Home → Reports in Evergreen → Appendices → Appendix E: Reports with a Marc Field
Last Updated 11/09/2023
Sometimes you will want your report to include Marc fields outside of the typical fields that are in the simple record extracts data source. This is possible by joining onto the full record and filtering on tag and subfield and selecting the first, last, max or min value. You will want to use an aggregator transform to prevent bib records from having duplicate rows. At this time, we haven't found a way to include multiple fields without including multiple rows.
We have a simple item list that shows ID, title, and author; it filters on circ lib. We want to add a new display field that will show the Dewey decimal number.
To do this, we'll need to join onto the Flattened Marc Fields and create a new filter on the Tag and Subfield.
The tag of a Dewey number is 082, so we add that as the filter value for the Tag.
The subfield of the Dewey number is a, so we add that as the filter value for the Subfield.
We want to add the Marc field's value using an aggregator in case there are multiple values. I used the "first value" transform but any of the transforms underlined in blue are acceptable. If you're ok with duplicate rows you can let the transform be raw.
Change the column label so that you don't need to memorize what the value of Marc field represents.
Dewey numbers have been retrieved from the records.