Home → Circulation in Evergreen → Holds Management → Metarecord Search and Holds
Last Updated 06/04/2024
Metarecords are compilations of individual bibliographic records that represent the same work. This compilation allows for several records to be represented on a single line on the catalog search results page, which can help to reduce result duplications. Both staff and patrons may place these holds from either the staff client (staff only) or the OPAC (any user).
Metarecord holds can be useful in two distinct ways:
Patrons or staff placing Metarecord holds in the OPAC should start their search from the Advanced Search Page.
Select the Group Formats and Editions checkbox on the Advanced Search page.
Administrators can also configure the catalog to default to a Group Formats and Editions search by enabling the relevant config.tt2 setting on the server. Setting this option will pre-select the checkbox on the Advanced Search and Search Result Pages. Users can remove the checkmark, but new searches will revert to the default search behavior.
Within the Search Results page, users can also refine their searches and filter on metarecord search results by selecting the Group Formats and Editions checkbox.
The metarecord search results will display both the representative metarecord bibliographic data and the combined metarecord holdings data (if the holdings data is OPAC visible). The number of records represented by the metarecord are displayed in parentheses next to the title. The formats contained within the metarecord are displayed under the title.
For the metarecord search result, the Place Hold link defaults to a metarecord level hold.
To place a metarecord level hold:
Note: Selecting multiple formats will not place all of these formats on hold for the user. For example, a user cannot select CD Audiobook and Book and expect to place both the CD and book on hold at the same time. Instead, the user is implying that either the CD format or the book format is the acceptable format to fill the hold. If no format is selected, then any of the available formats may be used to fill the hold. The same holds true for selecting multiple languages.
When users place a hold on an individual bibliographic record they will see an Advanced Hold Options link within the Place Hold screen. Clicking the Advanced Hold Options link will take the users into the metarecord level hold feature, enabling them to select multiple formats and/or languages.
The catalog includes a Metarecord Constituent Records page, which displays a listing of the individual bibliographic records grouped within the metarecord. Access the Metarecord Constituent Records page by clicking on the metarecord title on the Search Results page.
This will allow the user to view the results for grouped records.
Staff may place metarecord holds for patrons from the staff client. The process is similar.
The same steps may be followed if the hold request originates in the patron account and the staff member searches the catalog after clicking the "Place Hold" button in the patron account.
Within the staff client, Show Holds on Bib for a metarecord level hold will take the staff member into the Metarecord Constituent Records page.