Home → Resource Sharing → Resource Sharing Logistics → Cardinal Primary and Secondary Library Contacts
Last Updated 10/11/2024
See this information in a dynamic tool built by Kenneth Odom of Rutherford County:
These Cardinal contacts are to assist with any issues that may occur within a library system (how to handle damaged items, patron issues, etc.)
Library System | Primary Contact | Primary Email | Primary Phone | Secondary Contact | Secondary Email | Secondary Phone |
ALEXANDER | Zachary Mull | zmull@alexandercountync.gov | 828.632.4058 | Laura Crooks | lcrooks@alexandercountync.gov | 828.632.4058 |
AMY | Jamie McCabe | amybookmobile@gmail.com | 828.682.4476 | Wayne Edwards | wayne@amyrl.org | 828.682.2600 |
APPALACHIAN | Nicole de Bruijn | ndebruijn@arlibrary.org | 336.838.2818 x239 | Ryan Church | rchurch@arlibrary.org | 336.838.2818 x233 |
BHM | Alice Foye | afoye@bhmlib.org | 252.946.6401 x12 | Mary Tankard | mtankard@bhmlib.org | 252.946.6401 x13 |
BLADEN | Agnes McCall | amccall@bladenco.org | 910.862.6992 | Jasmine Peterkin | jpeterkin@bladenco.org | 910.862.6990 |
BRASWELL | Timothy Thompson | trthompson@braswell-library.org | 252.442.1951 x222 | Nancy Delaney | ndelaney@braswell-library.org | 252.442.1951 x253 |
BROWN | Teresa Patti | tpatti@washingtonnc.gov | 252.946.4300 | Kimberly Davenport | kdavenport@washingtonnc.gov | 252.946.4300 |
BUNCOMBE | Tammy Silver | Tammy.Silver@buncombecounty.org | 828.250.4719 | Cheryl Middleton | cheryl.middleton@buncombecounty.org | 828.250.4755 |
BURKE | Devin DeCanio | devin.decanio@burkenc.org | 828.874.2421 | Page Andersen | pandersen@bcpls.org | 828.874.2421 |
CALDWELL | Cory Ledford | cledford@caldwellcountync.org | 828.757.1270 | Brianna Goble | bgoble@caldwellcountync.org | 828.396.7703 |
CARTERET | Mary Wilson | mary.wilson@carteretcountync.gov | 252.648.7725 | Jennifer Johnson | Jennifer.Johnson@carteretcountync.gov | 252.648.7725 |
CASWELL | Doris Hyler | dhyler@caswellcountync.gov | 336.694.6241 | Jackie Jones | jjones@caswellcountync.gov | 336.694.6241 |
CLAYTON | Mel Poole | mpoole@townofclaytonnc.org | 919.553.5542 x6212 | Gabe Johnson | gjohnson@townofclaytonnc.org | 919.553.5542 x6206 |
CLEVELAND | Adriene Jones | Adriene.Jones@clevelandcountync.gov | 704.487.9069 x139 | Wright Adams | wright.adams@clevelandcountync.gov | 704.487.9069 x122 |
COOLEY | Megan Milam | Megan.Milam@townofnashvillenc.gov | 252-459-2106 | |||
CUMBERLAND | Heather Bessinger | hbessinger@cumberlandcountync.gov | 910-483-7727 x1309 | Kohnee Harmon | kharmon@cumberlandcountync.gov | 910-483-7727 x1340 |
DAVIDSON | Joy Cecil-Dyrkacz | Joy.Cecil-Dyrkacz@DavidsonCountyNC.gov | 336.242.2941 | Kimberly Steelman | Kimberly.Steelman@davidsoncountync.gov | 336.242.2940 |
DAVIE | Derrick Wold | dwold@daviecountync.gov | 336.753.6034 | |||
DUPLIN | Esbeidi Borja | esbeidi.borja@duplincountync.com | 910.296.2117 | Bryan Trejo | bryan.trejo@duplincountync.com | 910.296.2117 |
FARMVILLE | Candis Wiilliams | cwilliams@farmvillenc.gov | 252.753.3355 | Angie Bates | abates@farmvillenc.gov | 252.753.3355 |
FONTANA | Sara Daniels | sdaniels@fontanalib.org | 828.488.2382 x121 | |||
FORSYTH | Kathryn Nesbit | nesbitk2@forsyth.cc | 336.703.3048 | Tarron Chester | chestet2@forsyth.cc | 336-703-3046 |
FRANKLIN | Wayne Hunt | whunt@franklincountync.gov | 919.496.2111 | Ann Wells | awells@franklincountync.gov | 919.496.2111 |
GIBSONVILLE | Jessica Arnold | jarnold@gibsonville.net | 336.449.6455 | Ashley Frost | afrost@gibsonville.net | 336.449.6455 |
GRANVILLE | Amy Humphries | amy.humphries@granvillecounty.org | 919.693.1121 | Lydia Fontenelle | lydia.fontenelle@granvillecounty.org | 919.693.1121 |
HALIFAX | Barb Valdes | bav1968@gmail.com | 252.583.3631 | Cheryl Brown/Benjamin Hayes | brownc@halifaxnc.com | 252.583.3631 |
HARNETT | Joanna Bixler | jbixler@harnett.org | 910.893.3446 | LaShauna Williams | lwilliams@harnett.org | 910.893.3446 |
HAYWOOD | Caroline Roten | Caroline.Roten@haywoodcountync.gov | 828.356.2518 | Wes Johnson | jon.johnsonjr@haywoodcountync.gov | 828.356.2513 |
HENDERSON | Juliet Lambert | jlambert@hendersoncountync.gov | 828.697.4725 x2316 | Tom Rogers | trogers@hendersoncountync.gov | 828-697-4725 x2316 |
IREDELL | Brandi Grubb | brandi.grubb@iredellcountync.gov | 704.878.3090 x8806 | Tayler Kiser | tayler.kiser@iredellcountync.gov | 704.878.3090 x2407 |
JOHNSTON | Hannah Brennan | hbrennan@pljcs.org | 984.230.4843 | Johnnie Pippin | jpippin@pljcs.org | 919.934.8146 |
LEE | Beth List | blist@leecountync.gov | 919.718.4665 x5488 | Jeremy Mullins | jmullins@leecountync.gov | 919.718.4665 x5487 |
MADISON | Billie Chandler | bchandler@madisoncountync.gov | 828.649.3741 | Shawna Bryce | sbryce@madisoncountync.gov | 828.689.5183 |
MAUNEY | Christina Martin | christina.martin@cityofkm.com | 704.730.2156 | Emily Chapman | Emily.chapman@mauneylibrary.org | |
MCDOWELL | Marlan Brinkley | mbrinkley@mcdowellpubliclibrary.org | 828.652.3858 | Lisa Burgess | lburgess@mcdowellpubliclibrary.org | 828.652.3858 |
NANTAHALA | Trudy Morrow | tmorrow@nantahalalibrary.org | 828.837.2025 | Melissa Barker | mbarker@nantahalalibrary.org | 828.837.2417 |
NC_GOV | Velappan Velappan | velappan.velappan@dncr.nc.gov | 919.814.6821 | Jennifer Davison | Jennifer.Davison@dncr.nc.gov | 919.814.6810 |
NEUSE | Sarah Sever | ssever@neuselibrary.org | 252.527.7066 x134 | Charlene Sanderson | csanderson@neuselibrary.org | 252.527.7066 x148 |
NORTHWESTERN | Sunnie Prevette | sprevette@nwrl.org | 336.835.4894 | Tonya Triplett | ttriplett@nwrl.org | 336.835.4894 |
ONSLOW | Kathleen Grasser | kathleen_grasser@onslowcountync.gov | 910.937.1421 | Senatra Spearmon | senatra_spearmon@onslowcountync.gov | 910.937.1417 |
PERRY | Kenya Allen | kallen@perrylibrary.org | 252.438.3316 x238 | Patti McAnally | pmcanally@perrylibrary.org | 252.438.3316 x232 |
PERSON | Amber Carver | acarver@personcountync.gov | 336.330.2298 | Nikki Scoville | nscoville@personcountync.gov | 336.330.2294 |
POLK | Alan Smith | asmith@polklibrary.org | 828.894.8721 x285 | Marcie Dowling | mdowling@polklibrary.org | 828.894.8721 x281 |
ROBESON | Tammy McGee | tmcgee@robesoncountylibrary.org | 910.738.4859 x308 | Patrick Parker | pparker@robesoncountylibrary.org | 910.738.4859 x305 |
ROCKINGHAM | Rebecca Smith | rsmith@co.rockingham.nc.us | 336.623.3168 | Rhonda Hooker | rhooker@co.rockingham.nc.us | 336-627-1106 |
RUTHERFORD | Stephanie Long | stephanie.long@rutherfordcountync.gov | 828.287.6396 | April Young | april.young@rutherfordcountync.gov | 828.287.6117 |
SAMPSON | Erin Heath | erin.heath@sampsoncountync.gov | 910.592.4153 | Kelsey Edwards | kelsey.edwards@sampsoncountync.gov | 910.592.4153 |
SANDHILL | Bonita Collins | bonita.collins@srls.info | 910.997.3388 | Nicole Jones | nicole.jones@srls.info | 910.997.3388 |
SCOTLAND | Rachel Phillips | Rphillips@scotlandcounty.org | 910.276.0563 x3 | Ann Locklear | Annlocklear@scotlandcounty.org | 910.276.0563 x7 |
Anna Harkey |
aharkey@stanlycountylibrary.org | 704.986.3762 | Sara Hahn | 704.986.3766 | |
TRANSYLVANIA | Derek Nelson | derek.nelson@transylvaniacounty.org | 828.884.3151 x1802 | Robert Fleming | robert.fleming@transylvaniacounty.org | 828.884.3151 x1822 |
WARREN | Tiffany Macklin | tiffanymacklin@warrencountync.gov | 252.257.4990 x 1058 | Tanika Alston | tanikaalston@warrencountync.gov | 252.257.4990 x1050 |
WAYNE | Tamara Baltazar | tamara.baltazar@waynegov.com | 919.299.8105 x5358 | Maegen Wilson |