Home → Circulation in Evergreen → Holds Management → Holds Shelf Management
Last Updated 11/03/2023
The NC Cardinal consortium has agreed that all libraries will allow patrons 7 days to pickup their holds, so staff should clear items from the hold shelf after 7 days. Library staff should review the holds shelf (both physically and electronically) on a daily basis to pull expired and cancelled holds.
Items with Ready-for-Pickup status are on the Holds Shelf. The Holds Shelf can help you manage items on the holds shelf. To see the holds shelf list, select Circulation → Holds Shelf.
The Holds Shelf is displayed and should match the items on the library's physical holds shelf. Note the Actions menu is available, as in the patron record.
Use the column picker to add and remove fields from this display. For example, you may want to display are Shelf Expire Time.
Extending Shelf Expire Time
In some cases, a hold may be extended (for a brief period) as a courtesy to patrons, but staff must first check for any other patron holds by going to the bibliographic record and clicking View Holds, ensuring that Pickup Library is set to CARDINAL to see all holds for the consortium.
If there are no untargeted holds on the waiting list, a brief extension may be granted by staff when the patron is planning to pick up the item in another day or two by:
Checking the box next to the line item you wish to edit. Select Edit Hold Dates on the Actions menu.
Check the box next to Shelf Expire Date. Enter date or use the calendar widget to choose the new date, then click Submit.
Click the Show Clearable Holds button to list expired holds, wrong-shelf holds and canceled holds only. Expired holds are holds that expired before today’s date. Hold shelf expire time is inserted when a hold achieves On holds shelf status. It is calculated based on the interval entered in Local Admin → Library Settings → Default hold shelf expire interval, which is 7 days for all of NC Cardinal.
Click the Print Full List button if you need a printed list. To format the printout customize the Holds Shelf receipt template. This can be done in Administration → Workstation → Print Templates.
The easier way to clear these stale holds is to use the list (on screen or printed) to pull the physical items from your holds shelf, then scan the items using the Check In screen with check in modifier Clear Holds Shelf selected. The physical holds shelf should also be routinely checked for any items on the shelf for longer than 7 library business days.
The Clear These Holds button becomes enabled when viewing clearable holds. We recommend that staff pull items from the holds shelf (physically) before clearing the holds shelf (electronically) within Evergreen. If staff choose to do so, it is possible to click the highlighted Clear These Holds button to cancel the expired holds. The items will show a status of Canceled in the Browse Holds Shelf screen and the Post-Clear column will show important information about what should happen next with the items, such as Needed for Hold, Needed for Transit, and Reshelve. Staff must still physically check in these items to complete the process.