Home → Reports in Evergreen → Simple Reports → Creating a Simple Report
Last Updated 11/09/2023
The process for creating a Simple Report is much more guided and prescriptive than the Standard Reporter. To create a report using the Simple Reports Interface:
The Display Fields tab lets you select the fields/columns in your reports and their display order (column order). Depending on which report type you select, a specified set of fields will be available to add to the report.
If you are familiar with the way the regular Reporter works in Evergreen, you will notice that there are several fields that are new in the Simple Reports interface. Some of these include:
Circ or Renew? (Circulation type reports) - this displays whether a circulation transaction was an original checkout or a renewal checkout
Circulate? and Holdable? (Weeding and Collection type reports) - these use a combination of several pieces of item-level information that calculate “circulatability” and “holdability”
Date fields will often have several built-in display options such as Copy Create Date/Time, Copy Create Year, etc. These fields will display the date as described in the field name without needing to use a Transform. You can use multiple kinds of these date fields in a single Simple Report if needed.
On the left of the Simple Reports Interface is an accordion menu that groups types of fields. This list will change depending on the type of report you've selected in the first field. All report types have menu options for Common Fields and All Fields, as well as groups of fields relevant to each report type.
The order of the columns in your final report can be set in the Display Fields tab or in the Output Order tab. In addition to setting the Field Display Order, the Output Order tab also has options for changing the sort order. This allows you to determine both the order of the sorting (ascending or descending), and the priority order in which this sorting happens. For example, if a report will have three columns (Circulation Start Date/Time, Checkout Library Name, and Item Barcode), there are three different sorting/order options you can manipulate:
To set up your Output Order:
Once you have established your sort orders, select the Filters tab. This tab allows you to apply filters to your report. Note that some fields are hidden from display but available for filtering, and vice-versa. For some types of data, such as library names, there may be multiple display fields (i.e. various names, shortnames, etc.) but only one field for filtering.
As in the Display Fields tab, the Filters tab has an accordion menu on the left which groups types of fields. Note that Suggested Filters are those suggested for the report type generally, not the specific columns you selected. On the right, the columns you have selected for display in your report will show under Fields Selected for Display. As you select filters, they will show under Filter Fields and Values with options for changing the Transform, Operator, and Value.
To set your filters:
Operator values can vary for different filter fields, but common operators include:
Equals - the report output will include rows exactly matching the filter value
Does Not Equal - the report output will exclude rows exactly matching the filter value
Is Null - the report output will include rows for which the filter value is null (empty)
In List - the report output will include rows which are selected and added to a list
Certain In List filter options, such as Library Short Names, will populate a dropdown for selection
Contains Matching Substring - the report output will include rows matching the substring listed in the filter value
In the example above, there are three filters on the report:
Owning Library | In List | BR1, BR2 - the report will only show items owned at BR1 and BR2
Shelving Location | Equals | Fiction (SYS1) - the report will only show items with the Fiction (SYS1) Shelving Location
Item Deleted? | Equals | False - the report will exclude all deleted items
Where possible, filters and filter values will show user-friendly names rather than database IDs.
If you are filtering on an Organizational Unit-related field like Shelving Location, you will only see options which are visible to your workstation location and its ancestors and descendants.
Some Boolean filters (TRUE / FALSE) include a “Both” option which will return results containing either value.
To use a relative date filter (“X days ago”), select a date field with Date/Time in its name, use the Age transform, and then choose your interval (hours, days, weeks, months, years):
Once you click Save and Schedule Report, your report will be saved and either run immediately or scheduled to be run, and you will be taken back to the main Simple Reports interface.
If you choose Run Report Now, your report output will be available in the My Outputs tab once the report is completed. Scheduled report output will be available in the My Outputs tab.