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The Acquisitions A-Z learning modules in Niche Academy will introduce you to all functions of Evergreen Acquisitions, including Administrative Set-up, Selecting and Purchasing, and Receiving and Payment. This lesson is completely self-paced, and can be completed over the course of multiple sessions.
The Acquisitions Training Exercises cover everything from setting up a funding source to receiving items and closing invoices. These exercises are made to be a hands-on walkthrough of each function related to the acquisition process. Staff who complete all six exercises included in the module should be able to complete each step of the acquisitions process in their live production environment.
Over the course of the 2022-2023 fiscal year, NC Cardinal hosted a series of live training sessions covering the basics of acquisitions administration. Watch the series of all three sessions via the NC Cardinal youtube playlist.
The individual videos include:
The videos below are short demonstrations of various functions with acquisitions. They will help you see each function in action, so that you can replicate the steps when working in the module in Evergreen.
Setting Up Funding Sources in Evergreen
Acquisitions in Evergreen 3.11: Selection Lists
Acquisitions in Evergreen 3.11: Purchase Orders
Acquisitions in Evergreen 3.11: Line Items
Acquisitions staff are always encouraged to submit tickets with questions or reach out to colleagues via Basecamp. However, if you would like to reach out to a colleague directly with a question, the list below includes primary and secondary contacts for acquisitions at each library who utilizes these tools.
System | Primary Contact | Primary Email | Primary Phone | Secondary Contact | Secondary Email | Secondary Phone |
Cumberland | Casey Ausborn | causborn@cumberlandcountync.gov | 910-483-7727 ext. 1316 | |||
Henderson | Sharon Arnette | sarnette@hendersoncountync.gov | 828-697-4725 | Christian Zawojski | CZawojski@henderson.lib.nc.us | 828-697-4725 |
Iredell | Teng Cha | teng.cha@iredellcountync.gov | 704-878-2406 | Dottie Smith | dottie.smith@iredellcountync.gov | 704-878-3147 |
Johnston | Katie Guthrie | kguthrie@pljcs.org | 984-230-4820 | Johnnie Pippin | jpippin@pljcs.org | 984-230-4824 |
Neuse | Carolyn Schulman | cschulman@neuselibrary.org |
252-527-7066 ext 135 |
Northwestern | Sheila Kelly | skelly@nwrl.org | 336-835-4894 | |||
Onslow | Deborah Wadleigh | deborah_wadleigh@onslowcountync.gov | 910-455-7350 | Senatra Spearmon | senatra_spearmon@onslowcountync.gov | 910-455-7350 |
Polk | Wanangwa Hartwell | whartwell@polklibrary.org | 828-894-8721 ext. 280 | |||
Rockingham | Rebecca Smith | rsmith@co.rockingham.nc.us | 336-623-3168 | Rachel Holden | rholden@co.rockingham.nc.us | 336-623-3168 |
Stanly | Matthew Kelly | mkelly@stanlycountylibrary.org | 704-986-3755 | Anna Harkey | aharkey@stanlycountylibrary.org | 704-986-3755 |
If your library simply wants to add on-order items to the catalog so that patrons can view and place holds on titles that have not yet arrived, acquisitions may be more than you need. Adding those on-order records via cataloging is a simpler option that works well for this use case.
Below are the basic administrative settings to be configured to get started with acquisitions. At a minimum, a library must configure Funding Sources, Funds, and Providers to use acquisitions.
Several settings in the Library Settings area of the Administration module pertain to functions in the Acquisitions module. You can access these settings by clicking Administration → Local Administration → Library Settings Editor.
Delete bib if all copies are deleted via Acquisitions line item cancellation - If you cancel a line item, then all of the on order copies in the catalog are deleted. If, when you cancel a line item, you also want to delete the bib record, then set this setting to TRUE.
Rollover encumbrances only - Allow funds to be rolled over without bringing the money along. This makes money left in the old fund disappear, modeling its return to some outside entity.
Default circulation modifier - This modifier would be applied to items that are created in the acquisitions module.
Default copy location - This copy location would be applied to items that are created in the acquisitions module.
Fund Spending Limit for Block - When the amount remaining in the fund, including spent money and encumbrances, goes below this percentage, attempts to spend from the fund will be blocked.
Fund Spending Limit for Warning - When the amount remaining in the fund, including spent money and encumbrances, goes below this percentage, attempts to spend from the fund will result in a warning to the staff.
Rollover Distribution Formulae Funds - When set to true, during fiscal rollover, all distribution formulae will update to use new funds.
Set copy creator as receiver - When receiving a copy in acquisitions, set the copy "creator" to be the staff that received the copy.
Temporary barcode prefix - Temporary barcode prefix for items that are created in the acquisitions module.
Temporary call number prefix - Temporary call number prefix for items that are created in the acquisitions module.
Before beginning to use Acquisitions, review the following options:
Cancel/Suspend Reasons (optional)
Claiming (optional)
Currency Types (defaults exist)
Distribution Formulas (optional)
EDI Accounts (optional)
Exchange Rates (defaults exist)
Fund Sources and Funds (required)
Invoice Types (defaults exist) and Invoice Payment Methods
Line Item Features (optional)
Merge Overlay Profiles and Record Match Sets (set by consortium)
Providers (required)
The following diagram shows how the workflow functions in Evergreen. One of the differences in this process you should notice is that when creating a selection list on the vendor site, libraries will be downloading and importing the vendor bibs and item records.
The Acquisitions module is made up of four (4) connected but separate processes:
Each of these processes has multiple functions. The diagram below explains the workflow of the functions within each.
*Thanks to Georgia Pines for creating this graphic and allowing us to post it here.
The Acquisitions Search interface provides a centralized place for searching Line Items, Purchase Orders, Invoices, and Selection Lists in the Acquisitions module of Evergreen. The Acquisitions Search interface can be accessed in the Acquisitions menu under General Search.
The Acquisitions Search interface defaults to the Line Item Search tab. Here you can search across the entire acquisitions module (selection lists, purchase orders, and invoices) to find line items matching your search terms. There is not an initial default search for this tab. Users must create their search or set a default line item search. More information on how to do this is found below.
The search results consist of line items and provide links to the provider account, bibliographic record in the catalog, associated purchase order, purchase requests, and any associated invoices. Clicking on the linked Lineitem ID will bring you to the highlighted line item on the associated purchase order. All links open in a new tab.
The Purchase Order Search tab allows you to conduct a search of Purchase Orders in the acquisitions module. The default search that appears when the tab is viewed is a search for all purchase orders that are in the status of on order at your library:
Purchase orders matching all of the following terms:
Purchase Order - Ordering Agency is [your workstation branch]
Purchase Order - Status is On-Order
You can construct a new one-time search instead of using the default search or set a default purchase order search that will replace the default search described above. More information on how to do this is found below. If a user sets a new default Purchase Orders search, then selects Purchase Orders from the Acquisitions menu, that search will be populated automatically.
The search results will consist of purchase orders and provide links to the purchase order and the associated provider account. All links open in a new tab.
Currently, no actions can be taken with Purchase Order search results. The full integration of action functionality will be added by pending development to the acquisitions module. There is a link in the top-right corner to access the Legacy Search Interface. All actions can still be accessed here.
The Invoices Search tab allows you to conduct a search of Invoices in the acquisitions module. The default search that appears when the tab is viewed is a search for all open invoices at your library.
Invoices matching all of the following terms:
Invoice - Receiver is [your workstation branch]
Invoice - Close Date is [unset - no date]
You can construct a new one-time search instead of using the default search or set a default invoice search that will replace the default search described above. More information on how to do this is found below. If a user sets a new default Purchase Orders search, then selects Invoices from the Acquisitions menu, that search will be populated automatically.
The search results consist of invoices and provide links to the invoice, the provider account, and the shipper account associated with the invoice. All links open in a new tab.
Invoices can be printed in this interface by right-clicking on the row of the invoice you want to print to access the Actions for Selected Rows menu and selecting Print Selected Invoices. Multiple invoices can be printed at the same time by checking the boxes of the invoices you want to print and then right-clicking to access the Actions for Selected Rows menu and selecting Print Selected Invoices.
The Selection Lists Search tab allows you to conduct a search of selection lists in the acquisitions module. The default search that appears when the tab is viewed is a search for all selection lists owned by the currently logged in user.
Selection lists matching all of the following terms:
Selection List - Owner is [currently logged in user]
You can construct a new one-time search instead of using the default search or set a default selection list search that will replace the default search described above. More information on how to do this is found below. If a user sets a new default Purchase Orders search, then selects Selection Lists from the Acquisitions menu, that search will be populated automatically.
The search results will consist of selection lists and provide a link to the selection list via the Name column.
From the selection list search results you can take the following actions:
Clone the selected Selection List(s)
Delete the selected Selection List(s)
Merge the selected Selection Lists
Create a New Selection List
Right-click on the row of the selection list to access the Actions for Selected Rows menu to choose an action. Multiple selection lists can be deleted or merged by checking the boxes of the selection lists you want to work with and then right-clicking to access the Actions for Selected Rows menu.
When a selection list is cloned, the new list’s creator, owner, editor, org unit, etc. are set to the current user and workstation.
In each of the Acquisitions Search tabs you can create a custom default search that will override the standard default search for the tab.
Construct your custom search using the drop down menus in the selected search tab.
Click the (+) to add a new field to your search and click the (-) to remove a field from your search.
Click the blue button that says Set As Default [Line Item/Purchase Order/Invoice/Selection List] Search.
You will see a green message in the lower right hand corner confirming that your default search was saved.
This search will now load each time you view the selected tab and will override the default search listed above.
There is also an option to automatically execute the search when the tab is opened, eliminating the need to click the Search button. This can be done by checking the box to Retrieve Results Immediately and then clicking the Set As Default … Search button.
Both the custom default search and the selection to retrieve results immediately are saved to the workstation.
If you wish to reset a search tab to its defaults, click the Reset Default Search button.
To create your search, choose if your search should match all or any of the search terms you use in your search. Selecting all will conduct a stricter search that must match all of the search terms you indicate. Selecting any will return search results that match any of the search terms you indicate.
Next, select a search attribute from the drop down menu. This menu provides search options related to line items, purchase orders, selection lists, and invoices; the search results will return relevant line items.
The search entry box will display a controlled list of values via a dropdown menu when available. You will see this when searching for an org unit, owner, state, status, and provider, among others. Search is case-insensitive.
As part of transitioning the General Search interface to Angular, several changes have been made to improve the display and usability of the module:
Search operators that are not applicable to the search term selected will not appear in the operator drop down menu when creating a new search. Only relevant search operators will display as options.
For example, when searching a date based term, such as Purchase Order - Creation Time, you will see the following operator options that are relevant for dates:
is NOT
is on or BEFORE
is on or AFTER
age (relative date)
When searching a text based term, such as Line Item Attribute - Title of Work, you will see the following operator options that are relevant for text:
is NOT
does NOT contain
ENDS with
Fields that are associated with controlled vocabularies will display the controlled values in both the search terms and filters for easy selection. These fields include:
line item state/status
line item claim policy
line item cancel reason
PO state/status
PO cancel reason
invoice receive method
invoice payment method
Searches based on an organizational unit value, such as Selection List - Org Unit and Purchase Order - Ordering Agency search only the org unit selected by default and do not use inheritance in the search. If search results spanning multiple branches/systems are needed, then a broader search can be performed. The search results can be filtered using the relevant org unit column and can be adjusted in the filter to include ancestor and/or descendant org units
Dropdown menus for the search fields will retrieve a maximum of 100 rows at a time. This is especially useful for the user related search fields such as Purchase Order - Creator. For typeahead dropdowns, the list will continue to be refined as the user continues to type.
Typeahead dropdowns that search for particular users, such as Selection List Owner, will only show users visible to you within the parameters of your assigned VIEW_USER permissions. It is recommended that VIEW_USER
permission be assigned at the broadest locally-acceptable level for all acquisitions staff. It may be necessary to use the Contains operator to search by users if you don’t have permission to retrieve those users.
Line Item and Purchase Order searches now use the term status instead of state to indicate where the line item or purchase currently is in the acquisitions workflow.
The search operators Greater Than and Less Than are now available in both the search fields and filter fields, in addition to Greater Than or Equal To and Less Than or Equal To.
To search by Publication Date you would use the Line Item Attribute - Publication Date term. All Line Item Attribute terms are text fields. A Publication Date search can be constructed as a 4-digit year, such as 2015, and can be used with the is on or BEFORE and is on or AFTER search operators to create a more flexible search.
Column headers for the search results can be clicked on to sort the results by the column. The columns will sort alphabetically or by other sort criteria as appropriate for the data type.
Using the column actions to filter or sort search results will execute a new search using the current search parameters. If any un-executed changes are made to the search parameters between the initial search submission and any changes to the filters, the new search parameters will be executed upon filtering.
Funding sources allow you to specify the sources that contribute monies to your fund(s). You can create as few or as many funding sources as you need. These can be used to track exact amounts for accounts in your general ledger. You can then use funds to track spending and purchases for specific collections.
Example funding sources might be:
Funding sources are not tied to fiscal or calendar years, so you can continue to add money to the same funding source over multiple years, e.g. County Funding. Alternatively, you can name funding sources by year, e.g. County Funding 2010 and County Funding 2011, and apply credits each year to the matching source.
Note: The rule of parental inheritance applies to this list. For example, if a system is made the owner of a funding source, then users with appropriate permissions at the branches within the system could also use the funding source.
You must add money to the funding source before you can use it.
If you have already set up your funds (see the page on Funds), then you can then click the Allocate to Fund button to apply credits from a funding source to the intended fund(s). If you have not yet set up your funds, or you need to add a new one, you can allocate credits to funds from the funds interface.
You can track credits to and allocations from each funding source. These amounts are updated when credits and allocations are made in the Funding Source Details. Access the Funding Source Details by clicking on the hyperlinked name of the Funding Source.
Funds allow you to allocate credits toward specific purchases. They typically are used to track spending and purchases for specific collections. Some libraries may choose to define very broad funds for their collections (e.g. children’s materials, adult materials) while others may choose to define more specific funds (e.g. adult non-fiction DVDs for BR1). In the funds interface, you can create funds; allocate credits from funding sources to funds; transfer money between funds; and apply fund tags to funds. Funds are created for a specific year, either fiscal or calendar. These funds are owned by org units. At the top of the funds interface, you can set a contextual org unit and year. The drop-down menu at the top of the screen enables you to focus on funds that are owned by specific organizational units during specific years. If your library does not need detailed fund account tracking, you can create one large generic fund and use that fund for all of your purchases.
Note: The rule of parental inheritance applies to this list. If you are a multi-branch library that will be ordering titles for multiple branches, you should select the system as the owning Org Unit, even if this fund will only be used for collections at a specific branch. If you are a one-branch library or if your branches do their own ordering, you can select the branch as the owning Org Unit.
You must add money to a fund before you can begin using it. Credits can be applied to funds from Funding Sources using the Fund interface. The credits that you apply to the fund can be applied later to purchases.
The credits that you allocate to funds can be transferred between funds if desired. In the following example, you can transfer $500.00 from the Young Adult Fiction fund to the Children’s DVD fund.
The Fund Details allows you to track the fund’s balance, encumbrances, and amount spent. It also allows you to track allocations from the funding source(s), debits, and fund tags.
A core source, Fund Summary, is available in the reports interface. This core source enables librarians to easily run a report on fund activity. Fields that are accessible in this interface include Remaining Balance, Total Allocated, Total Encumbered, and Total Spent.
You can apply tags to funds so that you can group funds for easy reporting. For example, you have three funds for children’s materials: Children’s Board Books, Children’s DVDs, and Children’s CDs. Assign a fund tag of children’s to each fund. When you need to report on the amount that has been spent on all children’s materials, you can run a report on the fund tag to find total expenditures on children’s materials rather than reporting on each individual fund.
Note: The rule of parental inheritance applies to this list.
For convenience when propagating or rolling over a fund for a new fiscal year, fund tags will be copied from the current fund to the new year’s fund.
Providers are the vendors from whom you order titles. You can create a provider profile that includes contact information for the provider, holdings information, invoices, and other information.
Enter information about the provider. At a minimum, you need to add a Provider Name, Code, Owner, and Currency. You also need to select the Active checkbox to use the provider.
After you save the provider profile, the screen reloads so that you can save additional information about the provider. You can also access this screen by clicking the hyperlinked name of the provider on the Providers screen. The tabs allow you to add a provider address and contact, attribute definitions, and holding subfields. You can also view invoices associated with the provider.
Enter a Provider Address, and click Save.
Required fields for the Provider Address are: Street 1, City, State, Country, and Post Code. You may have multiple valid addresses.
Attribute Definitions tab: Your vendor may include information that is specific to your organization in MARC tags. You can specify the types of information that should be entered in each MARC tag. Enter attribute definitions to correlate MARC tags with the information that they should contain in incoming vendor records. Some technical knowledge is required to enter XPath information. As an example, if you need to import the PO Name, you could set up an attribute definition by adding an XPath similar to:
code => purchase_order xpath => //*[@tag="961"]/*[@code="p"] Is Identifier => false
where 961 is the holdings tag and p is the subfield that contains the PO Name.
If your library is planning to upload order records in a batch, you need to add some information to your provider records so that Evergreen knows how to map the copy data contained in the order record. You need to enter a Holdings Tag as part of the provider profile. NC Cardinal uses the 961 Holdings Tag to load vendor order record holdings during Acquisitions. If you will be using this feature, you must also enter holding subfields. Holding subfields allow you to specify subfields within the Holdings Tag to which your vendor adds holdings information, such as quantity ordered, fund, and estimated price.
To map the tag’s subfields to the appropriate copy data, click the Holding Subfield tab. Click the New Holding Subfield button and select the copy data that you are mapping. Add the subfield that contains that data and click Save.
The 961 holdings tag will be used with following subfield definitions:
Not all subfields need to be included in your order records; it’s up to each system to use the defined subfields as needed. When loading order records during Acquisitions, use the Orders Merge Profile. This profile is available for all NC Cardinal and will replace 901c and 961 fields.
There are several acquisitions Library Settings available that will help with acquisitions workflow. These settings can be found at Administration → Local Administration → Library Settings Editor.
Click the Invoices tab in the provider account page to access invoices associated with a provider.
Edit a provider just as you would edit a currency type.
You can delete providers only if purchase orders have never been assigned to them.
In your vendor's account, your grid, or MARC profile, is how you ensure the metadata for the title you're buying is correctly mapped to your MARC record. Of specific importance to the acquisitions workflow in Evergreen is the inclusion of accurate holdings information in the 961 field of the records. When adopting Acquisitions, one step of the process is setting up the grids for your vendors to include the correct subfields and values within the record to ensure the correct holdings information is imported into your purchase orders.
To set up your grid in Ingram, navigate to your iPage account and log in.
The Cancel reasons link enables you to predefine the reasons for which a line item or a PO can be canceled. A default list of reasons appears, but you can add custom reasons to this list. Applying the cancel reason will prevent the item from appearing in a claims list and will allow you to cancel debits associated with the purchase. Cancel reasons also enable you to delay a purchase. For example, you could create a cancel reason of "back ordered" and you could choose to keep the debits associated with the purchase.
You can delete a custom cancel reason.
Note: You cannot select the checkbox for any of the default cancel reasons because the system expects those reasons to be available to handle EDI order responses.
Currently, all claiming is manual, but the admin module enables you to build claim policies and specify the action(s) that users should take to claim items.
The claim policy link enables you to name the claim policy and specify the organization that owns it.
Note: The rule of parental inheritance applies to this list.
The claim type link enables you to specify the reason for a type of claim.
Note: The rule of parental inheritance applies to this list.
The claim event type describes the physical action that should occur when an item needs to be claimed. For example, the user should notify the vendor via email that the library is claiming an item.
Note: The rule of parental inheritance applies to this list.
The claim policy action enables you to specify how long a user should wait before claiming the item.
Note: You can create claim cycles by adding multiple claim policy actions to a claim policy.
Currency types can be created and applied to funds in the administrative module. When a fund is applied to a copy or line item for purchase, the item will be purchased in the currency associated with that fund.
Note: From the currency types interface, you can delete currencies that have never been applied to funds or used to make purchases.
Distribution Formulas are not required, but if used, these formulas allow you to specify the number of copies that should be distributed to specific branches. They can also serve as templates allowing you to predefine settings for your copies. You can create and reuse formulas as needed.
Note: To edit the Formula Name, click the hyperlinked name of the formula in the top left corner. A pop-up box will enable you to enter a new formula name.
Below are the copy details you can set for your formula. None of these are required.
To edit a distribution formula, click the hyperlinked title of the formula.
Many libraries use Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) accounts to send purchase orders and receive invoices from providers electronically. In Evergreen users can setup EDI accounts and manage EDI messages in the admin module. EDI messages and notes can be viewed in the acquisitions module. Multiple Provider accounts cannot share the same EDI account. A separate and unique EDI account is required for each Provider account that will be utilizing EDI.
Note: Please always submit a help ticket and wait to receive assistance from the NC Cardinal team before setting up or changing EDI accounts to avoid triggering unwanted orders submissions to your vendor for older POs that still have a status of 'on order'.
For EDI to work your library must have a SAN and each of your providers must each supply you with their SAN.
A SAN (Standard Address Number) is a unique 7 digit number that identifies your library.
Look in Administration → Server Administration → Organizational Units.
This interface allows a library to configure their SAN, alongside their address, phone, etc.
These steps only need to be done once per library.
Find your library in the tree on the left side of the page and click on it to open the settings.
Multi-branch library systems will see settings for each branch but should only enter their SAN in the system organization unit, not into any branch unit.
These steps need to be repeated for every provider with which EDI is used.
Click the hyperlinked name of the provider you would like to edit.
Click Save.
Look in Administration → Acquisitions Administration → EDI Accounts.
Account |
Vendor assigned account number associated with your organization |
EDI Account ID |
Assigned by Evergreen |
EDI Attribute Set |
Select from options in Administration>Acquisitions Administration>EDI Attribute Sets (required) |
Host |
Vendor assigned FTP/SFTP/SSH hostname |
Incoming Directory |
The path on the vendor’s server where "incoming" .epo files are stored |
Label |
The exact name of the Provider account tied to this EDI account |
Last Activity | The date of last activity for the account supplied by Evergreen | |
Owner |
The organizational unit who owns the EDI account |
Password |
FTP/SFTP/SSH password - vendor assigned |
Path |
The path on the vendor’s server where Evergreen will send it’s outgoing .epo files |
Provider |
This is a link to one of the "codes" in the "Providers" interface |
Use EDI Attributes |
Check this checkbox (required) |
Username | FTP/SFTP/SSH username - vendor assigned | |
Vendor Account Number |
Vendor assigned account number |
Vendor Assigned Code |
Usually a sub-account designation. Can be used with or without the Vendor Account Number |
Note: You must create your Provider account before you create an EDI account for the provider. The owner of the provider account should be the system, not any branch library.
Contact your provider requesting the following information:
Click New EDI Account. A pop-up will appear.
Fill in the following fields:
)In the Path field, enter the path supplied by your provider. The path indicates a directory on the provider’s server where Evergreen will deposit its outgoing order files.
If your vendor requests a specific file extension for EDI purchase orders, such as .ord
, enter the name of the directory, followed by a slash, followed by an asterisk, followed by a period, followed by the extension. For example, if the vendor requests that EDI purchase orders be sent to a directory called in
with the file extension .ord
, your path would be in/*.ord
In the Incoming Directory field, enter the incoming directory supplied by your provider. This indicates the directory on the vendor’s server where Evergreen will retrieve incoming order responses and invoices.
Don’t worry if your incoming directory is named out
or outgoing
. From your vendor’s perspective, this directory is outgoing, because it contains files that the vendor is sending to Evergreen. However, from Evergreen’s perspective, these files are incoming.
Click on the link in the Provider field.
Select the EDI account that has just been created from the EDI Default drop down menu. Note: As mentioned above, a unique EDI account must be set up for each Provider account utilizing EDI.
The EDI Messages screen displays all incoming and outgoing messages between the library and its providers. To see details of a particular EDI message, including the raw EDIFACT message, double click on a message entry. To find a specific EDI message, the Filter options can be useful. Outside the Admin interface, EDI messages that pertain to a specific purchase order can be viewed from the purchase order interface (See Acquisitions → Purchase Orders).
Exchange rates define the rate of exchange between currencies. Evergreen will automatically calculate exchange rates for purchases. Evergreen assumes that the currency of the purchasing fund is identical to the currency of the provider, but it provides for two unique situations: If the currency of the fund that is used for the purchase is different from the currency of the provider as listed in the provider profile, then Evergreen will use the exchange rate to calculate the price of the item in the currency of the fund and debit the fund accordingly. When money is transferred between funds that use different currency types, Evergreen will automatically use the exchange rate to convert the money to the currency of the receiving fund. During such transfers, however, staff can override the automatic conversion by providing an explicit amount to credit to the receiving fund.
Edit an exchange rate just as you would edit a currency type.
For NC Cardinal, selecting materials directly from the vendor website is the recommended workflow. Using selection lists can create challenges when consortium bibliographic records are deleted after being added to a selection list and before an order has been placed. Selection lists also do not take into consideration the availability of items in vendor inventories.
Selection lists allow you to create, manage, and save lists of items that you may want to purchase. To search for your selection lists, navigate to the Selection Lists option in the Acquisitions menu.
Selection lists can be created in four areas within the module. Selection lists can be created when you add Brief Records, Load MARC Order Records, find records through the MARC Federated Search or use the View/Place Orders menu item in the catalog.
Note: Most Evergreen consortia do not recommend using MARC Federated Search.
You will find the Add to Selection List field in each of these interfaces. Enter the name of the selection list that you want to create in that field.
Selection lists can also be created through the My Selection Lists search interface:
If the title you want to add to your list exists in the catalog, you can add it from the existing bib record.
Cloning selection lists enables you to copy one selection list into a new selection list. You can maintain both copies of the list or delete the previous list.
You can merge two or more selection lists into one selection list.
You can delete selection lists that you do not want to save. You will not be able to retrieve these items through the General Search after you have deleted the list. You must delete all line items from a selection list before you can delete the list.
After an item has been added to a selection list or purchase order, you can mark it ready for selector. This step is optional but may be useful to individual workflows.
Use the Actions menu to convert a selection list to a purchase order.
Purchase Orders allow you to keep track of orders and, if EDI is enabled, communicate with your provider. To view purchase orders, select Purchase Orders from the Acquisitions menu. This will take you directly to the Purchase Orders tab in the general Acquisitions search.
You can give your purchase order a name. Some vendors have a character limit on identifiers for purchase orders submitted via EDI, where the identifier includes not only the name assigned by the cataloger but also the line item ID (number) and the PO ID (number). The identifier for each line item in the purchase order looks like this:
<PO ID><name>/<lineitem ID>
The PO ID number is assigned by Evergreen in sequence and the current number of digits for NC Cardinal is 6, and will soon be 7. The line item ID number is assigned by Evergreen and is currently 6 digits, but will also soon be 7 digits. There is also a forward slash that takes one character, which totals 15 occupied spaces.
As an example of how that affects naming: Ingram will not allow a total identifier longer than 22 characters. So, a cataloger who will be submitting their PO via EDI will need to limit any name they assign to 7 or fewer characters for Ingram.
Note: Catalogers should check with each of their EDI vendors to see what the character limit is for that particular vendor and adjust the number of characters used for the optional PO name accordingly. Creating a name longer than the vendor's character limit will cause problems with invoices such that the invoices will likely attach to a different PO altogether, causing headaches for all concerned.
When creating a purchase order or editing an existing purchase order, the purchase order name must be unique for the ordering agency (your library branch). Purchase Order Names are case sensitive. Evergreen will display a warning dialog to users if they attempt to create or edit purchase order names that match the names of already existing purchase orders at the same ordering agency. The Duplicate Purchase Order Name Warning Dialog includes a link that will open the matching purchase order in a new tab.
When a duplicate purchase order name is detected during the creation of a new purchase order, the user may:
If the purchase order name is unique for the ordering agency, the user will continue filling in the remaining fields and click Save.
If the purchase order name is not unique for the ordering agency, the Save button will remain grayed out to the user until the purchase order is given a unique name.
To change the name of an existing purchase order:
If the purchase order name is not unique for the ordering agency, the purchase order will not be updated with the new name. Instead, the user will see the Duplicate Purchase Order Name Warning Dialog within the purchase order.
When a duplicate purchase order name is detected during the renaming of an existing purchase order, the user may:
When the appropriate criteria have been met the state of the purchase order will change to Pending/Activable. You can proceed with the following:
If you are activating an order that requires your to import records, after you click Activate Order, you will be presented with the record import interface. Once you complete entering in the parameters for the record import interface, the progress screen will appear. As of Evergreen 2.9, this progress screen consists of a progress bar in the foreground, and a tally of the following in the background of the bottom-left corner:
It is possible to activate a purchase order without loading items. Once the purchase order has been activated without loading items, it is not possible to load the items. This feature should only be used in situations where the copies have already been added to the catalog, such as:
To use this feature, click the Activate Without Loading Items button.
By default, a purchase order cannot be activated if a line item on the purchase order has zero copies. To activate a purchase order with line items that have zero copies, check the box Allow activation with zero-copy lineitems.
Required fields are:
As part of your acquisitions workflow, particularly if there has been a gap of time between the date/time the purchase order was created or items were added and the time a cataloger is attempting to activate the purchase order, we recommend checking to see if the PO will not activate because one or more of the bib records are deleted. If so, a cataloger should do a thorough search of the catalog to see if there are existing, undeleted records that match the items currently on a deleted record and transfer items to that undeleted record. If there is not an undeleted matching record, please be aware that undeleting a bib record can have an unexpected impact on the OPAC visibility of the bib record and attached on order items. Please do an OPAC (not staff client) search to see if the bib and items are visible in the catalog. If not, please submit a help ticket.
Note: Evergreen cannot handle very large loads of line items. We recommend limiting purchase orders to 40 line items or less. If you attempt to activate a PO that is too large, you will not receive an error message, you will just see that the activation progress bar stalls and the activation fails.
The purchase orders interface keeps track of various statuses that your line items might be in. This section lists some of the statuses you might see when looking at purchase orders.
In the purchase order interface, you can easily differentiate between canceled and delayed items. Each label begins with Canceled or Delayed. To view the list, navigate to Acquisitions Administration in the Administration menu, and select Cancel Reasons from the Acquisitions Admin splash page. When you manually cancel an item, you can select the cancellation reason.
The cancel/delay reason label is displayed as the line item status in the list of line items or as the copy status in the list of copies. Cancel/delay reasons also appear on the worksheet and the printable purchase order.
You can mark a line item as delayed, and if later, the order cannot be filled, you can change the line item’s status to canceled. When delayed line items are canceled, the encumbrances are deleted.
When all the copies of a line item are canceled through the Acquisitions interface, the parent lineitem is also canceled. The cancel reason will be calculated based on the settings of:
Purchase Order line items are marked as "Paid" in red text when all non-cancelled copies on the line item have been invoiced.
When displaying Acquisitions line items within the Selection List and Purchase Order interfaces, Evergreen displays a count of existing catalog copies on the line item. The count of existing catalog copies refers to the number of copies owned at the ordering agency and/or the ordering agency’s child organization units.
The counts display for line items that have a direct link to a catalog record. Generally, this includes line items created as "on order" based on an existing catalog record and line items where "Load Bibs and Items" has been applied.
The count of existing copies does not include copies that are in either a Lost or a Missing status.
The existing copy count displays in the link "bar" located below the Order Identifier within the line item.
If no existing copies are found, a "0" (zero) will display in plain text.
If the existing copy count is greater than zero, then the count will display in bold and red on the line item.
Brief records are short bibliographic records with minimal information that are often used as placeholder records until items are received. Brief records can be added to selection lists or purchase orders and can be imported into the catalog. You can add brief records to new or existing selection lists. You can add brief records to new, pending or on-order purchase orders.
You can add brief records to new or existing purchase orders.
Note: Most Evergreen consortia do not recommend creating orders using MARC Federated Search.
The MARC Federated Search enables you to import bibliographic records into a selection list or purchase order from a Z39.50 source.
Check the boxes for Z39.50 services in which you want to search. Your local Evergreen Catalog is checked by default.
Once you have added all the line items you need from the Federated Search, navigate to the Purchase Order and manually add copy information for all newly added line items.
Purchase Orders cannot be deleted manually from within the staff client.
Purchase orders that meet all the following criteria are automatically deleted from the database daily.
This process can be used to delete purchase orders created in error. It will not remove purchase orders that are old, and no longer actively needed. Once an order has been activated, it is no longer eligible for deletion.
The Acquisitions Load MARC Order Record interface enables you to add MARC records to selection lists and purchase orders and upload the records into the catalog.
Note: Catalogers who use this interface should only create purchase orders as a first step. Then, as a secondary step, review thoroughly before activating the purchase order.
Leveraging the match sets available in the cataloging MARC batch Import interface, you can load bibs and items into the catalog utilizing record matching mechanisms to prevent the creation of duplicate records. For further details on record matching and importing, see the Cataloging knowledge book.
The Load MARC Order Records screen enables you to upload MARC records into Evergreen, and save them on your computer. You can add the records either to a selection list or a purchase order.
Note: We recommend that you always open a fresh tab to import acquisitions records, as there have been instances where reusing a 'stale' tab has caused problems for catalogers.
We recommend you create templates for record types you upload frequently. To do so, fill in the generic fields as required for the template and type a template name in the box at the top of the form. When all fields are filled in as required for the template, click Save Template.
After creating templates, you can use them by selecting them from the drop-down menu in the name field.
Purchase Order Section:
Upload Settings Section
This Upload Section
The Upload button transfers records from the import file to the CARDINAL server. Once the upload button is clicked, the screen displays “Uploading… Processing…” to indicate that the records are being transferred. A progress bar should display, showing the actual import progress.
A summary of the items that were processed appears. Click the links that appear to view the purchase order or the selection list.
You can set default upload values by modifying the following settings in Administration → Local Administration → Library Settings Editor:
After receiving items, you can overlay placeholder item information, such as barcodes and call numbers by uploading records via the MARC Batch Uploader. To do this, you can either utilize a full record supplied by your vendor or export records for the items you purchased via acquisitions. If you are exporting, you will need to edit the record to reflect the permanent barcode and call number in the 852 field.
When importing records to overlay, Evergreen checks the records against three conditions:
Before you can upload your records to overlay the item acquisition record, you must mark your Item as Received.
Next, check that the branch indicated in 852$b matches the branch indicated in the Purchase Order. If your system uses centralized ordering, this step is especially important.
Once you have your records ready and all items have been marked Received, you can overlay your holdings with the following process.
Select a Record Type from the drop down menu. The page defaults to Record Type = Bibliographic Records.
Check the box for Auto-overlay In-process Acquisitions Copies.
If the above default settings are not implemented, the selections/values used in the following fields will be sticky and will automatically populate the fields the next time the Load MARC Order Records screen is pulled up:
You can create invoices for purchase orders, individual line items, and blanket purchases. You can also link existing invoices to purchase orders. You can invoice items before you receive the items if desired. You can also reopen closed invoices and print all invoices.
You can create a blanket invoice for purchases that are not attached to a purchase order.
Select a charge type from the drop-down menu.
New charge types can be added via Administration → Acquisitions Administration → Invoice Item Types.
You can create an invoice or add line items to an invoice directly from a Purchase Order or an acquisitions search results screen.
You have four options for saving an invoice.
Prorating will only be applied to charge types that have the Prorate? flag set to true. This setting can be adjusted via Administration → Acquisitions Administration → Invoice Item Types.
You can open an invoice, search for line items from the invoice, and add your search results to a new or existing invoice. This feature is especially useful when you want to populate an invoice with line items from multiple purchase orders.
In this example, we’ll add line items to a new invoice:
Enter the invoice details (optional). If you do not enter the invoice details, then Evergreen will populate the Provider and Receiver fields with information from the line items.
If you do not want to display the details, click Hide Details.
Click Search.
Use the Next button to page through results, or select a line item(s), and click Add Selected Items to Invoice. The rows that you selected are highlighted, and the invoice summary at the top of the screen updates.
You can create an invoice for all of the line items on a purchase order. With the exception of fields with drop-down menus, no limitations on the data that you enter exist.
The Receiver defaults to the branch at which your workstation is registered. You can change the receiver by selecting an org unit from the drop-down menu.
The bibliographic line items are listed in the next section of the invoice. Along with the title and author of the line items is a summary of copies ordered, received, invoiced, claimed, and cancelled. You can also view the amounts estimated, encumbered, and paid for each line item. Finally, each line item has a line item ID and links to the selection list (if used) and the purchase order.
You have four options for saving an invoice.
Prorating will only be applied to charge types that have the Prorate? flag set to true. This setting can be adjusted via Administration → Acquisitions Administration → Invoice Item Types.
You can use the link invoice feature to link an existing invoice to a purchase order. For example, an invoice is received for a shipment with items on purchase order #1 and purchase order #2. When the invoice arrives, purchase order #1 is retrieved, and the invoice is created. To receive the items on purchase order #2, simply link the invoice to the purchase order. You do not need to recreate it.
Evergreen can receive electronic invoices from providers. To access an electronic invoice, you must:
See related page: Electronic Data Interchange (EDI)
You can view an invoice in one of four ways:
Click Acquisitions → Invoices. This opens the Acquisitions Search screen, defaulted to the Invoices tab.
Unless you have changed your default invoice search settings, the default is set to search for open invoices by selected Invoice - Close Date in the first field and does NOT exist from the drop-down menu.
Click Search.
Open a purchase order and click the View Invoices link.
The number in parentheses indicates the number of invoices that are attached to the purchase order.
This feature enables users to receive items from an invoice. Staff can receive individual copies, or they can receive items in batch.
In this example, we have created a purchase order, added line items and copies, and activated the purchase order. We will create an invoice from the purchase order, receive items, and invoice them. We will receive the items in batch from the invoice.
1) Retrieve a purchase order.
2) Click Create Invoice.
3) The blank invoice appears. In the top half of the invoice, enter descriptive information about the invoice. In the bottom half of the invoice, enter the number of items for which you were invoiced, the amount that you were billed, and the amount that you paid.
4) Click Save. You must choose a save option before you can receive items.
5) The screen refreshes. In the top right corner of the screen, click Receive Items.
6) The Acquisitions Invoice Receiving screen opens. By default, this screen enables users to receive items in batch, or Numeric Mode. You can select the number of copies that you want to receive; you are not receiving specific copies in this mode.
7) Select the number of copies that you want to receive. By default, the number that you invoiced will appear. In this example, we will receive one copy of each title.
You cannot receive fewer items than 0 (zero) or more items than the number that you ordered.
8) Click Receive Selected Copies.
9) When you are finished receiving items, close the screen. You can repeat this process as you receive more copies.
Note: Items may be received after the invoice is closed.
In this example, we have created a purchase order, added line items and copies, and activated the purchase order. We will create an invoice from the purchase order, receive items, and invoice them. We will receive specific copies from the invoice. This function may be useful to libraries who purchase items that have been barcoded by their vendor.
1) Complete steps 1-5 in the previous section.
2) The Acquisitions Invoice Receiving screen by default enables users to receive items in batch, or Numeric Mode. Click Use List Mode to receive specific copies.
3) Select the check boxes adjacent to the copies that you want to receive. Leave unchecked the copies that you do not want to receive.
4) Click Receive Selected Copies.
The screen will refresh. Copies that have not yet been received remain on the screen so that you can receive them when they arrive.
5) When all copies on an invoice have been received, a message confirms that no copies remain to be received.
6) The purchase order records that all items have been received.
If a vendor cancels a line item, but ends up shipping it and invoicing it anyway, you can mark the item received. However, the funds will not be paid out unless you detach and reattach the line item prior to receiving.
The Year-End procedure will:
Before you can run the year-end procedure, you must make sure your current fiscal year is wrapped up. Follow these steps to clear your current year.
Before running the Fiscal Year Close-out Operation, you can use the Dry Run function to test the parameters you plan to set and make sure they perform as expected.
Check the boxes you will be selecting for your close-out.
The Fiscal Year Close-out Operation allows you to deactivate funds for the current year and create analogous funds for the next year. It transfers encumbrances to the analogous funds, and it rolls over any remaining funds if you checked the rollover box when creating the fund. After completing your year-end checklist, you can begin the year-end procedure. Make sure you wait until after the year-end acquisitions freeze date.
Once all purchases for the current fiscal year are accounted for, and further acquisitions have been frozen:
Check the fund for the year you just closed out. All encumbrances should be blank. All balances should be $0.00.
Check the fund for the new fiscal year. The encumbrances from the previous year should show up here now. The balance should be negative.
For funds that have the "Rollover" setting enabled, if you want to move the fund’s encumbrances to the next year without moving unspent money, check the box adjacent to Limit Fiscal Year Close-out Operation to Encumbrances.
The Limit Fiscal Year Close-out Operation to Encumbrances will only display if the "Allow funds to be rolled over without bringing the money along" Library Setting has been enabled. This setting is available in the Library Setting Editor accessible via the Local Administration section of the Acquisitions menu. Select Library Settings Editor from the Local Administration splash page.
Note: The context org unit reflects the context org unit that you selected at the top of the Funds screen.
The Year End Close-out Operation allows you to deactivate funds for the current year and create funds for the next year. When creating the new funds, you also have the option to transfer encumbrances to analogous funds from the closing year.
The two options available when closing out the fiscal year are:
Propagate must be set to True for every fund that will be propagated.
Click Fund Propagation and Rollover.
Click the Process button at the bottom of the Funds Propagation and Rollover box.
Propagate must be set to True for every fund that will be propagated.
Click Fund Propagation and Rollover.
The Evergreen Acquisitions module can handle patron requests. This function is not completely automated but can ensure that patron requests are considered as part of the acquisitions workflow, and that patrons are duly notified of decisions and availability of the requested materials.
Patron Requests can be used to track purchase suggestions from patrons in Evergreen. This feature allows purchase requests to be placed on selection lists to integrate with the Acquisitions module. Patron Requests can be accessed through the Acquisitions module under Acquisitions → Patron Requests and through patron accounts under Other → Acquisition Patron Requests. Requests can be placed and managed through both interfaces.
Go to Acquisitions → Patron Requests. This interface is scoped by Patron Home Library and will default to the library your workstation is registered to.
Requests can also be placed directly through a patron account, in which case the interface will scope to the patron ID.
Create the request by filling out the following information:
The administrative set up for patron requests involves the management of request statuses and the activation of request notification triggers.
Patron Requests use the following statuses:
The following email notifications are included with Evergreen, but are disabled by default. The notices can be enabled through the Notifications/Action Triggers interface under Administration → Local Administration. The existing notices could also be modified to place a message in the Patron Message Center. Any enabled notifications related to holds placed on requests will also be sent to patrons.
After placing a Patron Request, a variety of actions can be taken by selecting the request, or right-clicking, and selecting Actions within either Acquisitions → Patron Requests or through the patron account under Other → Acquisition Patron Requests:
Patrons may wish to suggest titles for your Library to purchase. You can track these requests within Evergreen, whether or not you are using the acquisitions module for other purposes. This section describes how you can record these requests within a patron’s record.
To add the request, click the Create Request button.
Note: You will need the CREATE_PURCHASE_REQUEST permission to add a request.