefer to review all records before import, you can upload the records to the queue and import them manually.
You will see all three progress bars, but only two will fill. The third progress bar (Import Progress) will remain blank. The Go to Queue button will appear.
Within the Queue, you will be able to review the queued records.
You will be returned to the upload screen. From here, select the remaining options that were left blank during the initial upload.
Confirm that the upload is correct by checking that the queue is the same queue you checked and the number of records to be imported or merged is accurate in the This Upload section:
Click the Upload button to finish the import.
Note: If any items are imported with errors, choose the Export Non-Imported Records option to export a MARC file of records that failed to import. From there, you can manually edit the records as needed and import them separately. (Those records can be viewed by clicking the Limit to Non-Imported Records filter.)