Home → Acquisitions in Evergreen → Training and Learning Resources → Primary and Secondary Acquisitions Contacts
Last Updated 03/08/2024
Acquisitions staff are always encouraged to submit tickets with questions or reach out to colleagues via Basecamp. However, if you would like to reach out to a colleague directly with a question, the list below includes primary and secondary contacts for acquisitions at each library who utilizes these tools.
System | Primary Contact | Primary Email | Primary Phone | Secondary Contact | Secondary Email | Secondary Phone |
Cumberland | Casey Ausborn | causborn@cumberlandcountync.gov | 910-483-7727 ext. 1316 | |||
Henderson | Sharon Arnette | sarnette@hendersoncountync.gov | 828-697-4725 | Christian Zawojski | CZawojski@henderson.lib.nc.us | 828-697-4725 |
Iredell | Teng Cha | teng.cha@iredellcountync.gov | 704-878-2406 | Dottie Smith | dottie.smith@iredellcountync.gov | 704-878-3147 |
Johnston | Katie Guthrie | kguthrie@pljcs.org | 984-230-4820 | Johnnie Pippin | jpippin@pljcs.org | 984-230-4824 |
Neuse | Carolyn Schulman | cschulman@neuselibrary.org |
252-527-7066 ext 135 |
Northwestern | Sheila Kelly | skelly@nwrl.org | 336-835-4894 | |||
Onslow | Deborah Wadleigh | deborah_wadleigh@onslowcountync.gov | 910-455-7350 | Senatra Spearmon | senatra_spearmon@onslowcountync.gov | 910-455-7350 |
Polk | Wanangwa Hartwell | whartwell@polklibrary.org | 828-894-8721 ext. 280 | |||
Rockingham | Rebecca Smith | rsmith@co.rockingham.nc.us | 336-623-3168 | Rachel Holden | rholden@co.rockingham.nc.us | 336-623-3168 |
Stanly | Matthew Kelly | mkelly@stanlycountylibrary.org | 704-986-3755 | Anna Harkey | aharkey@stanlycountylibrary.org | 704-986-3755 |