Home → Administration Manual for Libraries → OPAC Options → Setting Up an OPAC Carousel
Last Updated 02/07/2024
Opac Carousels are interactive elements that appear on your library system's home page. Carousels display bibliographic records loaded from public buckets. You can set up buckets to automatically populate with items based on criteria that you define in the staff client.
To create a carousel, navigate over to the Carousels administration page from the local admin panel.
From the carousel admin page, select "new carousel".
The owner is the library system or branch that this carousel belongs to.
This is the name of the carousel as it will appear on the OPAC.
This defines how the carousel's bib record bucket will be automatically populated.
Items older than this age will not appear in the carousel. This is an "interval" meaning it takes a length and unit of time for instance: "15 years", "2 weeks" etc.
How many items will appear in the carousel. The more items in the carousel, the longer the homepage could take to load.
Items will only show up if they belong to the libraries that you define in this list.
For "Newest Items by Shelving Location" only. Defines which shelving locations items must belong to in order to show up on the carousel.
This box must be checked in order for the carousel to show up on the OPAC.
Once a carousel has been created, it needs to be "mapped" to an org unit for it to show up on the OPAC. In the local admin panel, select Carousel Library Mappings.
New carousels will automatically be mapped to their owning library. When editing a carousel's mapping, you can override its name and where it appears on the page.
When the carousel populates with items, it will show up on the OPAC.
Carousels aren't just limited to the OPAC, they can displayed anywhere on the web using an iframe. Iframes allow your web browser to load content from one website and bring it into another. To grab a carousel, all you need is its ID.
Create a link to the carousel using the following template:
https://[YOUR SUBDOMAIN].nccardinal.org/eg/opac/home?iframe=1&bbag=[CAROUSEL ID]
In your HTML, add this bit of code:
<iframe style="height: 300px; width: 90%;" src="[YOUR LINK]"> </iframe>