Home → Cataloging in NC Cardinal → Item Cataloging → Print Spine Labels
Last Updated 09/23/2024
Before printing spine labels, you will want to turn off print headers and footers in your browser.
Spine label printing does not work well with Hatch, so it is recommended that you remove Hatch completely from the workstation where spine labels will be printed. If you need Hatch for other functions, create a second Chrome profile without Hatch to be used specifically for cataloging and spine label printing. You should configure your browser so that Chrome does not add headers and footers to items printed on certain printers. For example, if you are printing spine labels, you likely will not want Chrome to add a date or URL to the margins of your label.
You can turn off these headers and footers using the following steps:
To set-up printing in Evergreen, you will need to open the Label Printing interface. There are four different places where you can print labels:
At cataloging
From Item Status
From Item Buckets
From Holdings
Catalogers may print labels by using or modifying the default template, creating and saving their own templates, or importing templates created by another cataloger. Catalogers may use multiple templates to accommodate special print jobs, such as narrow books.
To create one or more templates
Type a name for the first template into the Template field and click Save, then make any changes needed to the template. Create as many templates as needed. Be certain to save each template after any changes.
To create templates without navigating into a specific item record first:
Note: There are a number of devices that can print spine labels with Evergreen. |
The BC Libraries Cooperative (another NC Cardinal consortium) has a video on printing spine labels in a sheet, in the Cataloging — Evergreen Community playlist on our NC Cardinal YouTube channel.
Lynn Floyd presented at the 2019 Evergreen conference and her Powerpoint presentation (called Labels, Labels, and More Labels) is downloadable from this page: https://evergreen-ils.org/conference/2019-evergreen-international-conference/2019-presentations/
Here's a short video from Sitka for setting up and printing label sheets: https://youtu.be/-PEiDikPIro
GAPines has some instructions: https://pines.georgialibraries.org/dokuwiki/doku.php?id=cat:spine-label-printing
The Pines documentation may prove particularly helpful for those with a Dymo label printer.