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Each staff member at an NC Cardinal library must be issued an Evergreen Staff login access account (either a generic circulation account or an individually assigned cataloging or administrative account) for authentication to access the Evergreen ILS staff client based on the Staff Login Account and Permission Policies. Staff using these login access accounts are assigned special privileges and access to workstation locations in the Evergreen staff client.
Patron privacy and database protection is a high priority for NC Cardinal. It is the responsibility of the System Login Access Manager (as designated by the library director) at each library system to issue login access accounts to staff, to ensure that they are up to date, and securely maintained. If a staff member should leave the employ of the library, the Staff Login Access Manager should promptly change the password on that staff member's login access account and mark the account inactive (see Disabling Staff Login Access Accounts). An individual login access account should never be converted to a standard patron account or issued to another staff member. New staff members should always receive newly created login access accounts to maintain data integrity.
Individual staff members are responsible to safeguard the username and password of the login access accounts they use and ensure that the accounts are used appropriately and only by authorized personnel at all times.
The login access account contains the username and password staff enter on the main login screen for the Evergreen staff client and should only be used for that purpose.
Staff client login:
Login access accounts are intended to perform functions in Evergreen to serve library patrons. These accounts should never have holds or checked out materials placed on the account (even for work purposes) and should never be used as personal library accounts.
For internal library work activity, such as placing holds or checking out materials for programming, cataloging, etc., staff should use an account assigned to a Patron permission group (with a 14-digit barcode from the library's standard barcode range) – such as an Institution or Staff permission group with the name of their library or library department on the account.
Library staff should use a separate Patron level account (with a 14-digit barcode from the library's standard barcode range), assigned to Staff or Adult, as their personal library account to place holds and checkout materials for personal interest, as would any library patron.
These different types of accounts should be maintained separately, not used interchangeably, and never merged together, as they have completely different purposes.
Patrons can be assigned to one of several patron profile groups which can impact circulation durations, renewals, holds, and fee assessments. Staff users are also assigned profile groups, often called permission levels or groups, which impact the functions within the staff client they may access and use. Permissions are consistently assigned to permission groups across the consortium and we do not deviate from that structure by assigning individual permissions to individual accounts.
System Admins (SLAMs) are able to create/edit accounts and apply Volunteer, Circulator, Circ Lead, and Branch Admin permission groups. A help ticket is required when System Admin permission groups need to be applied to a staff login access account or for any edits to existing accounts with Item Cat, Bib Cat, or System Admin permission groups. Item and Bibliographic Cataloging permissions are assigned by the NC Cardinal team only after the staff member has successfully passed the appropriate assessment.
If a System Admin is creating an account for a new staff member who needs the Item Cat, Bib Cat, or System Admin permission group assigned, the System Admin can assign the account to the Circulator permission group (or Circ Lead/Branch Admin, if higher permissions are needed) and then put in a help ticket request. Temporary cataloging permission group assignments are made according to the NC Cardinal Cataloging Policy. For more information about cataloging permissions please see the Cataloging Permissions Requirements page.
The current staff permission structure was finalized in August 2019 according to this list of permission groups and assignments. Benjamin Murphy and April Durrence did a combined presentation on the patron permissions project and staff permissions project respectively for the 2020 Evergreen International (Virtual) Conference: https://youtu.be/JbFgw68QpUo
The base permission group for staff accounts is Circulator. Circulators have the following permissions:
All permission groups following that maintain at least the same permissions as a Circulator account. From there, permission groups branch into two paths: Administration and Cataloging.
Each level within the Administration Branch of the staff permission groups retains all the priveleges of the group below it, with the addition of some new permissions. These levels, from lowest to highest, are:
Catalogers must pass an assessment for each level of cataloging in order to be granted those permissions. Each level within the Cataloging Branch of the staff permission groups retains all the privileges of the group below it, with the addition of some new permissions. These levels, from lowest to highest, are:
Libraries may use generic login access accounts assigned to Circulator, Circ Lead, Reports, or Volunteer permission groups for much of the work performed on a daily basis. These accounts may already have been created by NC Cardinal State Library staff and provided at migration.
According to the Staff Login Accounts and Permission Policies, cataloging and administration permission groups require an individual login access account with the staff user's name listed as delineated in Creating a New Login Access Account. Staff should only have one individual login access account which can be assigned a secondary permission group, if needed.
Individually assigned login access accounts should never be shared between staff members or reassigned from one staff member to a different staff member, as each staff member is individually responsible for the appropriate usage of their individually assigned login access account. Sharing these accounts between staff members or using them for more than one staff member muddies the record of accountability. A brand new account must be created for each new (or reassigned) staff member when they are assigned to a job position that requires an individually assigned login access account (cataloging or administration permission groups).
For patrons who volunteer at the library and need access to the staff client to perform those volunteer duties, a Volunteer level account can be created. The System Login Access Manager may set up either a generic or individual Volunteer account. The Volunteer permission group should not be assigned to a patron account simply as a designator that the patron volunteers. Instead it should be assigned to a seperate account to be used only for volunetter activities. WIth this permission group, colunteers can:
Unlike base Circulator accounts, they may not:
Note: This is a limited Evergreen Staff permission group with higher level permissions than a Patron level permission group and is to be applied only for non-staff volunteer users who must have access to the Evergreen staff client to perform volunteer duties). As with all other staff login access accounts, the Volunteer permission group is only intended for authorized access to the staff client and should never be assigned to a patron’s barcoded personal account, only to a library controlled account that is used strictly for library business.
All staff permission groups already have all reports permissions. However, NC Cardinal recommends the use of a generic Reports account for libraries to run regularly recurring reports from. When setting up that account, the SLAM should assign the Report Permission Level. This group has permission to do the following:
Note: the Reports permission group does not include any Circulator permissions, such as to view patron accounts or items. If the Reports permission group is assigned to an account, that account is only intended to run shared reports and cannot perform circulation functions.
In April 2017, the NC Cardinal Governance Committee passed the Staff Login Accounts and Permission Policies, which states (in part):
Each library system shall have a local administrator who is responsible for maintaining staff user login accounts in consultation with their library director and State Library NC Cardinal staff, creating accounts for new library staff and updating, merging, and deleting staff login accounts as necessary to keep employee access current and in compliance with all NC Cardinal policies.
This role, the System Login Access Manager, or SLAM, is responsible for creating and maintaining login accounts that staff use to access the Evergreen staff client. They are the main point of contact in their library for account issues and questions.
Some library directors choose to take on the role of System Login Access Manager, or they may designate that role to one or more members of their staff.
SLAMs are responsible for monitoring and maintaining staff login access accounts to ensure that current staff at their library system have appropriate levels of access to the Evergreen database to perform their work assignments. System Login Access Managers update staff accounts to grant access by setting up accounts for new staff and remove staff access to the Evergreen database (and patron information) of anyone who is no longer employed by their library system to maintain database security following the instructions in this chapter of the Administration Manual for Libraries.
System | SLAM | SLAM Email | SLAM Phone | Secondary SLAM | Secondary Email | Secondary Phone |
ALEXANDER | Laura Crooks | lcrooks@alexandercountync.gov | 828-632-4058 | |||
AMY | Jamie McCabe | amybookmobile@gmail.com | 828.682.4476 | |||
APPALACHIAN | Kilby Spencer | KSpencer@arlibrary.org | 336-200-0404 | |||
BHM | Mary Tankard | mtankard@bhmlib.org | 252-946-6401 x13 | Paula Hopper | phopper@bhmlib.org | (252) 946-6401 ext. 11 |
BLADEN | Sheila Nance | sheilanance@bladenco.org | 910-862-6990 | |||
BRASWELL | Nancy Delaney | ndelaney@Braswell-Library.org |
252-442-1951x253 |
BROWN | Rhianna Clipperton | rclipperton@washingtonnc.gov | 252-946-4300 | Kimberly Davenport | kdavenport@washingtonnc.gov | 252-946-4300 |
BUNCOMBE | Forest Doyle | Forest.Doyle@buncombecounty.org | 828-250-4725 | |||
BURKE | Page Anderson | pandersen@bcpls.org | 828-874-2421 | |||
CALDWELL | Leslie Griffin | lgriffin@caldwellcountync.org | 828-757-1270 | |||
CARTERET | Mary Wilson | mary.wilson@carteretcountync.gov | 252-648-7725 | |||
CASWELL | Jacqueline Jones | jjones@caswellcountync.gov | 336-694-6241 x1113 | |||
CLAYTON | Gabe Johnson | gjohnson@townofclaytonnc.org | 919-553-5542 | |||
CLEVELAND | Wright Adams | wright.adams@clevelandcountync.gov | 704-487-9069 x 122 | |||
COOLEY | Megan Milam | megan.milam@townofnashvillenc.gov | 252-459-2106 | |||
CUMBERLAND | Tracy Labbe | tlabbe@cumberlandcountync.gov | 910-483-7727 x1330 | Tim White | twhite@cumberlandcountync.gov | 910-678-7550 |
DAVIDSON | Joy Cecil-Dyrkacz | joy.cecil-dyrkacz@davidsoncountync.gov | 336-474-2690 | |||
DAVIE | Rachel Nelson | rnelson@daviecountync.gov | 336-753-6033 | |||
DUPLIN | Maggie Casteen | maggie.casteen@duplincountync.com | 910-296-2117 | |||
FARMVILLE | Angie Bates | abates@farmvillenc.gov | 252-753-3355 | Heather Harden | hharden@farmvillenc.gov | |
FONTANA | Sara Daniels | sdaniels@fontanalib.org | 828-488-2382 | Jason Crawford | jcrawford@fontanalib.org | 828-586-2016 |
FORSYTH | Kathryn Nesbit | nesbitk2@forsyth.cc | 336-703-3048 | Jessica Magee | dorrjl@forsyth.cc | |
FRANKLIN | Wayne Hunt | whunt@franklincountync.us | 919-496-2111 | Michelle Hildreth | mhildreth@franklincountync.gov | 919-496-2111 |
GIBSONVILLE | Jessica Arnold | jarnold@gibsonville.net | 336-449-6455 | |||
GRANVILLE | Amy Humphries | amy.humphries@granvillecounty.org | 919-693-1121 | |||
HALIFAX | Barbara Valdes | valdesb@halifaxnc.com | 252-583-3631 | |||
HARNETT | Joanna Cox | jrcox@harnett.org | 910-893-3446 | Angela McCauley | amccauley@harnett.org | |
HAYWOOD | Caroline Roten | Caroline.Roten@haywoodcountync.gov | 828-356-2518 | Kathy Vossler | Kathy.vossler@hawyoodcountync.gov | 828-356-2404 |
HENDERSON | Forrest Tate | ftate@hendersoncountync.gov | 828-697-4725 x2324 | |||
IREDELL | Mary Orrell | mary.orrell@iredellcountync.gov | 704-878-3090 x8807 | |||
JOHNSTON | Johnnie Pippin | jpippin@pljcs.org | 984-230-4824 | |||
LEE | Beth List | blist@leecountync.gov | 919-718-4665 x5488 | |||
MADISON | Kim Bellofatto | kbellofatto@madisoncountync.gov | 828-649-3741 | |||
MAUNEY | Christina Martin | christina.martin@cityofkm.com | 704-730-2156 | |||
MCDOWELL | Marlan Brinkley | mbrinkley@mcdowellpubliclibrary.org | 828-652-3858 | |||
NANTAHALA | Franklin Shook | fshook@nantahalalibrary.org | 828-837-2025 | |||
NC_GOV | Anna Allan | anna.allen@dncr.nc.gov | 919-814-6561 | |||
NEUSE | Justin Stout | jstout@neuselibrary.org | 252-527-7066 x127 | Sean Moore | smoore@neuselibrary.org |
252-527-7066, x124 |
NORTHWESTERN | Joan Sherif | jsherif@nwrl.org | 336-835-4894 | |||
ONSLOW | Deborah Wadleigh | deborah_wadleigh@onslowcountync.gov | 910-937-1415 | |||
PERRY | Patti McAnally | pmcanally@perrylibrary.org | 252-438-3316 x232 | |||
PERSON | Von Yeager | vyeager@personcountync.gov | 336-330-2297 | |||
POLK | Wanangwa Hartwell | whartwell@polklibrary.org | 828-894-8721 x280 | Marcie Dowling | mdowling@polklibrary.org | 828.894.8721 x. 281 |
ROBESON | Katie Fountain | kfountain@robesoncountylibrary.org | 910-738-4859 ext. 304 | |||
ROCKINGHAM | Rebecca Smith | hrsmith@rockinghamcountync.gov | 336-623-3168 | |||
RUTHERFORD | Kenneth Odom | kenneth.odom@rutherfordcountync.gov | 828-287-6327 | |||
SAMPSON | Kelsey Edwards | kelsey.edwards@sampsoncountync.gov | 910-592-4153 | Erin Heath | erin.heath@sampsoncountync.gov | 910-592-4153 |
SANDHILL | Bonita Collins | bonita.collins@srls.info | 910-997-3388 | Martha Blaisdell | martha.blaisdell@srls.info | |
SCOTLAND | Jenna Maley | jknight@scotlandcounty.org | 910-276-0577 | Rachel Phillips | rphillips@scotlandcounty.org | 910-276-0563 |
STANLY | Matthew Kelly | mkelly@stanlycountylibrary.org | 704-986-3761 | Sara Hahn | shahn@stanlycountylibrary.org | |
TRANSYLVANIA | Lisa Sheffield | lisa.sheffield@transylvaniacounty.org | 828-884-1805 | |||
WARREN | Sterling Cheston | sterlingcheston@warrencountync.gov | 252-257-4990 x 1056 | |||
WAYNE | John Love | john.love@waynegov.com | 919-731-1140 |
In order to create a login access account, a System Login Access Manager will need to have a System Administrator account. No one else in the library system (other than a director and/or designated SLAM) should be assigned to the System Administrator permission group.
System Administrators (SLAMs) are able to create and edit Volunteer, Circulator, Circ Lead, and Branch Admin. Any edits to existing accounts with Item Cat, Bib Cat, or System Admin permissions will need to be made by the NC Cardinal team. You can submit a help ticket to request such a change. If you are creating an account for a new staff member who needs one of these permission groups, you can assign the account to the Circulator permission group (or choose Circ Lead or Branch Admin, if higher permissions are needed) and then put in a help ticket requesting assignment to a System Administrator or cataloging permission group (either before or after passing assessments). Temporary cataloging permission group assignments are made according to the NC Cardinal Cataloging Policy.
Individually assigned login access accounts should never be shared between staff members or reassigned from one staff member to a different staff member, as each staff member is individually responsible for the appropriate usage of their individually assigned login access account. Sharing these accounts between staff members or using them for more than one staff member muddies the record of accountability. A brand new account must be created for each new (or reassigned) staff member when they are assigned to a job position that requires an individually assigned login access account (cataloging or administration permission groups).
Staff login accounts are created in the same interface as patron accounts. However, there are some differences in field content and some specific requirements the SLAM should use when creating these accounts.
NOTE: The profile labeled "Staff" in the Patron section of the drop-down list should NEVER be assigned to a login account. This profile is a circulation profile, allowing staff to borrow materials using any special staff-only rules about durations and fines. It will not provide access to the staff client. Only assign profiles from the section of the drop-down list under the heading "Evergreen Staff."
After creating the new login access account, the System Login Access Manager must assign working locations or the account will not work properly. Working locations allow staff to perform functions such as checking in and out, sending and receiving in transit, etc. to other branches in the library system.
Note: You may only edit the working locations on this screen. Please do NOT attempt to edit any of the permissions listed, which are allocated based on the permission group(s) assigned to the account and may not be altered individually. Please contact NC Cardinal staff if you have questions or need further assistance.
When staff leave, any report templates used in their login accounts can be cloned for use by others.
Before a new user can clone the old templates, the departing staff of the SLAM should share the templates. The departing staff or the SLAM must log into the old account and share the template folders to the system level.
To share a report folder:
Once the folder is shared with the system, anyone logging in from any workstation in your system (rather than with any particular login account) will be able to clone it.
The processes outlined above allow you to clone templates of reports in accounts set to be deactivated. However, if you want those templates to produce output, you will need to set up the reports from the newly cloned templates. To do so, follow the instructions laid out in the Reports Knowledge Book.
When a staff member who performed cataloging functions leaves, they may need to need to export item/copy templates from their login access account. From here, new cataloging staff can import them into their login access accounts.
The staff member using the exported templates will need a copy of the exported files. They can then import them into their Evergreen staff account.
The item templates will be available with that login on any computer.
The System Login Access Manager should promptly update Evergreen Staff login access accounts when the individually assigned user is no longer employed by the library.
If a new staff person has been hired to fill the position, the account for the previous staff member must still be marked inactive. A brand new account must be created for each staff member when they are assigned (or reassigned) to a job position that requires an individually assigned login access account (cataloging or administration permission groups).
Individually assigned login access accounts should never be shared between staff members or reassigned from one staff member to a different staff member, as each staff member is individually responsible for the appropriate usage of their individually assigned login access account. Sharing these accounts between staff members or using them for more than one staff member muddies the record of accountability.
System Administrators (SLAMs) are able to create/edit/delete Volunteer, Circulator, Circ Lead, and Branch Admin. Any changes to existing accounts with Item Cat, Bib Cat, or System Admin permissions will need to be made by the NC Cardinal team. Please submit a help ticket to let us know when a staff member assigned to any of these permission groups is no longer employed by the library or needs their permission group assignment changed.
Navigate to the staff account using the Search for Patrons interface. Once you are in the patron edit screen for the account, complete the following actions:
NC Cardinal staff will periodically delete Evergreen Staff accounts that have been marked inactive.
If the employee is just moving to a different branch in teh system and you need to update their working locations, do not deactivate the account.
To change your login account password, you first need to make sure you're logged out of the staff client.
(This functionality will come with our upgrade to Evergreen 3.13 on 11/1/24.)
If a staff member's login account password has not been changed in more than 90 days, the staff member will be required to set a new password before proceeding:
The Hint in the yellow box described the strength requirements for the login password. If the password entered does not match the complexity requirements, an error dialog box will appear:
I'm a SLAM. Why can't I update the password for a cataloger myself?
Catalogers can change their own passwords via the My Account link of the OPAC, but if they forget their password, accounts for both Item and Bib Catalogers must be updated by the Cardinal team. Global Admins on the Cardinal team are the only ones who can edit and save cataloger and admin accounts. If you need to make changes to a cataloger account in order to facilitate their quarterly password change, please submit a help ticket.
I forgot my original password so I can't log in to reset it.
For most users, contact your SLAM and they can edit your account and assign a new temporary password.
Catalogers or system administrators should submit a help ticket if they forget their password. We'll assign a temporary password that you can use to login and change your password.
Can I just change my password by editing my account in the Evergreen Staff Client?
For security reasons, Evergreen will not allow you to edit your own account in the Staff Client, either to update contact information or to change the password. You will need to go through the OPAC to update your account.
Do generic accounts also need to update passwords quarterly?
Yes, generic accounts used for circulation staff or reports will also be subject to the quarterly password update requirements. Only SLAMs have the ability to update these passwords, so they should associate their email address with the accounts in order to get the notifications and update the passwords when the time comes. They will also be responsible for disseminating the new generic account passwords to the staff who will be using them.
What email address should my library associate with generic accounts?
Generally, the email address for the SLAM is the best choice.
Can my library associate the SLAM with all individual staff login accounts so they can manage the passwords?
For security reasons, we recommend that each individual staff member be responsible for maintaining their own staff login account password. SLAM emails can be associated with generic, shared login accounts, but each staff member should have their own email address associated with their login account. They will receive the quarterly notifications directly and should be in charge of maintaining their own passwords.
Should passwords for patron test accounts be updated?
Yes. In order to facilitate this, please make sure you have associated an email address with the test accounts. Ideally, this should belong to the SLAM, or to the staff member who uses this account most frequently.
I do not see the Sign Up or My Account buttons when I go to the OPAC.
It's possible you are still logged in to the staff client. If you have already attempted to log out of the staff client and are still not able to login to the OPAC, try opening an incognito window and navigating to the OPAC in there.
My password is not working when I try to log into the Dev or Next environment.
Dev and Next environments are synced with the production environment on an irregular basis so updates to production will not show up immediately. This includes updates to account information, such as passwords. If you have recently changed your password and are now unable to log into Dev with that password, try your previous password in the Dev login. If you no longer remember that login, or you are still running into issues, you can submit a help ticket to get further assistance.
All of these open ports are necessary for proper operation:
80 (normal un-encrypted internet traffic)
443 (encrypted SSL connections)
210 (for Z39.50)
6001 (for SIP)
7680 (Web Based Staff Client Non-SSL)
7682 (Web Based Staff Client SSL)
One of the options to consider when using the Evergreen web client in 3.1 is whether to use a Chrome browser extension called Hatch. After consulting with other library consortia and reviewing the documentations, we're not recommending Hatch as a default. We've learned that it can have benefits, but it can also introduce complications into your experience.
CW Mars has a document, Do I Need To Install Hatch, that walks you through the decision-making process on whether you need to install Hatch on your machine. This is a downloadable PDF.
CW Mars also provides a document, Auto Print Options, that provides information on additional print services available for Chrome and Firefox. This is a downloadable PDF.
The following documents will provide you with additional information about setting up Chrome to work effectively with Evergreen.
Chrome Home Page and Other Settings
As it is now, the Evergreen web client for 3.1 stores some of your settings and customizations temporarily in the web browser’s “cache.” This is sort of like the short term memory of your web browser. Occasionally, you may need to clear the cache (like when you clear your cookies or browsing history), which results in your customizations for the Evergreen web client disappearing. When you clear the cache, you’ll need to re-register your workstation, your receipt printer customizations will revert to stock and any column configurations you’ve changed (order, sorting, size, etc.) will go back to their default settings.
Hatch is a browser plug in that is designed to allow you to save your settings for things like workstation setting, receipt templates and column configurations on your local machine and restore them if needed.
Ensure that you have the up-to-date Java Runtime Environment. Hatch requires the Java Runtime Environment (JRE) version 1.8 or higher. If you are unsure which version you have, view your computer's list of programs. Download the latest version of Java if you don't have it or your version is out of date.
Download and Install the Hatch browser plug in. Look for: Web Staff Client Extension (“Hatch”).
When you open Chrome, it should recognize that you have the new Hatch Extension installed and prompt you to enable it, but if it does not, you may need to manually enable it:
When the Hatch extension is enabled for your browser, you will see a small yellow icon in the top-right corner of the browser.
Administration > Work Station > Print / Storage Service ("Hatch")
For more details on setting up your receipt printers, check out the Setting Up Your Receipt Printers section in this Knowledge Book.
From the Workstation Administration splash page, select Printer Settings. There are multiple tabs on this page. You will need to make changes on several of them depending on which type of printing you will be setting up.
Default Tab
Receipt Tab
Label Tab
Mail Tab
Offline Tab
If your receipts appear to be printing to the default printer even though you have the receipt printer configured, you may need to do this step as well.
If you export your print templates, the export will contain these printer context settings as well.
If you clear your browser cookies without having Hatch installed, any local settings you have stored will be lost. However, if you have Hatch installed, you should be able to reconnect to Hatch using these steps and retrieve your settings.
Use the Printer Settings Editor to configure printer output for each workstation. If left unconfigured Evergreen will use the default printer set in the workstation’s operating system (Windows, OSX, Ubuntu, etc).
Evergreen printing works best if you are using recent, hardware-specific printer drivers.
After choosing Printer Context click Set Default Printer and Print Test Page and follow the prompts. If successful, test output will print to your chosen printer.
If you followed the steps above and still cannot print there are two alternate print strategies:
The print templates follow W3C HTML standards (see http://w3schools.com/html/default.asp) and can make use of CSS and Angular JS to a certain extent.
The Receipt Template Editor can be found at: Administration → Workstation → Print Templates
The Editor can also be found on the default home page of the staff client.
Receipts come in various types: Bills, checkout, items, holds, transits and Payments.
This is a complete list of the receipts currently in use in Evergreen.
Bills, Current Listing of current bills on an account.
Bills, Historic Listing of bills that have had payments made on them. This is used on the Bill History Transaction screen.
Bills, Payment Patron payment receipt
Checkin List of items that have been entered in to the check-in screen.
Checkout List of items currently checked out by a patron during the transaction.
Hold Transit Slip This is printed when a hold goes in-transit to another library.
Hold Shelf Slip This prints when a hold is fulfilled.
Holds for Bib Record Prints a list of holds on a Title record.
Holds for Patron Prints a list of holds on a patron record.
Hold Pull List Prints the Holds Pull List.
Hold Shelf List Prints a list of holds that are waiting to be picked up.
In-House Use List Prints a list of items imputed into In-house use.
Item Status Prints a list of items imputed into Item Status.
Items Out Prints the list of items a patron has checked out.
Patron Address Prints the current patron's address.
Patron Note Prints a note on a patron’s record.
Renew List of items that have been renewed using the Renew Item Screen.
Transit List Prints the list of items in-transit from the Transit List.
Transit Slip This is printed when an item goes in-transit to another location.
1. Select Administration → Workstation → Print Templates.
2. Choose the Receipt in the drop down list.
3. If you are using Hatch, you can choose different printers for different types of receipts with the Force Content field. If not, leave that field blank. Printer Settings can be set at Administration → Workstation → Printer Settings.
4. Make edits to the Receipt on the right hand side.
5. Click out of the section you are editing to see what your changes will look right on the Left hand side.
6. Click Save Locally in the Upper right hand corner.
Here are instructions to update your hold and transit slips to include the name of the Library System the material is going to, not just the branch. This helps correctly identify the System Hub that items should be shipped to and avoid shipping to the wrong library system.
Go to:
Administration > Workstation > Print Templates
Then choose the Hold Transit Slip from the Template Name drop down box.
In the Template text box, do the following:
<div>This item needs to be routed to <b>{{dest_location.shortname}}</b></div>
and replace it with:
<div>Route item to : <b><i><h2>{{dest_courier_code}}</h2></b></i></div>
Then hit the Save Locally button above the template's text box. Then you can go to the check in screen and check in an item to test.
Note: You will need to repeat this process to edit the regular Transit Slip template, as well. |
Georgia Pines documentation on print templates: https://pines.georgialibraries.org/dokuwiki/doku.php?id=admin:workstations:receipts
Sitka has some great examples of variables available as well: http://docs.libraries.coop/sitka/_print_templates.html
Print templates use variables for various pieces of information coming from the Evergreen database. These variables deal with everything from the library name to the due date of an item. Information from the database is entered in the templates with curly brackets {{term}}.
Example: {{checkout.title}}
Some print templates have sections that are repeated for each item in a list. For example, the portion of the Checkout print template below repeats every item that is checked out in HTML list format by means of the ng-repeat in the li tag.
<li ng-repeat="checkout in circulations">
Barcode: {{checkout.copy.barcode}}<br/>
Due: {{checkout.circ.due_date | date:"short"}}<br/>
General text formatting
If you do not format dates, they will appear in a system format which isn’t easily readable.
Add " | currency" after any dollar amount that you wish to display as currency.
Example: {{xact.summary.balance_owed | currency}} prints as $2.50
You can use Angular JS to only print a line if the data matches. For example:
<span ng-if="patron_money.balance_owed">You owe the library
See also: https://docs.angularjs.org/api/ng/directive/ngIf
To print just a sub-string of a variable, you can use a limitTo function. {{variable | limitTo:limit:begin}} where limit is the number of characters you are wanting, and begin (optional) is where you want to start printing those characters.
To limit the variable to the first four characters, you can use {{variable | limitTo:4}} to get "vari".
To limit to the last five characters you can use {{variable | limitTo:-5}} to get "iable". And {{variable | limitTo:3:3}} will produce "ria".
You can use HTML and CSS to add an image to your print template if you have the image uploaded onto a publicly available web server. (It will currently only work with images on a secure (https) site.) For example:
<img src="https://evergreen-ils.org/wp-content/uploads/2013/09/copyEvergreen_Logo_sm072.jpg"
You can sort the items in an ng-repeat block using orderBy. For example, the following will sort a list of holds by the shelving location first, then by the call number:
<tr ng-repeat="hold_data in holds | orderBy :
You can use Angular JS to add information from each iteration of a loop together to create a subtotal. This involves setting an initial variable before the ng-repeat loop begins, adding an amount to that variable from within each loop, and then displaying the final amount at the end.
<div>You checked out the following items:</div>
<div ng-init="transactions.subtotal=0"> <!--1 -->
<div ng-repeat="checkout in circulations">
<li ng-init="transactions.subtotal=transactions.subtotal -- checkout.copy.price"> <!-- 2-->
Barcode: {{checkout.copy.barcode}}<br/>
Due: {{checkout.circ.due_date | date:"M/d/yyyy"}}
<div style="font-weight:bold;">Total Amount Owed: {{patron_money.balance_owed | currency}}</div>
<div style="font-weight:bold;border:1px dotted black; padding:5px;text-align:center;">
You Saved<br/>
{{transactions.subtotal | currency}}<br/> <!--3 -->
by borrowing from the library!</div>
1. This line sets the variable.
2. This adds the list item’s price to the variable.
3. This prints the total of the variable.
Once you have your receipts set up on one machine you can export your receipts, and then load them on to another machine. Just remember to Save Locally once you import the receipts on the new machine.
As you can only save a template on to the computer you are working on you will need to export the template if you have more than one computer that prints out receipts (i.e., more than one computer on the circulation desk, or another computer in the workroom that you use to checkin items or capture holds with).
1. Export.
2. Select the location to save the template to, name the template, and click Save.
3. Click OK.
1. Click Import.
2. Navigate to and select the template that you want to import. Click Open.
3. Click OK.
4. Click Save Locally.
5. Click OK.
(Based off Georgia PINES printer documentation )
See also section 1.9 If You Use Hatch
Hatch is an optional installable program that works with your browser to manage complex printing needs (such as printing to different printers under different circumstances) and store local settings (such as column configurations and custom print templates).
Hatch requires the Java Runtime Environment (JRE) version 1.8 or higher. If you are unsure which version you have, view your computer's list of programs. You can download the latest version at:
If you had an earlier version of Hatch installed, you may want to uninstall it first. If so, look for the program called “Evergreen ILS - Hatch - Java based Print Service and Local Storage System.”
Hatch Native Messaging Application Installer Version 0.1.5
When you open Chrome, it should recognize that you have the new Hatch Extension installed and prompt you to enable it, but if it does not, you may need to manually enable it:
When Hatch is enabled, you will see a small yellow icon in the top-right corner of the browser.
Go to Administration > Workstation > Printer Settings…
Default Tab
Receipt Tab
Label Tab
(Most staff will not have a label printer, so this step can be skipped.)
Mail Tab
Offline Tab
If your receipts appear to be printing to the default printer even though you have the receipt printer configured, you may need to do this step as well.
If you export your print templates, the export will contain these printer context settings as well.
If you clear your browser cookies without having Hatch installed, any local settings you have stored will be lost. However, if you have Hatch installed, you should be able to reconnect to Hatch using these steps and retrieve your settings.
As of Evergreen 3.9, the configuration for the layout of the printed Hold Pull List has been moved from Administration > Workstation > Print Templates to Administration > Server Administration > Print Templates. This allows for these Hold Pull List print templates to be managed for all workstations at a branch or system, rather than saving customizations on individual workstations. The new print templates use Template Toolkit 2 instead of AngularJS. All of the data fields available in the original templates can be displayed, sorted, or filtered but their names have changed. This documentation provides details on how to make modifications to your templates. If you don't feel comfortable making these changes yourself, you can always submit a ticket using this page as a reference.
As an example, the default Hold Pull List has the following fields in this order, selected from the list below:
Looking at the Available Data Fields section below, we can see that these translate to:
If you’d like to make changes to these default columns, please choose from the list of available fields below in the Available Data Fields section and provide us the name of the field as you see (in the brackets).
Additionally, you can sort by any of the fields, for instance Shelving Location (hold.acpl_name) and Call Number Sort (cn_label_sortkey)
If you have questions, please let us know.
TT2 provides a whole suite of virtual methods that can be used to manipulate data in your print template. Below is few common operations.
Text TransformationIn this example from Henderson County, you can see that fields from the wide hold are being displayed in the table as well as being used to sort the rows.
[%- USE date; SET holds = template_data; # template_data is an arry of wide_hold hashes. -%] <div> <style> #holds-pull-list-table td, #holds-pull-list-table th { padding: 5px; border: 1px solid #000; } </style> <table id="holds-pull-list-table"> <thead> <tr> <th>Shelf Location</th> <th>Call Number</th> <th>Author</th> <th>Title</th> <th>Barcode/Part</th> </tr> </thead> <tbody> [%- FOR hold IN holds.sort('copy_location_order_position','acpl_name','cn_label_sortkey') %] <tr> <td>[% hold.acpl_name %]</td> <td>[% hold.cn_full_label %]</td> <td style="width: 25%">[% hold.author %]</td> <td style="width: 30%">[% hold.title %]</td> <td>[% hold.cp_barcode %][% IF hold.p_label %]/[% hold.p_label %][% END %]</td> </tr> [%- END %] </tbody> </table> </div>
This sample JSON will be injected into your template so you can preview it.
[ {"hold_type" : "T", "title" : "Spare","author" : "Prince Harry","acpl_name" : "Adult Large Print Nonfiction","cn_full_label":"B HARRY","cp_barcode":"31781069512794"}, {"hold_type" : "T", "title" : "Christmas in Blue Dog Valley : a novel","author" : "Noblin, Annie England","acpl_name" : "Adult New Fiction","cn_full_label":"F NOB","cp_barcode":"0020660004464"} ]
Each list below can be expanded to see the name of each piece of data that the new pull list print template can use.
Hold Information |
source: (hold) |
Title | (title) |
Author | (author) |
Request Lib | (request_lib) |
Pickup Lib | (pickup_lib) |
Request Time | (request_time) |
Capture Time | (capture_time) |
Fulfillment Time | (fulfillment_time) |
Checkin Time | (checkin_time) |
Return Time | (return_time) |
Prev Check Time | (prev_check_time) |
Expire Time | (expire_time) |
Cancel Time | (cancel_time) |
Cancel Cause | (cancel_cause) |
Cancel Note | (cancel_note) |
Copy that is Targeted | (target) |
Current Copy | (current_copy) |
Fulfillment Staff | (fulfillment_staff) |
Fulfillment Lib | (fulfillment_lib) |
Requestor | (requestor) |
User the Hold is For | (usr) |
Selection Org Unit | (selection_ou) |
Selection Depth | (selection_depth) |
Hold Type | (hold_type) |
Holdable Formats | (holdable_formats) |
Phone Notify | (phone_notify) |
Email Notify | (email_notify) |
Sms Notify | (sms_notify) |
Sms Carrier | (sms_carrier) |
Frozen | (frozen) |
Thaw Date | (thaw_date) |
Shelf Time | (shelf_time) |
Cut In Line | (cut_in_line) |
Mint Condition | (mint_condition) |
Shelf Expire Time | (shelf_expire_time) |
Current Shelf Lib | (current_shelf_lib) |
Behind Desk | (behind_desk) |
Hopeless Date | (hopeless_date) |
Hold Status | (hold_status) |
Clear Me | (clear_me) |
Is Staff Hold | (is_staff_hold) |
Note Count | (note_count) |
Record Id | (record_id) |
Series Title | (series_title) |
ID | (id) |
Pickup Library |
source: (pickup library) |
Shortname | (pl_shortname) |
Full Name | (pl_name) |
Parent Org Unit of Pickup Library | (pl_parent_ou) |
Pickup Library Org Unit Type | (pl_ou_type) |
ILL Address | (pl_ill_address) |
Holds Address | (pl_holds_address) |
Mailing Address | (pl_mailing_address) |
Billing Address | (pl_billing_address) |
(pl_email) | |
Phone | (pl_phone) |
Opac Visible | (pl_opac_visible) |
Fiscal Calendar | (pl_fiscal_calendar) |
ID | (pl_id) |
User Information |
Requestor Information |
source: (user) | source: (requestor) |
Home Library | Home Library | (usr_home_ou) | (rusr_home_ou) |
Card | Card | (usr_card) | (rusr_card) |
Profile | Profile | (usr_profile) | (rusr_profile) |
Usrname | Usrname | (usr_usrname) | (rusr_usrname) |
(usr_email) | (rusr_email) | ||
Standing | Standing | (usr_standing) | (rusr_standing) |
Ident Type | Ident Type | (usr_ident_type) | (rusr_ident_type) |
Ident Value | Ident Value | (usr_ident_value) | (rusr_ident_value) |
Ident Type2 | Ident Type2 | (usr_ident_type2) | (rusr_ident_type2) |
Ident Value2 | Ident Value2 | (usr_ident_value2) | (rusr_ident_value2) |
Net Access Level | Net Access Level | (usr_net_access_level) | (rusr_net_access_level) |
Photo URL | Photo Url | (usr_photo_url) | (rusr_photo_url) |
Prefix | Prefix | (usr_prefix) | (rusr_prefix) |
First Given Name | First Given Name | (usr_first_given_name) | (rusr_first_given_name) |
Second Given Name | Second Given Name | (usr_second_given_name) | (rusr_second_given_name) |
Family Name | Family Name | (usr_family_name) | (rusr_family_name) |
Suffix | Suffix | (usr_suffix) | (rusr_suffix) |
Alias | Alias | (usr_alias) | (rusr_alias) |
Day Phone | Day Phone | (usr_day_phone) | (rusr_day_phone) |
Evening Phone | Evening Phone | (usr_evening_phone) | (rusr_evening_phone) |
Other Phone | Other Phone | (usr_other_phone) | (rusr_other_phone) |
Mailing Address | Mailing Address | (usr_mailing_address) | (rusr_mailing_address) |
Billing Address | Billing Address | (usr_billing_address) | (rusr_billing_address) |
DOB | DOB | (usr_dob) | (rusr_dob) |
Active | Active | (usr_active) | (rusr_active) |
Master Account | Master Account | (usr_master_account) | (rusr_master_account) |
Super User | Super User | (usr_super_user) | (rusr_super_user) |
Barred | Barred | (usr_barred) | (rusr_barred) |
Deleted | Deleted | (usr_deleted) | (rusr_deleted) |
Juvenile | Juvenile | (usr_juvenile) | (rusr_juvenile) |
Usrgroup | Usrgroup | (usr_usrgroup) | (rusr_usrgroup) |
Claims Returned Count | Claims Returned Count | (usr_claims_returned_count) | (rusr_claims_returned_count) |
Credit Forward Balance | Credit Forward Balance | (usr_credit_forward_balance) | (rusr_credit_forward_balance) |
Last Xact ID | Last Xact ID | (usr_last_xact_id) | (rusr_last_xact_id) |
Create Date | Create Date | (usr_create_date) | (rusr_create_date) |
Expire Date | Expire Date | (usr_expire_date) | (rusr_expire_date) |
Claims Never Checked Out Count | Claims Never Checked Out Count | (usr_claims_never_checked_out_count) | (rusr_claims_never_checked_out_count) |
Last Update Time | Last Update Time | (usr_last_update_time) | (rusr_last_update_time) |
Alias Or First Given Name | (usr_alias_or_first_given_name) | ||
Alias Or Display Name | (usr_alias_or_display_name) | ||
Display Name | (usr_display_name) | ||
ID | ID | (usr_id) | (rusr_id) |
User's Library Card |
Requestor's Library Card |
source: (library card) | source: (requestor library card) |
Barcode | Barcode | (ucard_barcode) | (rucard_barcode) |
Usr | Usr | (ucard_usr) | (rucard_usr) |
Active | Active | (ucard_active) | (rucard_active) |
ID | ID | (ucard_id) | (rucard_id) |
Copy |
source: (copy) |
Circ Lib | (cp_circ_lib) |
Creator | (cp_creator) |
Call Number | (cp_call_number) |
Editor | (cp_editor) |
Create Date | (cp_create_date) |
Edit Date | (cp_edit_date) |
Copy Number | (cp_copy_number) |
Status | (cp_status) |
Location | (cp_location) |
Loan Duration | (cp_loan_duration) |
Fine Level | (cp_fine_level) |
Age Protect | (cp_age_protect) |
Circulate | (cp_circulate) |
Deposit | (cp_deposit) |
Ref | (cp_ref) |
Holdable | (cp_holdable) |
Deposit Amount | (cp_deposit_amount) |
Price | (cp_price) |
Barcode | (cp_barcode) |
Circ Modifier | (cp_circ_modifier) |
Circ As Type | (cp_circ_as_type) |
Dummy Title | (cp_dummy_title) |
Dummy Author | (cp_dummy_author) |
Alert Message | (cp_alert_message) |
Opac Visible | (cp_opac_visible) |
Deleted | (cp_deleted) |
Floating | (cp_floating) |
Dummy Isbn | (cp_dummy_isbn) |
Status Change Time | (cp_status_change_time) |
Active Date | (cp_active_date) |
Mint Condition | (cp_mint_condition) |
Cost | (cp_cost) |
ID | (cp_id) |
Copy Status |
source: (copy status) |
Name | (cs_name) |
Holdable | (cs_holdable) |
Opac Visible | (cs_opac_visible) |
Copy Active | (cs_copy_active) |
Restrict Copy Delete | (cs_restrict_copy_delete) |
Is Available |
(cs_is_available) |
ID | (cs_id) |
Call Number |
source: (call number) |
Label | (cn_label) |
Label Sortkey | (cn_label_sortkey) |
Creator | (cn_creator) |
Create Date | (cn_create_date) |
Editor | (cn_editor) |
Edit Date | (cn_edit_date) |
Record | (cn_record) |
Owning Lib | (cn_owning_lib) |
Deleted | (cn_deleted) |
Prefix | (cn_prefix) |
Suffix | (cn_suffix) |
Label Class | (cn_label_class) |
Full Label | (cn_full_label) |
ID | (cn_id) |
Call Number Prefix |
source: (call number prefix) |
Label | (ancp_label) |
Call Number Suffix |
source: (call number suffix) |
Label | (ancs_label) |
Monograph Part |
source: (monograph part) |
Record | (p_record) |
Label | (p_label) |
Label Sortkey | (p_label_sortkey) |
Deleted | (p_deleted) |
ID | (p_id) |
Transit Copy |
source: (transit copy) |
Source Send Time | (tr_source_send_time) |
Dest Recv Time | (tr_dest_recv_time) |
Target Copy | (tr_target_copy) |
Source | (tr_source) |
Dest | (tr_dest) |
Prev Hop | (tr_prev_hop) |
Copy Status | (tr_copy_status) |
Persistant Transfer | (tr_persistant_transfer) |
Prev Dest | (tr_prev_dest) |
Hold | (tr_hold) |
Cancel Time | (tr_cancel_time) |
ID | (tr_id) |
Hold Cancel Cause |
source: (cancel cause) |
Reason for cancellation | (cc_label) |
ID | (cc_id) |
Copy Location |
source: (copy_location) |
Name | (acpl_name) |
Owning Lib | (acpl_owning_lib) |
Holdable | (acpl_holdable) |
Hold Verify | (acpl_hold_verify) |
Opac Visible | (acpl_opac_visible) |
Circulate | (acpl_circulate) |
Label Prefix | (acpl_label_prefix) |
Label Suffix | (acpl_label_suffix) |
Checkin Alert | (acpl_checkin_alert) |
Deleted | (acpl_deleted) |
URL | (acpl_url) |
ID | (acpl_id) |
Potentials |
Other Holds | (other_holds) |
Total Wait Time | (total_wait_time) |
Notifications |
Notification Count | notification_count |
Last Notification Time | (last_notification_time) |
Other Content |
Issuance Label | issuance_label |
Copy Location Order Position | (copy_location_order_position) |
Relative Queue Position | (relative_queue_position) |
Default Estimated Wait | (default_estimated_wait) |
Min Estimated Wait | (min_estimated_wait) |
The exact steps needed to set up your label printer may be different depending on the specific type of printer you have. This example is for a Dymo Labelwriter 450 Turbo.
The Local Administration interface allows a staff user with System Admin permissions to customize the Evergreen Splash Page, also known as the Staff Portal Page. This is the page that displays to staff when they login to the Evergreen staff client.
Library Systems may configure a single portal page specific to their system, or create portal pages for each individual branch within the system. The displayed portal page will depend on the staff user’s workstation.
Administrators can access the interface to customize the portal page under the Administration menu. Select Local Administration from the menu and Staff Portal Page from the Local Admin splash page.
The interface shows a grid of Portal Page Entries and by default will scope to show just your system's branches. You can scope to your branch or entire system using the drop down list in the top left.
Actions from this interface:
New Portal Page Entry (button) - this will open a modal with a blank portal page entry form. The new entry’s owner will default to the workstation organizational unit.
Clone a Library’s Portal Page Entries (button) - this will clone the entire set of entries from one library to another library. If you want the cloned entries to replace any existing entries at the target library, check the checkbox Clear Entries at Target Library? After you clone a set of entries, the grid will refresh and automatically change the library selector to the target library.
Delete Selected (right click or action menu) - this will delete all selected portal entry items.
Edit Selected (right click, action menu, or double click) - this will open an edit modal for the selected line.
This is the modal that will display when you add a new portal page entry or edit an existing portal page entry. This modal has the following fields:
Entry Label - this is a free text label which will display differently on the portal page depending on what Entry Type is used.
Entry Type (required) - this is a dropdown which indicates which type of entry is being configured. Each Entry Type has specific display styling and function, as well as impacting how the Entry Label will display.
Catalog Search Box: this will create a basic Evergreen search box. When Catalog Search is selected, the Entry Label text will display in the Search button.
Header: this will create a column header. It should only be used in Column Position 0 (i.e. the top “row” of a column). The Entry Label text will display as the Header text.
Link: this will create a link to an external URL or a mailto URI. The Entry Label text will display as hyperlinked text pointing to the URL specified in Entry Target URL.
Menu Item: this will create a link to an internal Evergreen Staff Client page. The Entry Label text will display as hyperlinked text pointing to the internal Evergreen link specified in Entry Target URL.
Text and/or HTML: this will create a short piece of either plain text or marked up text. See below for a list of acceptable markup. The Entry Label text will show as a non-hyperlinked heading above any text or HTML entered in Entry Text. Entry Label can be blank for this Entry Type, if you choose.
Entry Target URL - this is a text field to specify a target URL for the Entry Types Link or Menu Item. This field is ignored by other Entry Types.
For Entry Type Link, external URLs must include the full path.
For Entry Type Menu Item, use relative URLs. Typically these will start with /eg/staff or /eg2/staff. Make sure to omit any localization indicators in the path (such as en-US) if you use more than one interface language in the staff client.
Entry Text - this is a free text field used by the Entry Type Text and/or HTML. This field is ignored by other Entry Types.
Basic HTML is acceptable in this field.
Unsafe HTML such as script tags will be automatically stripped when the portal page is rendered, as will the style attribute.
Tags and HTML attributes that can be used include:
strong, em, i, b
a, including the href and target attributes
class (and some of the Bootstrap text color classes like text-primary, text-secondary, text-success, text-danger, text-warning, and text-info can be useful here)
span, div
Entry Image URL - this is a text field to specify an image URL to use for the icon that displays next to each portal page entry.
It is recommended that images be approximately 48 x 48 pixels.
External image links must use an https URL.
Stock images on the Evergreen server can use a relative link, i.e., /images/portal/retreivepatron.png
Stock images available in /images/portal/ include (image names are case sensitive):
Page Column (required) - This accepts an integer value of 1, 2, 3, etc. and indicates column position from left to right horizontally. More than three columns will start to wrap around to a new line.
Column Position (required) - This accepts an integer value of 0, 1, 2, etc. and indicates the “row” position from top to bottom vertically.
Owner (required) - This defaults to the workstation organizational unit when adding a new Portal Page entry.
ID (automatically generated) - The internal system ID of the specific Portal page element.
When creating a patron account, Evergreen requires you to set a patron Permission Group. This is also referred to as a Profile Group. This field is highlighted in yellow in the Register Patron page and must be set before you can save the new account.
Patron permission groups impact how items circulate, how fees are assessed, and what level of access patrons have to library amenities such as computers and internet. Each group has a set expiration period.
Cardinal Patron Groups | Expiration Period | Notes |
Adult | 3 Years | Intended for adult patrons who do not fall into a more specialized permission group |
Adult Limited | 6 Months | May be used differently by different systems; perhaps for temporary patrons or those on a payment plan |
Institution | 1 Year | May be used for daycares, nursing homes, or other institutions circulations and/or other library use accounts |
Internet | 1 Year | Intended for patrons who are not eligible to check out physical materials, but only utilize e-resources and/or public computers |
Juvenile | 3 Years | Intended for juvenile patrons who do not fall into a more specialized permission group; some libraries use this for all underage patrons (and do not use Teen) |
Juvenile Limited | 6 Months | May be used differently by different systems; perhaps for temporary patrons or those on a payment plan |
Outreach | 1 Year | Generally intended for home-bound, bookmobile, or other outreach library services |
School | 1 Year | Intended solely for Student Access accounts |
Staff | 3 Years | Intended for library employees for personal and/or work-related holds & circulations |
State Employee | 3 Years | Intended for use by NC GOV libraries only |
Teen | 3 Years | Intended for underage patrons within a range determined by each library system; some libraries do not use this permission group |
Teen Limited | 6 Months | May be used differently by different systems; perhaps for temporary patrons or those on a payment plan; some libraries do not use this permission group |
Circulation policies pull together user, library, and item data to determine how library materials circulate, such as: which patrons, from what libraries, can borrow what types of materials, for how long, and with what overdue fines.
Individual elements of the circulation policies are configured by the NC Cardinal team using specific interfaces and will be configured prior to setting up the circulation policies.
There are a few data elements which must be considered when setting up your circulation policies. These include:
Several fields set via the item editor are commonly used to affect the circulation of an item.
Circulation modifiers are fields used to control circulation policies on specific groups of items. They can be added to items during the cataloging process. NC Cardinal has an established list of Circulation Modifiers to be used by consortium libraries.
The Circulate Flag in the holdings editor can be set to False to disallow an item from circulating.
The reference flag in the holdings editor can also be used as a data element in circulation policies.
NC Cardinal has an established list of Shelving Locations to be used by consortium libraries. These can be checked in the Shelving Location Configurations page.
Shelving locations may also be used as a data element in circulation policies.
Finally, several characteristics of specific patrons can affect circulation policies. You can modify these characteristics in a patron’s record.
You may modify these characteristics while registering a patron.
You may modify them after a patron has been registered in the Edit tab of a patron record.
There are generally three types of rules that effect how long items circulate and the consequences for overdue items.
These rules generally cause the most variation between organizational units.
This describes the length of time for a checkout. You can also identify the maximum renewals that can be placed on an item.
Circulation Duration rules are designed with 3 levels. These values are applied to specific items, when item records are created:
You can find Circulation Duration Rules by navigating to Administration → Server Administration → Circulation Duration Rules.
This describes the amount assessed for daily and hourly fines as well as fines set for other regular intervals. You can also identify any grace periods that should be applied before the fine starts accruing.
Recurring Fine rules are designed with 3 levels. These values are applied to specific items, when item records are created:
You can find Recurring Fine Rules in the Administration menu, under Server Administration. On the Server Admin splash page, select Circulation Recurring Fine Rules.
This describes the maximum amount of fines that will be assessed for a specific circulation.
You can find Circ Max Fine Rules by navigating to the Administration menu, under Server Administration. On the Server Admin splash page, select Circulation Max Fine Rules.
When creating a new Max Fine rule, set the Use Percent field to True if the maximum fine should be a percentage of the item’s price.
Edit existing rules by selecting them in the item list and choosing "Edit Selected" from the List Action menu.
Circulation Limit Sets allow you to limit the maximum number of items for different types of materials that a patron can check out at one time. Evergreen supports creating these limits based on circulation modifiers, shelving locations, or circulation limit groups, which allow you to create limits based on MARC data. The below instructions will allow you to create limits based on circulation modifiers.
Example: Your library (BR1) allows patrons to check out up to 5 videos at one time. This checkout limit should apply when your library’s videos are checked out at any library in the consortium. Items with DVD, BLURAY, and VHS circ modifiers should be included in this maximum checkout count.
To create this limit set, you would add 5 to the Items Out field, 0 to the Min Depth field and select the Global flag. Add the DVD, BLURAY and VHS circ modifiers to the limit set.
Once the data elements that will drive circulation policies have been established, circulation policies can be created in the staff client by the NC Cardinal team. NC Cardinal circulation policies follow the rules of the library (Org Unit) that checks out the item (***see below for an important note about how this does not necessarily apply to Library Settings). Libraries can submit a help ticket to request changes to their circulation policies.
Example 1
org_unit | duration_rule | recurring_fine_rule | max_fine_rule |
CONS | 21_day_2_renew | NONE | NONE |
SYS1 | NULL | 25_cents | 3_dollars |
In this example, the consortium has decided on a 21_day_2_renew loan rule for general materials, i.e. books, etc. Most members do not charge overdue fines. System 1 charges 25 cents per day to a maximum of $3.00, but otherwise uses the default circulation duration.
Example 2
The table below displays a facsimile of a different set of circulation rules as you might see them set up in Evergreen. They are all set to the Consortium level, but reflect different circ modifiers.
org_unit | grp | circ_modifer | circulate | duration_rule | recurring_fine_rule | max_fine_rule |
CONS | Users | book | TRUE | 21_day_2_renew | 5_cents | 2_dollars |
CONS | Users | dvd | FALSE | 14_day_1_renew | 25_cents | 5_dollars |
CONS | Users | music | TRUE | 14_day_2_renew | 10_cents | 3_dollars |
This example includes a basic set of fields and creates a situation where items with a circ modifier of "book" or "music" can be checked out, but "dvd" items will not circulate. The associated rules would apply during checkouts.
Example 3
The last example shows a facsimile of circulation rules that limit circulation by user type as you might see them set up in Evergreen.
org_unit | grp | circ_modifer | circulate | duration_rule | recurring_fine_rule | max_fine_rule |
CONS | Users | book | TRUE | 21_day_2_renew | 5_cents | 2_dollars |
CONS | Users | dvd | FALSE | 14_day_1_renew | 25_cents | 5_dollars |
SYS1 | Adult | dvd | TRUE | 14_day_1_renew | 25_cents | 5_dollars |
CONS | Users | music | TRUE | 14_day_2_renew | 10_cents | 3_dollars |
SYS2 | Users | music | FALSE | 14_day_2_renew | 10_cents | 3_dollars |
BR3 | Users | music | TRUE | 14_day_2_renew | 10_cents | 3_dollars |
This example builds on the earlier example and adds some more complicated options.
It is still true that "book" and "music" items can be checked out, while "dvd" is not circulated. However, now we have added new rules that state that "Adult" patrons of "SYS1" can circulate "dvd" items.
The following circulation settings, available via Administration → Local Administration → Library Settings Editor, can also affect your circulation duration, renewals and fine policy.
As explained above, NC Cardinal circulation policies follow the rules of the library (Org Unit) that checks out the item. This means that if Library A receives and checks out an item from Library B through resource sharing, Library A's circulation policies will be applied, not Library B's (despite being the owner of the item in question).
However, this is not necessarily the case with certain Library Settings.
For example, the setting Charge item price when marked damaged is dependent upon the owning library's Library Settings. If this setting is enabled, when an item is marked Damaged, staff will receive a popup notification asking if they would like to charge the patron the price of the item. If this setting is disabled, no notification will appear. The item will still be marked Damaged, but the patron will not be charged.
Returning to the example above, suppose Library A has this setting enabled, but Library B has it disabled. The patron from Library A who checked out the item returns it to Library A in a damaged condition. Staff from Library A mark the item as Damaged, but they do not see any notification asking to charge the patron the cost of the item. The item is marked Damaged in the catalog, but the patron is not charged. This is because the item belongs to Library B, and Library B does not have this setting enabled. The Library Setting of the owning library, Library B, takes precedence over the Library Setting of the library where the item was checked out, Library A.
If staff from Library A mark one of their own items as Damaged, they will still receive the aforementioned notification. Similarly, if they mark an item as Damaged that came from an owning library with this setting enabled, they will likewise receive the notification.
Circulation policies in Evergreen can now be configured to automatically renew items checked out on patron accounts. Circulations will be renewed automatically and patrons will not need to log in to their OPAC accounts or ask library staff to renew materials.
Autorenewals are set in the Circulation Duration Rules, which allows this feature to be applied to selected circulation policies. Effectively, this makes autorenewals configurable by patron group, organizational unit or library, and circulation modifier.
Once created, a Circulation Duration Rule that includes autorenewals can then be applied to specific circulation policies.
Two new action triggers have been added to Evergreen for use with autorenewals.
Sample of successful autorenewal notification:
Sample of blocked autorenewal notification:
A new column called AutoRenewalsRemaining indicates how many autorenewals are available for a transaction.
This feature allows you to specify a specific due date within your circulation policies. This is particularly useful for academic and school libraries, who may wish to make certain items due at the end of a semester or term. Libraries can establish whether they want items to only receive the due dates specified, regardless of when items would ordinarily be due. Or, libraries may choose to allow items to be due on or before the specified dates, simply not after. Each Hard Due Date can include multiple values. For example, specific due dates can be added for several semesters at one time.
After creating a hard due date and assigning it values, the NC Cardinal staff can apply it by adding it to a circulation policy.
See Hold Fulfillment in Evergreen for an explanation of the ways that Evergreen targets items to fill patron holds.
What criteria does Evergreen check to determine eligibility to fill a hold?
Age hold protection prevents new items from filling holds requested for pickup at a library other than the owning library for a specified period of time. The age hold protection period when applied to an item record for newly published and newly purchased (older) items can start with the item record create date (default) or active date. NC Cardinal uses the item’s active date, the date the item first has a status of Available. The active date will display in the staff client OPAC view and in the Item Status details.
Age hold protection only applies to individual item records and cannot be configured in hold policies.
There are two age hold protection options in Evergreen:
NC Cardinal libraries generally only use 6-month age hold protection, where holds will only be filled where the pickup library is within the owning library system from the Active Date to 6 months after the Active Date. When the item is more than 6 months past the Active Date, it is available to fill holds for the entire consortium.
There is also a 3-month age hold protection option, in which holds will only be filled where pickup branch = owning branch from the Active Date to 3 months after the Active Date. If applied, the 3-month age hold protection does not convert to 6-month age hold protection. When the item is more than 3 months past the Active Date, it is available to fill holds for the entire consortium unless a staff member takes action to change the item attributes for the item to the 6-month age hold protection.
For incoming libraries, actual protection time for migrated items may vary based on the information gathered from the previous ILS. If there is no distinction in the old ILS between the create date and the active date, whatever date is available will be applied, leaving the item with a potentially shorter period of protection.
Evergreen fulfills holds using two separate but parallel processes, each having its own individual structural influences. While only one copy will be targeted to fill any given hold, these processes will independently try to find a target copy to fulfill an outstanding hold.
The first process is the Hold Targeter, which is the way Evergreen causes items needed for holds to appear on a library's pull list. The pull list is a responsive representation of the currently targeted copies for any given library branch and is only entirely accurate at the moment the list is generated. In a busy consortium, such as NC Cardinal, the targeted items could change almost every time the pull list is refreshed. Libraries should always generate a fresh version of the pull list immediately before going out to pull items from the shelves. Printing a list in the morning and waiting an hour or two before pulling items will mean the list is already outdated.
The Hold Targeter is based primarily on organizational unit proximity and is what helps determine which copy is preferred to fill any given hold. The Hold Targeter reevaluates each active, unfilled hold request every 24 hours (default setting) to see if the targeted item has been captured or if there is another eligible copy. Soft stalling has no impact on the Hold Targeter.
The second process is Opportunistic Capture, which allows Evergreen to evaluate whether items could fill an eligible hold whenever an item is checked in. The structural influences on opportunistic capture are:
Color | Description |
Optional setting. | |
Setting has Cardinal default value but systems can choose differently. | |
There is a Cardinal default value and there should be no other value chosen for this setting. |
Label | Description | Recommendations / Comments | Acceptable Values | Counts in Cardinal as of January 2022 (value then count) | NC Cardinal |
Allow Patron Self-Registration | Allow patrons to self-register, creating pending user accounts. Default setting for Cardinal is True. | Example form: https://haywood.nccardinal.org/eg/opac/register | True/False | False (12) True (5) |
Patron Self-Reg. Display Timeout | Number of seconds to wait before reloading the patron self-registration interface to clear sensitive data | Cardinal-wide value | number | 1500 seconds | |
Patron Self-Reg. Expire Interval | If set, this is the amount of time a pending user account will be allowed to sit in the database. After this time, the pending user information will be purged | Cardinal-wide value | interval of time: # of hours or days | 7 days | |
Deprecated: Format Dates with this pattern. | GUI: Format Dates with this pattern (examples: "yyyy-MM-dd" for "2010-04-26", "MMM d, yyyy" for "Apr 26, 2010") | Cardinal-wide value | text | MM/dd/yyyy | |
Require dob field on patron registration | The dob field will be provided on the patron registration screen. | Cardinal-wide value | True/False | TRUE | |
Juvenile Age Threshold | The age at which a user is no long considered a juvenile. For example, "18 years". | All systems should have a value. | interval of time: # of hours or days | 18 years (33) 17 years (3) 12 years (2) 16 years (1) |
18 years |
Show day_phone field on patron registration | The day_phone field will be shown on the patron registration screen. Showing a field makes it appear with provided fields even when not provided. If the field is provided this setting is ignored. | Cardinal-wide value | True/False | TRUE | |
Require day_phone field on patron registration | The day_phone field will be provided on the patron registration screen. | Requires staff to enter a value for the daytime phone number before they can save the patron registration or account update | True/False | True (23) False (3) |
Default Ident Type for Patron Registration | This is the default Ident Type for new users in the patron editor. | Consortium has a default value of Driver's License, but you can choose something different if you wish. (Do not record Social Security Number in Evergreen; all SSNs should be stripped out of your ILS data before migration into NC Cardinal) | Driver's License: value 1 Other: value 3 |
1 (14) 3 (3) |
1 |
Require at least one address for Patron Registration | Enforces a requirement for having at least one address for a patron during registration. | Cardinal-wide value | True/False | True (7) False (1) |
Allow pending addresses | If enabled, patrons can create and edit existing addresses. Addresses are kept in a pending state until staff approves the changes | True is recommended. If True, patrons may update address in their accountin the My Account section of the OPAC, so staff are aware of the new address when patrons are at the desk | True/False | True (25) False (18) |
Invalid patron address penalty | When set, if a patron address is set to invalid, a penalty is applied. | True is recommended to block patron from being able to checkout, renew, etc., if they have an invalid address. | True/False | True (31) False (3) |
Default level of patrons' internet access | This is a value that can be used outside Evergreen to control internet access if you're using software to provide wi-fi or computer access. | No access: value 3 Filtered: value 1 Unfiltered: value 2 |
1 (12) 2 (13) |
2 | |
Patron: password from phone # | By default, use the last 4 alphanumeric characters of the patrons phone number as the default password when creating new users. The exact characters used may be configured via the "GUI: Regex for day_phone field on patron registration" setting. | The two most ocmmon options are the last 4 numbers of your phone number, or the last four digits of the patron barcode | True/False | True (35) False (9) |
Warn when patron account is about to expire | Warn when patron account is about to expire. If set, the staff client displays a warning this many days before the expiry of a patron account. Value is in number of days, for example: 3 for 3 days. | All systems should have a value. | number (of days) | 30 (3) 21 (8) 60 (5) 7 (4) 28 (1) |
30 |
Enable features that send SMS text messages. | Current features that use SMS include hold-ready-for-pickup notifications and a "Send Text" action for call numbers in the OPAC. If this setting is not enabled, the SMS options will not be offered to the user. Unless you are carefully silo-ing patrons and their use of the OPAC, the context org for this setting should be the top org in the org hierarchy, otherwise patrons can trample their user settings when jumping between orgs. | Cardinal default value is True but patrons still have to opt in to receive text notifications | True/False | TRUE | |
Auto-Extend Grace Periods | When enabled grace periods will auto-extend. By default this will be only when they are a full day or more and end on a closed date, though other options can alter this. | This has to be set for the other Auto-Extend options to function | True/False | True (21) False (7) |
Auto-Extending Grace Periods extend for all closed dates | If enabled and Grace Periods auto-extending is turned on grace periods will extend past all closed dates they intersect, within hard-coded limits. This basically becomes "grace periods can only be consumed by closed dates". | For more informative explanation, please consult the Fines and Grace Days page in the Administrative Manual | True/False | True (23) False (6) |
Auto-Extending Grace Periods include trailing closed dates | If enabled and Grace Periods auto-extending is turned on grace periods will include closed dates that directly follow the last day of the grace period, to allow a backdate into the closed dates to assume "returned after hours on the last day of the grace period, and thus still within it" automatically. | This setting is the most forgiving of the grace period options. See the Fines and Grace Days page in the Administrative Manual (link in row above) | True/False | True (19) False (6) |
Number of Retrievable Recent Patrons | Number of most recently accessed patrons that can be re-retrieved in the staff client. A value of 0 or less disables the feature. Defaults to 1. | Sets the number of recently served patrons that a staff member can look up at their workstation. | number | 10 (3) 20 (2) 2 (1) 6 (1) |
10 |
Maximum previous checkouts displayed | This is the maximum number of previous circulations the staff client will display when investigating item details | Sets the number of recent borrowers that show up when looking who recently checked out a specified item | number | 10 (12) 5 (9) 3 (8) 2 (6) 6 (1) |
10 |
Require staff initials for entry/edit of patron notes. | Appends staff initials and edit date into patron note content. | Default setting of True. Patron notes are found under the "Other" tab found on the patron view menu | True/False | TRUE | |
Require staff initials for entry/edit of patron standing penalties and messages. | Appends staff initials and edit date into patron standing penalties and messages. | Default setting of True. Patron messages are found in the patron edit screen. | True/False | TRUE | |
Max Patron Claims Returned Count | When this count is exceeded, a staff override is provided to mark the item as claims returned | A limit to how many items can be marked as Claims Returned before an override is provided. Recommendation of "10" | number | 3 (18) 5 (10) 2 (6) 10 (4) 8 (1) |
Claim Never Checked Out: Mark copy as missing | When a circ is marked as claims-never-checked-out, mark the copy as missing | Most libraries choose True | True/False | True (22) | TRUE |
Item Status for Missing Pieces | This is the Item Status to use for items that have been marked or scanned as having Missing Pieces. In the absence of this setting, the Damaged status is used. | Most systems do not use missing pieces. When used, the most common settings are: Missing (#4) Damaged (#14) Repair (#106) |
number (see note) | 14 (13) 4 (10) 0 (1) 106 (1) |
14 |
Change reshelving status interval | Amount of time to wait before changing an item from "reshelving" status to "available". Examples: "1 day", "6 hours" | To consider: How long do your items typically stay on the cart waiting to be reshelved? | interval of time: # of hours or days | 2 hours (6) 24 hours (4) 12 hours (4) 1 hour (4) 3 hours (2) |
1 hour |
Tag Circulated Items in Results | When a user is both logged in and has opted in to circulation history tracking, turning on this setting will cause previous (or currently) circulated items to be highlighted in search results | True/False | True (21) | TRUE | |
Warn patrons when adding to a temporary book list | Present a warning dialog to the patron when a patron adds a book to a temporary book list. | Patrons can opt out. | True/False | True (20) | TRUE |
Library information URL (such as "http://example.com/about.html") | URL for information on this library, such as contact information, hours of operation, and directions. If set, the library name in the copy details section links to that URL. Use a complete URL, such as "http://example.com/hours.html". | (your website address) | |||
Use external "library information URL" in copy table, if available | If set to true, the library name in the copy details section will link to the URL associated with the "Library information URL" library setting rather than the library information page generated by Evergreen. | True/False | True (6) | ||
Content of event_text include | Text to be inserted into Print Templates in place of {{includes.event_text}} | Check out this event! (2) | |||
Content of footer_text include | Text to be inserted into Print Templates in place of {{includes.footer_text}} | Main Library Hours: Mon - Thurs 9:00 - 7:00, Sat 9:00 - 5:00 (1) |
Color | Description |
Optional setting. | |
Setting has Cardinal default value but systems can choose differently. | |
There is a Cardinal default value and there should be no other value chosen for this setting. |
Label | Description | Recommendations / Comments | Acceptable Values | Counts in Cardinal as of January 2022 (value then count) | NC Cardinal |
Show billing tab first when bills are present | If enabled and a patron has outstanding bills and the alert page is not required, show the billing tab by default, instead of the checkout tab, when a patron is loaded | If you pull up the account and the patron owes money, the bills tab gets pulled up first to show staff that fines may be accruing or may exceed the library billing threshold | True/False | True (11) False (4) |
Disable Patron Credit | Do not allow patrons to accrue credit or pay fines/fees with accrued credit | Patron credit is available by default. All systems should have a value. If true, patrons will not be able to accrue credited balances. If false and patrons pay more than they owe, that credit can exist for future fines. | True (credit disabled) / False (credit allowed) | True (32) False (4) |
Allow Credit Card Payments | If enabled, patrons will be able to pay fines accrued at this location via credit card | This is set if you have credit card payments enabled. Several ways to do this, your RFId vendor through self check, contract with external terminal at circ desk. Evergreen also offers option. Patron logs into account via OPAC and transaction is handeled there w/out staff involvement. Only certain vendors available. Local bank, credit card vendor, etc. For more information, please see Credit Card Payment Options in the Administrative Manual in the NC Cardinal knowledge base for more information. https://nccardinalsupport.org/index.php?pg=kb.page&id=337 | True/False | False (23) True (6) |
Payment History Age Limit | The OPAC should not display payments by patrons that are older than any interval defined here. | Determines how long a patron can see their previously paid bills in the My Account section of the OPAC | interval of time: # of hours or days | 1 year (6) 6 months (5) 3 months (3) 365 days (2) 12 months (2) |
Cap Max Fine at Item Price | This prevents the system from charging more than the item price in overdue fines | The individual item price must be listed in the item record for this to apply. To consider: do you cap max fines at the item price? Item price will need to be set for materials if the default price is not to be used. Circulation policies have more granularity, but this setting can be used for maximum fines across the board. | True/False | False (14) True (12) |
Charge fines on overdue circulations when closed | Normally, fines are not charged when a library is closed. When set to True, fines will be charged during scheduled closings and normal weekly closed days. | Most systems do not charge fines while library is closed, but you may wish to do so if, for instance, you are closed on Sunday but still want to charge fines on that day. | True/False | True (2) False (1) |
Default Item Price | List a single, fixed dollar amount. If a price isn't specified by cataloger for the item, this will be the default amount for lost billing fee charges (if not set otherwise in the item record). All systems should have a value. | x dollars | 25 (21) 20 (11) 15 (5) 50 (2) 5 (2) |
Charge lost on zero | Some libraries do not want to bill patrons for lost items that were donated or for magazines, so they put a price of $0 in the item record. This library setting allows Evergreen to distinguish those items from items with a null/blank price field for which the default item price will be billed. If there is a price listed of "0.00" then this setting determines if the patron is billed default price or not. True = would be charged default price. False = patron not billed, since cost was $0.00 | True/False | True (11) False (6) |
TRUE | |
Lost Materials Processing Fee | List a single, fixed dollar amount. If you charge a processing fee, you can set it here. This would be assigned when the item is marked lost. | x dollars | 2 (7) 0 (7) 5 (6) 3 (3) 10 (2) |
Void overdue fines when items are marked lost | Default setting in Cardinal is True, so that when patron is billed for the entire cost of item, the fines are voided. | True/False | True (37) False (6) |
TRUE | |
Void lost item billing when claims returned | Void lost item billing when claims returned | If marked "claims returned" by library staff, then lost billing fines would be removed and no further fines accrued until item is found. Billing can be done later done manually. | True/False | True (18) | TRUE |
Void lost item processing fee when claims returned | Void lost item processing fee when claims returned | Default setting of True, so that the processing fee will be waived when an item is "claims returned." | True/False | True (11) | TRUE |
Lost items usable on checkin | Lost items are usable on checkin instead of going 'home' first | Default setting of False, so that materials that were marked Lost have to be sent in transit back to their circulating library before they can be checked out again. If True, materials that were Lost and then checked in can be immediately checked out again. | True/False | True (41) False (3) |
Void lost item billing when returned | Void lost item billing when returned | Default setting of True, so that when an item is returned and bill has not been paid yet, the bill would be voided. | True/False | True (44) | TRUE |
Void processing fee on lost item return | Void processing fee when lost item returned | Default setting of True, so that when a Lost item is found and returned, the Processing Fee is removed. If False, the processing fee will still be charged even when the Lost item is returned. | True/False | True (27) False (4) |
Void lost max interval | Items that have been lost this long will not result in voided billings when returned. E.g. '6 months' | This is a period of time. If a user loses a book and it is found and returned within this time period, the Lost book bill will be automatically removed from their account. After this time period, the Lost charge will remain on their account even if the lost book is found and checked in. This setting allows catalogers to freely delete materials after this time period has passed, because they have to check in the material before they can delete it to close out the transaction and make sure it is no longer associated with the borrower. If a Cataloger checks in a Lost item to delete it within this time period, they may be unintentionally absolving the user of any Lost fees they owe. If staff are choosing to accept the returned item after this time period, they can still manually waive the Lost billing. |
interval of time: # of hours or days | 6 months (13) 12 months (6) 36 months (5) 999 months (3) 365 days (2) |
Restore overdues on lost item return | Restore overdue fines on lost item return | When Lost charges are added on an account, overdue fines are removed. If you choose True for this setting, Evergreen will restore the overdue fines that were on the account before the material was marked Lost. If you choose False, the previous overdue fines will not be added back to the account when the item is found. | True/False | True (40) False (4) |
Lost Checkin Generates New Overdues | Enabling this setting causes retroactive creation of not-yet-existing overdue fines on lost item checkin, up to the point of checkin time (or max fines is reached). This is different than "restore overdue on lost", because it only creates new overdue fines. Use both settings together to get the full complement of overdue fines for a lost item | Do you want to charge the patron the max amount of fines they would have received if the item had not been marked Lost before the fine max was reached? If this setting is False and the patron later returns a Lost item after many months, Evergreen will only restore overdue fines that were billed during the initial overdue period (e.g. 30 days). If this setting is marked True and the patron later returns the Lost item, Evergreen will generate new overdues for period between the time the item was marked Lost and the date the item was returned, up to the Max Fine value. If you have a long fine period ($0.10 a day/max $15) and a short Mark Lost period (30 days), patrons would never have reached the potential max fine amount before the item was Marked Lost. | True/False | False (13) True (6) |
Do not change fines/fees on zero-balance LOST transaction | When an item has been marked lost and all fines/fees have been completely paid on the transaction, do not void or reinstate any fines/fees EVEN IF circ.void_lost_on_checkin and/or circ.void_lost_proc_fee_on_checkin are enabled | If a lost item is returned that has already been paid for, don't make any financial adjustments to the account. The Cardinal default is True to help avoid negative balances on patron accounts. If you offer a refund to a patron that lost a book and then found it later after paying all associated fines, you should choose False. Note: if an item was marked Lost and patron paid the fines already, then Evergreen will not void those fines to create a negative balance. | True/False | True (22) | TRUE |
Mark item damaged voids overdues | When an item is marked damaged, overdue fines on the most recent circulation are voided. | If an item is marked damaged and you bill for damaged items, overdue fines will be voided when you mark the item Damaged and assess the damage fees. Similar to when you mark something Lost. | True/False | True (31) False (10) |
Charge item price when marked damaged | Charge item price when marked damaged | If staff mark something Damaged at check-in, Evergreen will give you the option to bill the last patron. Staff can specify a different amount if the item has already been checked in before marking it as Damaged. | True/False | True (37) False (6) |
Charge processing fee for damaged items | Charge processing fee for damaged items | List a single, fixed dollar amount if you charge a processing fee for permanently damaged items (that will be removed from the collection). | x dollars | 0 (8) 2 (6) 5 (5) 3 (3) 10 (2) |
Prohibit negative balance on bills (DEFAULT) | Default setting to prevent negative balances (refunds) on circulation related bills. Set to "true" to prohibit negative balances at all times or, when used in conjunction with an interval setting, to prohibit negative balances after a set period of time. | Use True in conjunction with the Negative Balance Interval setting (below) to prohibit negative balances after a set period of time. Set to False to allow negative balances for an unlimited period of time (i.e. you will give a refund for voided payments at any time). | True/False | True (21) False (1) |
Negative Balance Interval (DEFAULT) | Amount of time after which no negative balances (refunds) are allowed on circulation bills. The "Prohibit negative balance on bills" setting must also be set to "true". | Select the period of time during which you will provide a refund to the patron, if you allow refunds for some period of time. Leave blank if you do not offer refunds and chose False for the Prohibit negative balance on bills (above). | interval of time: # of hours or days | 12 months (2) 365 days (1) 6 months (1) |
Prohibit negative balance on bills for lost materials | Prohibit negative balance on bills for lost materials. Set to "true" to prohibit negative balances at all times or, when used in conjunction with an interval setting, to prohibit negative balances after a set period of time. | True will prohibit negative balances at all times or, when used in conjunction with the interval setting (below) to prohibit negative balances after a set period of time. False will allow negative balances for an unlimited period of time (i.e. you will give a refund for the voided lost materials payment at any time, once the item is returned). | True/False | True (17) False (2) |
Negative Balance Interval for Lost | Amount of time after which no negative balances (refunds) are allowed on bills for lost/long overdue materials. The "Prohibit negative balance on bills for lost materials" setting must also be set to "true". | If you allow refunds for some period of time, please provide the interval expressed in days or months. Leave blank if you do not offer refunds and selected False in the "Prohibit negative balance on bills for lost materials" setting (above). | interval of time: # of hours or days | 6 months (3) 12 months (1) 30 days (1) 365 days (1) |
Prohibit negative balance on bills for overdue materials | Prevent negative balances (refunds) on bills for overdue materials. Set to "true" to prohibit negative balances at all times or, when used in conjunction with an interval setting, to prohibit negative balances after a set period of time. | True will prohibit negative balances at all times or, when used in conjunction with an interval setting, to prohibit negative balances after a set period of time. Set to False to allow negative balances for an unlimited period of time (i.e. you will give a refund for voided overdue payments at any time). | True/False | True (20) | TRUE |
Negative Balance Interval for Overdues | Amount of time after which no negative balances (refunds) are allowed on bills for overdue materials. The "Prohibit negative balance on bills for overdue materials" setting must also be set to "true". | Select the period of time during which you will provide a refund to the patron. All systems should have a value. If you allow refunds for some period of time, please provide the interval expressed in days or months. Leave blank if you do not offer refunds and selected False in the "Prohibit negative balance on bills for overdue materials" setting (above). | interval of time: # of hours or days | 6 months (2) 365 days (1) |
Use Lost and Paid copy status | Use Lost and Paid copy status when lost or long overdue billing is paid | True/False | True (8) False (2) |
Color | Description |
Optional setting. | |
Setting has Cardinal default value but systems can choose differently. | |
There is a Cardinal default value and there should be no other value chosen for this setting. |
Label | Description | Recommendations / Comments | Acceptable Values | Counts in Cardinal as of January 2022 (value then count) | NC Cardinal |
Default Classification Scheme | Defines the default classification scheme for new call numbers: 1 = Generic; 2 = Dewey; 3 = LC | Consortium has a default value of Dewey (value: 2), but you can choose something different if you wish | 1 = Generic; 2 = Dewey; 3 = LC |
2 (3) 3 (1) |
2 |
Default copy status (normal) | Default status when a copy is created using the normal volume/copy creator interface. | Consortium has a default value of "In Process" (value: 5), but you can choose something different if you wish | In Process (5) - see note for more statuses | 5 (20) | 5 |
Delete volume with last copy | Automatically delete a volume when the last linked copy is deleted | True/False | TRUE | ||
Upload Default Match Set | Default match set to use during ACQ file upload | 51 | 51 | ||
Alert on empty bib records | Alert staff when the last copy for a record is being deleted | True/False | TRUE | ||
Retain empty bib records | Retain a bib record even when all attached copies are deleted | True/False | FALSE | ||
Require staff initials for entry/edit of copy notes. | Appends staff initials and edit date into copy note / item note content.. | True/False | True (24) False (1) |
TRUE | |
Vandelay Default Barcode Prefix | Apply this prefix to any auto-generated item barcodes | Relevant to batch importing, these should be reviewed | 3 or 4 letters, all CAPS | FOR (1) CUMBER (1) TRAN (1) BRAS (1) POLK (1) |
Vandelay Default Call Number Prefix | Apply this prefix to any auto-generated item call numbers | When batch importing: what prefix do you want your materials to have by default? | 3 or 4 letters, all CAPS | POLK (1) JOHN (1) |
Vandelay Default Circulation Modifier | Default circulation modifier value for imported items | When batch importing: which circulation modifier do you want things to have by default? | BOOK | ||
Vandelay Default Copy Location | Default copy location value for imported items | When batch importing: which shelving location do you want things to be in by default? | 2573 (1) | ||
Vandelay Generate Default Barcodes | Auto-generate deault item barcodes when no item barcode is present | When batch importing: If the vendor doesn't supply an item barcode in their record, should Evergreen auto-generate one | True (8) | ||
Vandelay Generate Default Call Numbers | Auto-generate default item call numbers when no item call number is present | When batch importing: Should Evergreen auto-generate a call number? | True (2) False (2) |
Temporary barcode prefix | We recommend using the first 4 letters of the library name. | FOR (2) POLK (1) ROC (1) HCPL (1) NEU (1) |
Temporary call number prefix | We recommend using the first 4 letters of the library name. | NWACQ (2) ACQ (1) POLK (1) ROC (1) HCPL (1) |
GUI: Hide these fields within the Item Attribute Editor | This setting may be best maintained with the dedicated configuration interface within the Item Attribute Editor. However, here it shows up as comma separated list of field identifiers to hide. | Optional. Probably better to do this through the cataloging interface. | ["Quality"] (1) ["Copy Number","Deposit Amount","Deposit?","Fine Level","Quality"] (1) ["Copy Number","Deposit Amount","Deposit?","Floating?","Quality"] (1) ["Circulate as Type","Copy Number","Deposit Amount","Deposit?","Fine Level","Floating?","Quality"] (1) |
Courier Code | Courier Code for the library. Available in transit slip templates as the %courier_code% macro. | All systems should choose a courier code. | FORSYTH (15) NORTHWESTERN (14) BUNCOMBE (14) JOHNSTON (11) BHM (11) |
Default circulation modifier | Prevents a blank modifier; we recommend setting one. | BOOK (12) null (1) |
Default copy location | Prevents a blank shelving location; we recommend setting one. | 3988 (3) 3950 (3) 4733 (2) 2488 (1) 4647 (1) |
Record In-House Use: # of uses threshold for Are You Sure? dialog. | In the Record In-House Use interface, a submission attempt will warn if the # of uses field exceeds the value of this setting. | 999 (3) 250 (2) 200 (2) 300 (2) 50 (1) |
999 | ||
Record In-House Use: Maximum # of uses allowed per entry. | The # of uses entry in the Record In-House Use interface may not exceed the value of this setting. | 200 (6) 999 (3) 800 (1) 7 (1) |
999 | ||
Allow funds to be rolled over without bringing the money along | Allow funds to be rolled over without bringing the money along. This makes money left in the old fund disappear, modeling its return to some outside entity. | True/False | True (8) | ||
Fund Spending Limit for Block | When the amount remaining in the fund, including spent money and encumbrances, goes below this percentage, attempts to spend from the fund will be blocked. | Optional | 100 (1) 110 (1) null (1) |
Fund Spending Limit for Warning | When the amount remaining in the fund, including spent money and encumbrances, goes below this percentage, attempts to spend from the fund will result in a warning to the staff. | Optional | 10 (2) 95% (1) 90 (1) |
Rollover Distribution Formulae Funds | During fiscal rollover, update distribution formalae to use new funds | Most libraries do not use this setting as it does not allow the granularity of fund distribution that you may need from year to year. For instance, if you order 5 copies, 1 goes to X branch and 2 go to Y branch, that would not be indicated by this setting. | True/False | True (1) |
Color | Description |
Optional setting. | |
Setting has Cardinal default value but systems can choose differently. | |
There is a Cardinal default value and there should be no other value chosen for this setting. |
Label | Description | Recommendations / Comments | Acceptable Values | Counts in Cardinal as of January 2022 (value then count) | NC Cardinal |
Use Active Date for Age Protection | When calculating age protection rules use the active date instead of the creation date. | True/False | TRUE | ||
Checkout Fills Related Hold | When a patron checks out an item and they have no holds that directly target the item, the system will attempt to find a hold for the patron that could be fulfilled by the checked out item and fulfills it | True/False | TRUE | ||
Default hold shelf expire interval | The amount of time an item will be held on the shelf before the hold expires. For example: "2 weeks" or "5 days" | interval of time: # of days | 7 days | ||
Block Renewal of Items Needed for Holds | When an item could fulfill a hold, do not allow the current patron to renew | True/False | TRUE | ||
Block hold request if hold recipient privileges have expired | Circulation: Block hold request if hold recipient privileges have expired | If True: Patron will not be able to place a hold if their privileges have expired | True/False | False (22) True (16) |
Behind Desk Pickup Supported | If a branch supports both a public holds shelf and behind-the-desk pickups, set this value to true. This gives the patron the option to enable behind-the-desk pickups for their holds | True/False | False (24) True (3) |
Hold Shelf Status Delay | The purpose is to provide an interval of time after an item goes into the on-holds-shelf status before it appears to patrons that it is actually on the holds shelf. This gives staff time to process the item before it shows as ready-for-pickup. Examples: "5 days", "1 hour" | interval of time: # of hours or days | 1 hour (14) 3 hours (5) 30 minutes (4) 2 hours (4) 5 minutes (2) |
3 hours | |
Canceled holds/requests display age | Show all canceled entries in patron holds and patron acquisition requests interfaces that were canceled within this amount of time | interval of time: # of hours or days | 6 months (13) 30 days (4) 60 days (3) 4 months (2) |
1 year | |
Canceled holds/requests display count | How many canceled entries to show in patron holds and patron acquisition requests interfaces | number | 25 (12) 10 (9) 5 (4) 20 (4) 100 1 |
25 | |
Reset request time on un-cancel | When a hold is uncanceled, reset the request time to push it to the end of the queue | If True: Holds that were un-cancelled or had gone unclaimed on the hold shelf will go to the end of the line when activated again | True/False | True (33) False (4) |
Expire Alert Interval | Amount of time before a hold expires at which point the patron should be alerted. Examples: "5 days", "1 hour" | This should be set if the Expire Interval setting is set (below). | interval of time: # of hours or days | 3 days (21) 7 days (4) 2 days (4) 1 day (3) 4 days 2 |
3 days |
Expire Interval | Amount of time after a hold is placed before the hold expires. Example "100 days" | Take into account that a patron may place a hold on an On Order item that has not yet been received, after which it may be protected by 6 month age hold protection. How long do you want the hold to stay active before it is cancelled? | interval of time: # of hours or days | 180 days (7) 365 days (6) 90 days (3) 6 months (2) 270 days (1) |
365 days |
Suppress Hold Transits Group | If set to a non-empty value, Hold Transits will be suppressed between this OU and others with the same value. If set to an empty value, transits will not be suppressed. | ||||
Suppress Non-Hold Transits Group | If set to a non-empty value, Non-Hold Transits will be suppressed between this OU and others with the same value. If set to an empty value, transits will not be suppressed. | ||||
Target copies for a hold even if copy's circ lib is closed IF the circ lib is the hold's pickup lib | If this setting is true at a given org unit or one of its ancestors, the hold targeter will target copies from this org unit even if the org unit is closed (according to the actor.org_unit.closed_date table) IF AND ONLY IF the copy's circ lib is the same as the hold's pickup lib. | If True this will attempt to target local copies for holds, even if the branch where the copy is at is closed, before being retargeted elsewhere. Should be set on a branch level rather than system level. | True (205) |
Color | Description |
Optional setting. | |
Setting has Cardinal default value but systems can choose differently. | |
There is a Cardinal default value and there should be no other value chosen for this setting. |
Label | Description | Recommendations / Comments | Acceptable Values | Counts in Cardinal as of January 2022 (value then count) | NC Cardinal |
Allow others to use patron account (privacy waiver) | Add a note to a user account indicating that specified people are allowed to place holds, pick up holds, check out items, or view borrowing history for that user account | True/False | True (1) | ||
Audio Alerts | Use audio alerts for selfcheck events | True/False | True (2) | ||
Pop-up alert for errors | If true, checkout/renewal errors will cause a pop-up window in addition to the on-screen message | True/False | True (5) | ||
Paging shortcut links for OPAC Browse | The characters in this string, in order, will be used as shortcut links for quick paging in the OPAC browse interface. Any sequence surrounded by asterisks will be taken as a whole label, not split into individual labels at the character level, but only the first character will serve as the basis of the search. | Example: 0-9*ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ | |||
Use fully compressed serial holdings | Show fully compressed serial holdings for all libraries at and below the current context unit | True/False | True (4) False (2) |
Disable auth requirement for texting call numbers. | Disable authentication requirement for sending call number information via SMS from the OPAC. | True/False | False (1) | ||
Disable Automatic Print Attempt Type List | Disable automatic print attempts from staff client interfaces for the receipt types in this list. Possible values: "Checkout", "Bill Pay", "Hold Slip", "Transit Slip", and "Hold/Transit Slip". This is different from the Auto-Print checkbox in the pertinent interfaces in that it disables automatic print attempts altogether, rather than encouraging silent printing by suppressing the print dialog. The Auto-Print checkbox in these interfaces have no effect on the behavior for this setting. In the case of the Hold, Transit, and Hold/Transit slips, this also suppresses the alert dialogs that precede the print dialog (the ones that offer Print and Do Not Print as options). | ["Checkout","Bill Pay"] (2) | 0 | ||
Sending email address for patron notices | If you would like your patrons to be able to reply to their email notices, you should supply a value. If you do not supply a value, their responses will be dumped into an unmonitored email address "do-not-reply@nccardinal.net" | (email address) | |||
Offline: Patron Usernames Allowed | During offline circulations, allow patrons to identify themselves with usernames in addition to barcode. For this setting to work, a barcode format must also be defined | True/False | FALSE | ||
OPAC Inactivity Timeout (in seconds) | The most commonly used setting is "300 seconds", or 5 minutes. | number | 300 (10) 900 (5) 2000 (1) |
300 | |
Example for day_phone field on patron registration | The Example for validation on the day_phone field in patron registration. | xxx-xxx-xxxx (1) | |||
Idle timeout | If you want staff client windows to be minimized after a certain amount of system idle time, set this to the number of seconds of idle time that you want to allow before minimizing (requires staff client restart). | Number of seconds - most commonly used setting is "500,000" seconds, or over 8,000 hours. | 500000 | 500000 (4) 100000 (2) 9000 (2) 300000 (1) 3600 (1) |
Color | Description |
Optional setting. | |
Setting has Cardinal default value but systems can choose differently. | |
There is a Cardinal default value and there should be no other value chosen for this setting. |
Label | Description | Recommendations / Comments | Acceptable Values | Counts in Cardinal as of January 2022 (value then count) | NC Cardinal |
Forgive fines when checking out a long-overdue item and copy alert is suppressed? | Controls whether fines are automatically forgiven when checking out an item that has been marked as long-overdue, and the corresponding copy alert has been suppressed. | Long-Overdue settings should mirror your Lost settings, and should be avoided unless you use Long-Overdue. | |||
Long-Overdue Check-In Interval Uses Last Activity Date | Use the long-overdue last-activity date instead of the due_date to determine whether the item has been checked out too long to perform long-overdue check-in processing. If set, the system will first check the last payment time, followed by the last billing time, followed by the due date. See also circ.max_accept_return_of_longoverdue | ||||
Long-Overdue Items Usable on Checkin | Long-overdue items are usable on checkin instead of going "home" first | True/False | True (2) | ||
Long-Overdue Max Return Interval | Long-overdue check-in processing (voiding fees, re-instating overdues, etc.) will not take place for items that have been overdue for (or have last activity older than) this amount of time | null (2) | |||
Restore Overdues on Long-Overdue Item Return | Restore Overdues on Long-Overdue Item Return | True/False | True (3) | ||
Void long overdue item billing when claims returned | Void long overdue item billing when claims returned | ||||
Void long overdue item processing fee when claims returned | Void long overdue item processing fee when claims returned | ||||
Void Long-Overdue Item Billing When Returned | Void Long-Overdue Item Billing When Returned | True/False | True (2) | ||
Void Processing Fee on Long-Overdue Item Return | Void Processing Fee on Long-Overdue Item Return | True/False | True (1) | ||
Leave transaction open when long overdue balance equals zero | Leave transaction open when long-overdue balance equals zero. This leaves the long-overdue copy on the patron record when it is paid | ||||
Leave transaction open when lost balance equals zero | Leave transaction open when lost balance equals zero. This leaves the lost copy on the patron record when it is paid | True/False | False (16) | FALSE | |
Long-Overdue Materials Processing Fee | Long-Overdue Materials Processing Fee | ||||
Void Overdue Fines When Items are Marked Long-Overdue | Void Overdue Fines When Items are Marked Long-Overdue | True/False | False (2) True (1) |
Color | Description |
Optional setting. | |
Setting has Cardinal default value but systems can choose differently. | |
There is a Cardinal default value and there should be no other value chosen for this setting. |
Label | Description | Recommendations / Comments | Acceptable Values | Counts in Cardinal as of January 2022 (value then count) | NC Cardinal |
Item Print Label - Call Number Wrap Filter Height | This setting is used to set the default height (in number of lines) to use for call number wrapping in the left print label. | If you print directly from Evergreen, you should choose a setting. | 4 (1) | ||
Item Print Label - Call Number Wrap Filter Width | This setting is used to set the default width (in number of characters) to use for call number wrapping in the left print label. | 15 (1) | |||
Item Print Label - Height for Pocket Label | Set the default height for the item print Pocket Label. Please include a unit of measurement that is valid CSS. For example, "1in" or "2.5cm" | ||||
Item Print Label - Height for Spine Label | Set the default height for the item print Spine Label. Please include a unit of measurement that is valid CSS. For example, "1in" or "2.5cm" | 1in (1) | |||
Item Print Label - Inline CSS | This setting allows you to inject arbitrary CSS into the item print label template. For example, ".printlabel { text-transform: uppercase; }" | .printlabel {text-align: left; } (1) | |||
Item Print Label - Left Margin for Pocket Label | Set the default left margin for the item print Pocket Label (or in other words, the desired space between the two labels). Please include a unit of measurement that is valid CSS. For example, "1in" or "2.5cm" | ||||
Item Print Label - Left Margin for Spine Label | Set the default left margin for the item print Spine Label. Please include a unit of measurement that is valid CSS. For example, "1in" or "2.5cm" | 0.05in (1) | |||
Item Print Label - Width for Pocket Label | Set the default width for the item print Pocket Label. Please include a unit of measurement that is valid CSS. For example, "1in" or "2.5cm" | ||||
Item Print Label - Width for Spine Label | Set the default width for the item print Spine Label. Please include a unit of measurement that is valid CSS. For example, "1in" or "2.5cm" | 1.625in (1) | |||
Item Print Label Font Family | Set the preferred font family for item print labels. You can specify a list of CSS fonts, separated by commas, in order of preference; the system will use the first font it finds with a matching name. For example, "Arial, Helvetica, serif" | Calibri (1) | |||
Item Print Label Font Size | Set the default font size for item print labels. Please include a unit of measurement that is valid CSS. For example, "12pt" or "16px" or "1em" | 12pt (1) | |||
Item Print Label Font Weight | Set the default font weight for item print labels. Please use the CSS specification for values for font-weight. For example, "normal", "bold", "bolder", or "lighter" | bold (1) | |||
Spine and pocket label font family | Set the preferred font family for spine and pocket labels. You can specify a list of fonts, separated by commas, in order of preference; the system will use the first font it finds with a matching name. For example, "Arial, Helvetica, serif". | Arial (5) monospace (1) Calibri (1) |
monospace | ||
Spine and pocket label font size | Set the default font size for spine and pocket labels | 10 (1) 12 (1) 12pt (1) |
10pt | ||
Spine and pocket label font weight | Set the preferred font weight for spine and pocket labels. You can specify "normal", "bold", "bolder", or "lighter". | bold (3) normal (1) |
normal | ||
Spine label left margin | Set the left margin for spine labels in number of characters. | 0 (3) 0 (1) |
0 | ||
Spine label line width | Set the default line width for spine labels in number of characters. This specifies the boundary at which lines must be wrapped. | 0 (1) 1.625in (1) 8 (1) |
8 | ||
Spine label maximum lines | Set the default maximum number of lines for spine labels. | 4 (1) 9 (1) 5 (1) |
9 |
Color | Description |
Optional setting. | |
Setting has Cardinal default value but systems can choose differently. | |
There is a Cardinal default value and there should be no other value chosen for this setting. |
Label | Description | Recommendations / Comments | Acceptable Values | Counts in Cardinal as of January 2022 (value then count) | NC Cardinal |
Name default credit processor | This might be "AuthorizeNet", "PayPal", "PayflowPro", or "Stripe". | AuthorizeNet (4) PayPal (1) |
Enable AuthorizeNet payments | True (4) | ||||
AuthorizeNet login | These settings should be reviewed if credit card payments are enabled. | (AuthorizeNet username) | |||
AuthorizeNet password | (AuthorizeNet password) | ||||
AuthorizeNet server | Required if using a developer/test account with AuthorizeNet | null (1) | |||
AuthorizeNet test mode | False (4) | ||||
Enable PayflowPro payments | This is NOT the same thing as the settings labeled with just "PayPal." | ||||
PayflowPro login/merchant ID | Often the same thing as the PayPal manager login | ||||
PayflowPro partner | Often "PayPal" or "VeriSign", sometimes others | ||||
PayflowPro password | PayflowPro password | ||||
PayflowPro test mode | Do not really process transactions, but stay in test mode - uses pilot-payflowpro.paypal.com instead of the usual host | False (1) | |||
PayflowPro vendor | Often the same thing as the login | ||||
Enable PayPal payments | True (1) | ||||
PayPal login | (PayPal username) | ||||
PayPal password | (PayPal password) | ||||
PayPal signature | (PayPal supplied value) | ||||
PayPal test mode | False (1) | ||||
Enable Stripe payments | Enable Stripe payments | False (1) | |||
Stripe publishable key | Stripe publishable key | ||||
Stripe secret key | Stripe secret key |
Color | Description |
Optional setting. | |
Setting has Cardinal default value but systems can choose differently. | |
There is a Cardinal default value and there should be no other value chosen for this setting. |
Label | Description | Recommendations / Comments | Acceptable Values | Counts in Cardinal as of January 2022 (value then count) | NC Cardinal |
Patron Merge Barcode Delete | Delete barcode(s) of subordinate user(s) in a patron merge | FALSE | |||
Patron Merge Deactivate Card | Mark barcode(s) of subordinate user(s) in a patron merge as inactive | TRUE | |||
Patron Registration: Cloned patrons get address copy | In the Patron editor, copy addresses from the cloned user instead of linking directly to the address | TRUE | |||
Patron search diacritic insensitive | Match patron last, first, and middle names irrespective of usage of diacritical marks or spaces. (e.g., Ines will match Inés; de la Cruz will match Delacruz) | TRUE | |||
Require matching email address for password reset requests | Circulation: Require matching email address for password reset requests | TRUE | |||
Specify search depth for the duplicate patron check in the patron editor | When using the patron registration page, the duplicate patron check will use the configured depth to scope the search for duplicate patrons. | This is set to "Cardinal" or "0" | 0 | ||
Target copies for a hold even if copy's circ lib is closed | If this setting is true at a given org unit or one of its ancestors, the hold targeter will target copies from this org unit even if the org unit is closed (according to the actor.org_unit.closed_date table). | TRUE | |||
Patron Login Timeout (in seconds) | Number of seconds of inactivity before the patron is logged out of the selfcheck interface | 60 seconds | 60 | ||
Require Patron Password | Patron must log in with barcode and password at selfcheck station | TRUE | |||
Workstation Required | All selfcheck stations must use a workstation | FALSE | |||
Auto-Override Permitted Hold Blocks (Patrons) | When a patron places a hold that fails and the patron has the correct permission to override the hold, automatically override the hold without presenting a message to the patron and requiring that the patron make a decision to override | FALSE | |||
Jump to details on 1 hit (public) | When a search yields only 1 result, jump directly to the record details page. This setting only affects the public OPAC | TRUE | |||
Jump to details on 1 hit (staff client) | When a search yields only 1 result, jump directly to the record details page. This setting only affects the OPAC within the staff client | TRUE | |||
Elbow room | Elbow room specifies how far in the future you must make a reservation on an item if that item will have to transit to reach its pickup location. It secondarily defines how soon a reservation on a given item must start before the check-in process will opportunistically capture it for the reservation shelf. | This is only applicable if you are using the booking module. | 1 day | ||
Skip offline checkin if newer item Status Changed Time. | Skip offline checkin transaction (raise exception when processing) if item Status Changed Time is newer than the recorded transaction time. WARNING: The Reshelving to Available status rollover will trigger this. | TRUE | |||
Skip offline checkout if newer item Status Changed Time. | Skip offline checkout transaction (raise exception when processing) if item Status Changed Time is newer than the recorded transaction time. WARNING: The Reshelving to Available status rollover will trigger this. | TRUE | |||
Skip offline renewal if newer item Status Changed Time. | Skip offline renewal transaction (raise exception when processing) if item Status Changed Time is newer than the recorded transaction time. WARNING: The Reshelving to Available status rollover will trigger this. | TRUE | |||
Staff Login Inactivity Timeout (in seconds) | 50000 seconds | 50000 | |||
Button bar | circ | ||||
Default Country for New Addresses in Patron Editor | This is the default Country for new addresses in the patron editor. | US | |||
Default showing suggested patron registration fields | Instead of All fields, show just suggested fields in patron registration by default. | TRUE | |||
Format Date+Time with this pattern | Format Date+Time with this pattern (examples: "yy-MM-dd h:m:s.SSS a" for "16-04-05 2:07:20.666 PM", "yyyy-dd-MMM HH:mm" for "2016-05-Apr 14:07"). This will be used in areas of the client where a date with a timestamp is needed, like Checkout, Due Date, or Record Created. | MM/dd/yyyy | |||
Format Dates with this pattern | Format Dates with this pattern (examples: "yyyy-MM-dd" for "2010-04-26", "MMM d, yyyy" for "Apr 26, 2010"). This will be used in areas where a date without a timestamp is sufficient, like Date of Birth. | MM/dd/yyyy | |||
Patron circulation summary is horizontal | TRUE | ||||
Require county field on patron registration | The county field will be required on the patron registration screen. | TRUE | |||
Require email field on patron registration | The email field will be required on the patron registration screen. | TRUE | |||
Require evening_phone field on patron registration | The evening_phone field will be required on the patron registration screen. | FALSE | |||
Require State field on patron registration | The State field will be required on the patron registration screen. | TRUE | |||
Show alert_message field on patron registration | The alert_message field will be shown on the patron registration screen. Showing a field makes it appear with required fields even when not required. If the field is required this setting is ignored. | TRUE | |||
Show alias field on patron registration | The alias field will be shown on the patron registration screen. Showing a field makes it appear with required fields even when not required. If the field is required this setting is ignored. | FALSE | |||
Show calendar widget for dob field on patron registration | If set the calendar widget will appear when editing the dob field on the patron registration form. | TRUE | |||
Show claims_never_checked_out_count field on patron registration | The claims_never_checked_out_count field will be shown on the patron registration screen. Showing a field makes it appear with required fields even when not required. If the field is required this setting is ignored. | FALSE | |||
Show claims_returned_count field on patron registration | The claims_returned_count field will be shown on the patron registration screen. Showing a field makes it appear with required fields even when not required. If the field is required this setting is ignored. | FALSE | |||
Show county field on patron registration | The county field will be shown on the patron registration screen | TRUE | |||
Show dob field on patron registration | The dob field will be shown on the patron registration screen. Showing a field makes it appear with required fields even when not required. If the field is required this setting is ignored. | TRUE | |||
Show email field on patron registration | The email field will be shown on the patron registration screen. Showing a field makes it appear with required fields even when not required. If the field is required this setting is ignored. | TRUE | |||
Show evening_phone field on patron registration | The evening_phone field will be shown on the patron registration screen. Showing a field makes it appear with required fields even when not required. If the field is required this setting is ignored. | TRUE | |||
Show ident_value field on patron registration | The ident_value field will be shown on the patron registration screen. Showing a field makes it appear with required fields even when not required. If the field is required this setting is ignored. | TRUE | |||
Show ident_value2 field on patron registration | The ident_value2 field will be shown on the patron registration screen. Showing a field makes it appear with required fields even when not required. If the field is required this setting is ignored. | FALSE | |||
Show juvenile field on patron registration | The juvenile field will be shown on the patron registration screen. Showing a field makes it appear with required fields even when not required. If the field is required this setting is ignored. | TRUE | |||
Show second_given_name field on patron registration | The second_given_name field will be shown on the patron registration screen. Showing a field makes it appear with required fields even when not required. If the field is required this setting is ignored. | TRUE | |||
Show State field on patron registration | The State field will be shown on the patron registration screen. Showing a field makes it appear with required fields even when not required. If the field is required this setting is ignored. | TRUE | |||
Show suffix field on patron registration | The suffix field will be shown on the patron registration screen. Showing a field makes it appear with required fields even when not required. If the field is required this setting is ignored. | TRUE | |||
Suggest alert_message field on patron registration | The alert_message field will be suggested on the patron registration screen. Suggesting a field makes it appear when suggested fields are shown. If the field is shown or required this setting is ignored. | TRUE | |||
Suggest alias field on patron registration | The alias field will be suggested on the patron registration screen. Suggesting a field makes it appear when suggested fields are shown. If the field is shown or required this setting is ignored. | FALSE | |||
Suggest day_phone field on patron registration | The day_phone field will be suggested on the patron registration screen. Suggesting a field makes it appear when suggested fields are shown. If the field is shown or required this setting is ignored. | TRUE | |||
Suggest dob field on patron registration | The dob field will be suggested on the patron registration screen. Suggesting a field makes it appear when suggested fields are shown. If the field is shown or required this setting is ignored. | TRUE | |||
Suggest email field on patron registration | The email field will be suggested on the patron registration screen. Suggesting a field makes it appear when suggested fields are shown. If the field is shown or required this setting is ignored. | TRUE | |||
Suggest evening_phone field on patron registration | The evening_phone field will be suggested on the patron registration screen. Suggesting a field makes it appear when suggested fields are shown. If the field is shown or required this setting is ignored. | TRUE | |||
Suggest ident_value field on patron registration | The ident_value field will be suggested on the patron registration screen. Suggesting a field makes it appear when suggested fields are shown. If the field is shown or required this setting is ignored. | TRUE | |||
Suggest ident_value2 field on patron registration | The ident_value2 field will be suggested on the patron registration screen. Suggesting a field makes it appear when suggested fields are shown. If the field is shown or required this setting is ignored. | FALSE | |||
Suggest juvenile field on patron registration | The juvenile field will be suggested on the patron registration screen. Suggesting a field makes it appear when suggested fields are shown. If the field is shown or required this setting is ignored. | FALSE | |||
Suggest master_account field on patron registration | The master_account field will be suggested on the patron registration screen. Suggesting a field makes it appear when suggested fields are shown. If the field is shown or required this setting is ignored. | FALSE | |||
Suggest other_phone field on patron registration | The other_phone field will be suggested on the patron registration screen. Suggesting a field makes it appear when suggested fields are shown. If the field is shown or required this setting is ignored. | TRUE | |||
Suggest second_given_name field on patron registration | The second_given_name field will be suggested on the patron registration screen. Suggesting a field makes it appear when suggested fields are shown. If the field is shown or required this setting is ignored. | TRUE | |||
Suggest suffix field on patron registration | The suffix field will be suggested on the patron registration screen. Suggesting a field makes it appear when suggested fields are shown. If the field is shown or required this setting is ignored. | TRUE | |||
Work Log: Maximum Actions Logged | Maximum entries for "Most Recent Staff Actions" section of the Work Log interface. | 100 | |||
Work Log: Maximum Patrons Logged | Maximum entries for "Most Recently Affected Patrons..." section of the Work Log interface. | 100 | |||
GUI: Juvenile account requires parent/guardian | Require a value for the parent/guardian field in the patron editor for patrons marked as juvenile | TRUE | |||
GUI: Show guardian field on patron registration | The guardian field will be shown on the patron registration screen. Showing a field makes it appear with required fields even when not required. If the field is required this setting is ignored. | TRUE | |||
GUI: Suggest guardian field on patron registration | The guardian field will be suggested on the patron registration screen. Suggesting a field makes it appear when suggested fields are shown. If the field is shown or required this setting is ignored. | TRUE | |||
Default Record Match Set | This is set to Cardinal match for consistency between records. | 51 | 51 | ||
Regex for email field on patron registration | The Regular Expression for validation on the email field in patron registration. | To implement, submit a help ticket at: https://nccardinalsupport.org/index.php?pg=request or email: help@nccardinalsupport.org |
Color | Description |
Setting not recommended. | Optional setting. |
Setting has Cardinal default value but systems can choose differently. | |
There is a Cardinal default value and there should be no other value chosen for this setting. |
Label | Description | Recommendations / Comments | Acceptable Values | Counts in Cardinal as of January 2022 (value then count) | NC Cardinal |
Checkout auto renew age | When an item has been checked out for at least this amount of time, an attempt to check out the item to the patron that it is already checked out to will simply renew the circulation | This setting should be avoided. | |||
Checkout Fills Related Hold On Valid Copy Only | When filling related holds on checkout only match on items that are valid for opportunistic capture for the hold. Without this set a Title or Volume hold could match when the item is not holdable. With this set only holdable items will match. | This setting should be avoided. | true 13 | ||
Claim Return: Mark copy as missing | When a circ is marked as claims-returned, also mark the copy as missing | This setting should be avoided. If chosen, True is the recommended value. | true 6 | ||
Clear hold when other patron checks out item | Default to cancel the hold when patron A checks out item on hold for patron B. | This setting should be avoided. | |||
Display copy alert for in-house-use | Display copy alert for in-house-use | This setting should be avoided. | |||
Forgive fines when checking out a lost item and copy alert is suppressed? | Controls whether fines are automatically forgiven when checking out an item that has been marked as lost, and the corresponding copy alert has been suppressed. | This setting should be avoided. | |||
Load patron from Checkout | When scanning barcodes into Checkout auto-detect if a new patron barcode is scanned and auto-load the new patron. | This setting should be avoided and is no longer relevant. | true 1 | ||
Maximum visible age of User Trigger Events in Staff Interfaces | If this is unset, staff can view User Trigger Events regardless of age. When this is set to an interval, it represents the age of the oldest possible User Trigger Event that can be viewed. | This setting should be avoided as it does not currently work. | |||
Minimum Transit Checkin Interval | In-Transit items checked in this close to the transit start time will be prevented from checking in | This setting should be avoided. | |||
Patron Merge Address Delete | Delete address(es) of subordinate user(s) in a patron merge | This setting should be avoided. | true 2 false 1 |
Permission groups exempt from item deposit fees | List of the numeric IDs of permission groups who should not be charged item deposit fees. Example: [3] | This setting should be avoided. | |||
Permission groups exempt from item rental fees | List of the numeric IDs of permission groups who should not be charged item rental fees. Example: [3] | Similar to the deposit fees setting. Most libraries do not use. | |||
Printing: Custom Javascript File | Full URL path to a Javascript File to be loaded when printing. Should implement a print_custom function for DOM manipulation. Can change the value of the do_print variable to false to cancel printing. | Most libraries do not use. | |||
Suppress popup-dialogs during check-in. | Circ: Suppress popup-dialogs during check-in. | This setting should be avoided. | false 5 | ||
Truncate fines to max fine amount | This setting is covered by your circulation policies, and there is no need to set here. | true 6 | |||
Workstation OU fallback for staff-placed holds | For staff-placed holds, in the absence of a patron preferred pickup location, fall back to using the staff workstation OU (rather than patron home OU) | This setting should be avoided. | |||
Claim Return Copy Status | Claims returned copies are put into this status. Default is to leave the copy in the Checked Out status | This setting should be avoided; claims returned copies should already be in checked out status. | 1 10 4 2 4 1 |
Library time zone | Define the time zone in which a library physically resides. Examples: America/Toronto, America/Chicago, America/Los_Angeles, America/Vancouver, Europe/Prague. See Wikipedia for a <a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_tz_database_time_zones" target="_blank">complete list</a> (Note: Only use "canonical" timezones). | Evergreen has a default setting, no need to set this one. | |||
Pre-cat Item Circ Lib | Override the default circ lib of "here" with a pre-configured circ lib for pre-cat items. The value should be the "shortname" (aka policy name) of the org unit | This setting should be avoided. | |||
Telephony: Arbitrary line(s) to include in each notice callfile | This overrides lines from opensrf.xml. Line(s) must be valid for your target server and platform (e.g. Asterisk 1.4). | This setting should be avoided. | |||
Block copy checkout status | List of copy status IDs that will block checkout even if the generic COPY_NOT_AVAILABLE event is overridden | This setting is not currently used. | |||
Selfcheck override events list | List of checkout/renewal events that the selfcheck interface should automatically override instead instead of alerting and stopping the transaction | ||||
Best-hold selection sort order | Defines the sort order of holds when selecting a hold to fill using a given copy at capture time | This setting is currently being reviewed by the Cardinal team. | |||
Clear shelf copy status | Any copies that have not been put into reshelving, in-transit, or on-holds-shelf (for a new hold) during the clear shelf process will be put into this status. This is basically a purgatory status for copies waiting to be pulled from the shelf and processed by hand | Evergreen has a default setting, invalid for choosing individually. | 7 13 8 9 0 1 |
7 | |
Default Estimated Wait | When predicting the amount of time a patron will be waiting for a hold to be fulfilled, this is the default estimated length of time to assume an item will be checked out. Examples: "3 weeks", "7 days" | This setting should be avoided. | |||
FIFO | Force holds to a more strict First-In, First-Out capture | False is the Cardinal setting. | false 6 | FALSE | |
Hard boundary | This setting is decided by the Resource Sharing agreement. Migrating libraries have a setting to avoid resource sharing, otherwise value in this case should be 1. | 0 20 null 4 2 3 1 1 |
0 | ||
Hard stalling interval | This setting is currently being reviewed by the Cardinal team. | ||||
Has Local Copy Alert | If there is an available copy at the requesting library that could fulfill a hold during hold placement time, alert the patron | This setting should be avoided. If it is chosen, True should be used. | true 2 | ||
Has Local Copy Block | If there is an available copy at the requesting library that could fulfill a hold during hold placement time, do not allow the hold to be placed | This setting should be avoided. | |||
Max foreign-circulation time | Time a copy can spend circulating away from its circ lib before returning there to fill a hold (if one exists there) | This setting should be avoided. | 6 months 1 | 6 months | |
Maximum library target attempts | When this value is set and greater than 0, the system will only attempt to find a copy at each possible branch the configured number of times | This setting is currently being reviewed by the Cardinal team. | 5 1 | ||
Maximum number of duplicate holds allowed. | Maximum number of duplicate title or metarecord holds allowed per patron. | This setting should be avoided. (newly possible and unresearched) | 10 2 | ||
Minimum Estimated Wait | When predicting the amount of time a patron will be waiting for a hold to be fulfilled, this is the minimum estimated length of time to assume an item will be checked out. Examples: "1 week", "5 days" | This setting should be avoided. | |||
Org Unit Target Weight | Org Units can be organized into hold target groups based on a weight. Potential copies from org units with the same weight are chosen at random. | This setting is currently being reviewed by the Cardinal team. | |||
Skip For Hold Targeting | When true, don't target any copies at this org unit for holds | This setting is decided by the Resource Sharing agreement. | false 48 true 17 |
Soft boundary | This setting is currently being reviewed by the Cardinal team. | 0 2 | 0 | ||
Soft stalling interval | How long to wait before allowing remote items to be opportunistically captured for a hold. Example "5 days" | This setting is currently being reviewed by the Cardinal team. | 7 days 1 | 7 days | |
Use weight-based hold targeting | Use library weight based hold targeting | This setting is currently being reviewed by the Cardinal team. | |||
Maximum Item Price | When charging for lost items, limit the charge to this as a maximum. | This setting is not currently used. | |||
Minimum Item Price | When charging for lost items, charge this amount as a minimum. | This setting is not currently used. | |||
Default copy status (fast add) | Default status when a copy is created using the "Fast Add" interface. | This setting should be avoided. | 5 20 0 1 |
5 | |
Default Merge Profile (Z39.50 and Record Buckets) | Default merge profile to use during Z39.50 imports and record bucket merges | This setting should be avoided. | |||
Defines the control number identifier used in 003 and 035 fields. | Cat: Defines the control number identifier used in 003 and 035 fields. | This setting should be avoided. | CARDINAL 5 | CARDINAL | |
Delete bib if all copies are deleted via Acquisitions lineitem cancellation. | CAT: Delete bib if all copies are deleted via Acquisitions lineitem cancellation. | We do not recommend choosing a setting. This may be related to a known bug in Cardinal. If chosen, True is the most commonly chosen option. | true 9 | ||
Maximum Parallel Z39.50 Batch Searches | The maximum number of Z39.50 searches that can be in-flight at any given time when performing batch Z39.50 searches | This setting is not currently used. | |||
Maximum Z39.50 Batch Search Results | The maximum number of search results to retrieve and queue for each record + Z39 source during batch Z39.50 searches | This setting is not currently used. | |||
Custom CSS for the OPAC | Custom CSS for the OPAC | This setting is not currently used. | |||
Enable Digital Bookplate Search | If enabled, adds a "Digital Bookplate" option to the query type selectors in the public catalog for search on copy tags. | We do not recommend using this setting. If you choose to, most libraries choose True. | true 4 | ||
OPAC: Number of staff client saved searches to display on left side of results and record details pages | If unset, the OPAC (only when wrapped in the staff client!) will default to showing you your ten most recent searches on the left side of the results and record details pages. If you actually don't want to see this feature at all, set this value to zero at the top of your organizational tree. | Cardinal level decision | |||
OPAC: Org Unit is not a hold pickup library | If set, this org unit will not be offered to the patron as an option for a hold pickup location. This setting has no affect on searching or hold targeting | Cardinal level decision | false 18 true 15 |
Org Unit Hiding Depth | This will hide certain org units in the public OPAC if the Physical Location (url param "physical_loc") for the OPAC inherits this setting. This setting specifies an org unit depth, that together with the OPAC Physical Location determines which section of the Org Hierarchy should be visible in the OPAC. For example, a stock Evergreen installation will have a 3-tier hierarchy (Consortium/System/Branch), where System has a depth of 1 and Branch has a depth of 2. If this setting contains a depth of 1 in such an installation, then every library in the System in which the Physical Location belongs will be visible, and everything else will be hidden. A depth of 0 will effectively make every org visible. The embedded OPAC in the staff client ignores this setting. | This setting is not currently used. | null 1 | ||
Show Owning Lib in Items Out | If enabled, the Owning Lib will be shown in the Items Out display. This may assist in requesting additional renewals | This setting is not currently used. | |||
Content of alert_text include | Text to be inserted into Print Templates in place of {{includes.alert_text}} | This setting is not currently used. | |||
Content of header_text include | Text to be inserted into Print Templates in place of {{includes.header_text}} | This setting is not currently used. | |||
Content of notice_text include | Text to be inserted into Print Templates in place of {{includes.notice_text}} | This setting is not currently used. | |||
booking.allow_email_notify | Permit email notification when a reservation is ready for pickup. | Not applicable. Patrons cannot currently use the booking module. | |||
Initial status for received items | Allows staff to designate a custom copy status on received lineitems. Default status is "In Process". | Evergreen decides the initial status automatically - this setting should be avoided. | 5 2 | ||
Set copy creator as receiver | When receiving a copy in acquisitions, set the copy "creator" to be the staff that received the copy | This setting should be avoided. | true 5 false 3 |
Upload Activate PO | Activate the purchase order by default during ACQ file upload | This should not be set. This should be decided on a secondary basis. | false 8 true 1 |
Upload Create PO | Create a purchase order by default during ACQ file upload | Evergreen completes this operation automatically - this setting is outdated. | true 7 false 1 |
Upload Default Insufficient Quality Fall-Thru Profile | Default low-quality fall through profile used during ACQ file upload | This setting should be avoided. | |||
Upload Default Merge Profile | Default merge profile to use during ACQ file upload | "Match only merge" is set for Cardinal. | 126 1 | ||
Upload Default Min. Quality Ratio | Default minimum quality ratio used during ACQ file upload | This setting should be avoided. | |||
Upload Default Provider | Default provider to use during ACQ file upload | Most libraries have several providers, so we do not recommend setting a default. | 493 1 | ||
Upload Import Non Matching by Default | Import non-matching records by default during ACQ file upload | This should not be set. This should be decided on an import case by case basis. | true 4 | ||
Upload Load Items for Imported Records by Default | Load items for imported records by default during ACQ file upload | This should not be set. This should be decided on an import case by case basis. | false 3 true 3 |
Upload Merge on Best Match by Default | Merge records on best match by default during ACQ file upload | This setting should be avoided. | true 4 | ||
Upload Merge on Exact Match by Default | Merge records on exact match by default during ACQ file upload | This setting should be avoided. | |||
Upload Merge on Single Match by Default | Merge records on single match by default during ACQ file upload | This setting should be avoided. | true 1 | ||
Default display grouping for serials distributions presented in the OPAC. | Default display grouping for serials distributions presented in the OPAC. This can be "enum" or "chron". | This setting is not currently used. | chron 3 enum 1 |
Previous Issuance Copy Location | When a serial issuance is received, copies (units) of the previous issuance will be automatically moved into the configured shelving location | This setting is not currently used. | 3984 1 2540 1 3174 1 |
Allow multiple username changes | If enabled (and Lock Usernames is not set) patrons will be allowed to change their username when it does not look like a barcode. Otherwise username changing in the OPAC will only be allowed when the patron's username looks like a barcode. | This may incur a security issue if chosen. | true 1 | ||
Password format | Regular expression defining the password format. Note: Be sure to update the update_password_msg.tt2 TPAC template with a user-friendly description of your password strength requirements. | This may incur a security issue if chosen. | ^.{4,}$ 7 | ^.{4,}$ | |
Global Default Locale | This setting is not currently used. | ||||
Lock Usernames | If enabled username changing via the OPAC will be disabled | This setting is not currently used. | |||
Patron barcode format | Regular expression defining the patron barcode format | This may incur a security issue if chosen. | |||
Patron username format | Regular expression defining the patron username format, used for patron registration and self-service username changing only | This may incur a security issue if chosen. | |||
Maximum concurrently active self-serve password reset requests | Prevent the creation of new self-serve password reset requests until the number of active requests drops back below this number. | This may incur a security issue if chosen. | 300 2 | ||
Maximum concurrently active self-serve password reset requests per user | When a user has more than this number of concurrently active self-serve password reset requests for their account, prevent the user from creating any new self-serve password reset requests until the number of active requests for the user drops back below this number. | This may incur a security issue if chosen. | 10 2 | ||
Obscure the Date of Birth field | When true, the Date of Birth column in patron lists will default to Not Visible, and in the Patron Summary sidebar the value will display as <Hidden> unless the field label is clicked. | This may incur a security issue if chosen. | false 7 | ||
Patron Opt-In Boundary | This determines at which depth above which patrons must be opted in, and below which patrons will be assumed to be opted in. | This setting is not currently used. | |||
Patron Opt-In Default | This is the default depth at which a patron is opted in; it is calculated as an org unit relative to the current workstation. | This setting is not currently used. | |||
Persistent Login Duration | How long a persistent login lasts. E.g. '2 weeks' | This setting is not currently used. | |||
Restrict patron opt-in to home library and related orgs at specified depth | Patrons at this library can only be opted-in at org units which are within the library's section of the org tree, at or below the depth specified by this setting. They cannot be opted in at any other libraries. | This setting is not currently used. | |||
Self-serve password reset request time-to-live | Length of time (in seconds) a self-serve password reset request should remain active. | This may incur a security issue if the time interval is too large. | 3600 4 | ||
Cap results in Patron Search at this number. | So for example, if you search for John Doe, normally you would get at most 50 results. This setting allows you to raise or lower that limit. | This setting is not currently used. | 50 8 100 1 |
Default Hotkeyset | Default Hotkeyset for clients (filename without the .keyset). Examples: Default, Minimal, and None | This setting is not currently used. | |||
Deprecated: Format Times with this pattern. | GUI: Format Times with this pattern (examples: "h:m:s.SSS a z" for "2:07:20.666 PM Eastern Daylight Time", "HH:mm" for "14:07") | This setting is not currently used. | HH:mm 2 | ||
Disable the ability to save list column configurations locally. | GUI: Disable the ability to save list column configurations locally. If set, columns may still be manipulated, however, the changes do not persist. Also, existing local configurations are ignored if this setting is true. | This setting is not currently used. | false 5 | ||
Example dob field on patron registration | The Example for validation on the dob field in patron registration. | This setting is not currently used. | |||
Example for email field on patron registration | The Example for validation on the email field in patron registration. | This setting is not currently used. | |||
Example for evening_phone field on patron registration | The Example for validation on the evening_phone field in patron registration. | This setting is not currently used. | |||
Example for other_phone field on patron registration | The Example for validation on the other_phone field in patron registration. | This setting is not currently used. | |||
Example for phone fields on patron registration | The Example for validation on phone fields in patron registration. Applies to all phone fields without their own setting. | This setting is not currently used. | null 1 | ||
Example for post_code field on patron registration | The Example for validation on the post_code field in patron registration. | This setting is not currently used. | |||
GUI: Enable Experimental Angular Staff Catalog | Display an entry point in the browser client for the experimental Angular staff catalog. | This setting is not currently used. | |||
Horizontal layout for Volume/Copy Creator/Editor. | The main entry point for this interface is in Holdings Maintenance, Actions for Selected Rows, Edit Item Attributes / Call Numbers / Replace Barcodes. This setting changes the top and bottom panes for that interface into left and right panes. | This setting is not currently used. | |||
Items Out Claims Returned display setting | Value is a numeric code, describing: A. In which tab ("Items Checked Out", or "Other/Special Circulations") the circulation should appear while checked out, and B. Whether the circulation should continue to appear in the "Other" tab when checked in with oustanding fines. 1 = (A) "Items", (B) "Other". 2 = (A) "Other", (B) "Other". 5 = (A) "Items", (B) do not display. 6 = (A) "Other", (B) do not display. | This setting is not currently used. | 2 19 | 2 | |
Items Out Long-Overdue display setting | Value is a numeric code, describing: A. In which tab ("Items Checked Out", or "Other/Special Circulations") the circulation should appear while checked out, and B. Whether the circulation should continue to appear in the "Other" tab when checked in with oustanding fines. 1 = (A) "Items", (B) "Other". 2 = (A) "Other", (B) "Other". 5 = (A) "Items", (B) do not display. 6 = (A) "Other", (B) do not display. | This setting is not currently used. | 2 3 | ||
Items Out Lost display setting | Value is a numeric code, describing: A. In which tab ("Items Checked Out", or "Other/Special Circulations") the circulation should appear while checked out, and B. Whether the circulation should continue to appear in the "Other" tab when checked in with oustanding fines. 1 = (A) "Items", (B) "Other". 2 = (A) "Other", (B) "Other". 5 = (A) "Items", (B) do not display. 6 = (A) "Other", (B) do not display. | This setting is not currently used. | 2 16 6 2 5 1 1 1 |
2 | |
Max user activity entries to retrieve (staff client) | Sets the maxinum number of recent user activity entries to retrieve for display in the staff client. 0 means show none, -1 means show all. Default is 1. | We do not recommend setting a limit on the number of entries. | |||
Maximum payment amount allowed. | The payment amount in the Patron Bills interface may not exceed the value of this setting. | Most libraries do not currently use this setting. | 1000 1 | ||
Payment amount threshold for Are You Sure? dialog. | In the Patron Bills interface, a payment attempt will warn if the amount exceeds the value of this setting. | This setting is not currently used. | |||
Suggest active field on patron registration | The active field will be suggested on the patron registration screen. Suggesting a field makes it appear when suggested fields are shown. If the field is shown or required this setting is ignored. | This setting is not currently used. | |||
Regex for barcodes on patron registration | The Regular Expression for validation on barcodes in patron registration. | This setting is not currently used. | |||
Regex for day_phone field on patron registration | The Regular Expression for validation on the day_phone field in patron registration. Note: The first capture group will be used for the "last 4 digits of phone number" feature, if enabled. Ex: "[2-9]\d{2}-\d{3}-(\d{4})( x\d+)?" will ignore the extension on a NANP number. | This setting is not currently used. | |||
Regex for evening_phone field on patron registration | The Regular Expression for validation on the evening_phone field in patron registration. | This setting is not currently used. | |||
Regex for other_phone field on patron registration | The Regular Expression for validation on the other_phone field in patron registration. | This setting is not currently used. | |||
Regex for phone fields on patron registration | The Regular Expression for validation on phone fields in patron registration. Applies to all phone fields without their own setting. NOTE: See description of the day_phone regex for important information about capture groups with it. | This setting is not currently used. | |||
Regex for post_code field on patron registration | The Regular Expression for validation on the post_code field in patron registration. | This setting is not currently used. | |||
require ident_value field on patron registration | The ident_value field will be required on the patron registration screen. | This setting is not currently used. | |||
Require other_phone field on patron registration | The other_phone field will be required on the patron registration screen. | This setting is not currently used. | |||
Require prefix field on patron registration | The prefix field will be required on the patron registration screen. | This setting is not currently used. | |||
Show active field on patron registration | The active field will be shown on the patron registration screen. Showing a field makes it appear with required fields even when not required. If the field is required this setting is ignored. | This setting is not currently used. | |||
Show barred field on patron registration | The barred field will be shown on the patron registration screen. Showing a field makes it appear with required fields even when not required. If the field is required this setting is ignored. | This setting is not currently used. | |||
Show master_account field on patron registration | The master_account field will be shown on the patron registration screen. Showing a field makes it appear with required fields even when not required. If the field is required this setting is ignored. | This setting is not currently used. | |||
Show other_phone field on patron registration | The other_phone field will be shown on the patron registration screen. Showing a field makes it appear with required fields even when not required. If the field is required this setting is ignored. | This setting is not currently used. | |||
Show prefix field on patron registration | The prefix field will be shown on the patron registration screen. Showing a field makes it appear with required fields even when not required. If the field is required this setting is ignored. | This setting is not currently used. | |||
Suggest barred field on patron registration | The barred field will be suggested on the patron registration screen. Suggesting a field makes it appear when suggested fields are shown. If the field is shown or required this setting is ignored. | This setting is not currently used. | |||
Suggest claims_never_checked_out_count field on patron registration | The claims_never_checked_out_count field will be suggested on the patron registration screen. Suggesting a field makes it appear when suggested fields are shown. If the field is shown or required this setting is ignored. | This setting is not currently used. | |||
Suggest claims_returned_count field on patron registration | The claims_returned_count field will be suggested on the patron registration screen. Suggesting a field makes it appear when suggested fields are shown. If the field is shown or required this setting is ignored. | This setting is not currently used. | |||
Suggest prefix field on patron registration | The prefix field will be suggested on the patron registration screen. Suggesting a field makes it appear when suggested fields are shown. If the field is shown or required this setting is ignored. | This setting is not currently used. | |||
Toggle off the patron summary sidebar after first view. | When true, the patron summary sidebar will collapse after a new patron sub-interface is selected. | This setting is not currently used. | false 12 true 10 |
Uncheck bills by default in the patron billing interface | Uncheck bills by default in the patron billing interface, and focus on the Uncheck All button instead of the Payment Received field. | Defunct setting to be applied before Evergreen angular version updates. | true 2 false 2 |
TRUE | |
Unified Volume/Item Creator/Editor | If true combines the Volume/Copy Creator and Item Attribute Editor in some instances. | No longer applies in our version of Evergreen, as Webby is unified. | true 18 false 9 |
TRUE | |
URL for remote directory containing list column settings. | GUI: URL for remote directory containing list column settings. The format and naming convention for the files found in this directory match those in the local settings directory for a given workstation. An administrator could create the desired settings locally and then copy all the tree_columns_for_* files to the remote directory. | This setting is not currently used. | |||
Maximum redirect lookups | For URLs returning 3XX redirects, this is the maximum number of redirects we will follow before giving up. | This setting is not currently used. | |||
Maximum wait time (in seconds) for a URL to lookup | If we exceed the wait time, the URL is marked as a "timeout" and the system moves on to the next URL | This setting is not currently used. | |||
Number of seconds to wait between URL test attempts. | Throttling mechanism for batch URL verification runs. Each running process will wait this number of seconds after a URL test before performing the next. | This setting is not currently used. | |||
Number of URLs to test in parallel | URLs are tested in batches. This number defines the size of each batch and it directly relates to the number of back-end processes performing URL verification. | This setting is not currently used. | |||
OneClickdigital Base URI | Base URI for OneClickdigital API (defaults to https://api.oneclickdigital.com/v1). Using HTTPS here is strongly encouraged. | OneClick is defunct | |||
OneClickdigital Basic Token | Basic token for client authentication with OneClickdigital API (supplied by OneClickdigital) | OneClick is defunct | |||
OneClickdigital Library ID | Identifier assigned to this library by OneClickdigital | OneClick is defunct | |||
Do not include outstanding Claims Returned circulations in lump sum tallies in Patron Display. | In the Patron Display interface, the number of total active circulations for a given patron is presented in the Summary sidebar and underneath the Items Out navigation button. This setting will prevent Claims Returned circulations from counting toward these tallies. | True/False | True (36) False (5) |
TRUE | |
Include Lost circulations in lump sum tallies in Patron Display. | In the Patron Display interface, the number of total active circulations for a given patron is presented in the Summary sidebar and underneath the Items Out navigation button. This setting will include Lost circulations as counting toward these tallies. | True/False | True (29) False (6) |
This section describes both everyday closures and specific details suitable for school and academic libraries that operate on a term or semester system. Hours of Operation is for regular, weekly hours. Holiday and other closures are set in the Closed Dates Editor. Both hours of operation and closed dates impact due dates and fine accrual.
You may set your Hours of Operation in the Administration menu under Server Administration. From the Server Administration splash page, select Organizational Units. Navigate to the Hours of Operations tab.
Holiday and other closures that deviate from the standard hours of operation are set in the Closed Dates Editor. Both hours of operation and closed dates impact due dates and fine accrual.
These dates are in addition to your regular weekly closed days. Both regular closed days and those entered in the Closed Dates Editor affect due dates and fines:
Closed dates do not affect the processing delays for Action/Triggers. For example, if your library has a trigger event that marks items as lost after 30 days, that 30 day period will include both open and closed dates.
Note: By default, creating a closed date for a parent organizational unit (system) does not also close the child units (branches), unless you check the Apply to all of my libraries option.
To close the library for a specific time span within a single day, select Detailed from the Closing type drop-down. This will generate new fields for Start and End dates and times. Fill in the correct dates and times for the closing, and complete the Library Closing pop-up as described above.
The Closed Dates Editor includes an Emergency Closing feature that allows libraries to shift due dates and expiry dates to the next open day. Overdue fines will be automatically voided for the day(s) the library is marked closed. Once an Emergency Closing is processed, it is permanent and cannot be rolled back. The required EMERGENCY_CLOSING permission is granted to Branch and System Administrators.
The Emergency Closing feature is located within the Closed Dates Editor screen, which can be accessed via the Administration menu. Select Local Administration. From the Local Administration splash page, select Closed Dates Editor.
Within the closed dates editor screen, scheduled closed dates are listed and can be scoped by specific org unit and date. The date filter in the upper right-hand corner will show upcoming library closings on or after the selected date in the filter.
Select Add Closing to begin the emergency closing process. A pop-up will appear with fields to fill out. Click the checkbox for "Emergency." When that box is clicked, the "Process Immediately" option will become available.
When selecting the Process Immediately checkbox, Evergreen will enact the Emergency Closing changes immediately once the Emergency Closed Date information is saved. If Process Immediately is not selected at the time of creation, staff will need to go back and edit the closing later, or the Emergency processing will not occur.
NOTE:The Emergency checkbox must be manually selected in order to actually set the closing as an Emergency Closing.
In addition to selecting the Emergency check box, fill out the following fields:
The Multiple days and Detailed closing options will display different date options in the next field if selected.
NOTE: The Closed Dates editor is date-aware. If a selected closed date is either in the past, or nearer in time than the end of the longest configured circulation period, staff will see a notification that says "Possible Emergency Closing" in both the dialog box and in the bottom right-hand corner.
By selecting the Emergency checkbox, the system will void any overdue fines incurred for that emergency closed day or days and push back any of the following dates to the next open day as determined by the library’s settings for the following:
Upon clicking OK, a progress bar will appear on-screen. After completion, the Closed Dates Editor screen will update, and under the Emergency Closing Processing Summary column, the number of affected/processed Circulations, Holds, and Reservations will be listed.
If Process immediately is not selected during an Emergency Closing event creation, staff will need to edit the existing Emergency Closing event and process the affected items.
In the Closed Dates Editor screen, select the existing Emergency Closing event listed. Then, go to the Actions menu and select Edit closing.
A pop-up display will appear with the same format as creating a Closed Dates event with the Emergency checkbox already checked and the Process Immediately check box un-checked. Select the Process immediately checkbox, and then OK. A progress bar will appear on-screen, the Emergency Closing processing will occur, and the Closed Dates Editor display will update with information about the affected items.
In Evergreen, fines are generated for each day in the early morning hours of the day they are owed. For example, fines owed for January 25th are billed the morning of January 25th by the automated fine generator, but are dated January 24th @ 11:59 pm. This means that the library fines for the day are already billed by the time the library opens. If the library is scheduled to be open normally and then closes early for bad weather or other unexpected causes, any fines for that day will already have been billed. This is why backdating checkins to the library’s last regular open day after a weather-related closing can be a useful option to resolve fines once the library reopens. If fines are billed that library leadership would like to have removed from patrons’ accounts due to an unexpected closing, staff can void fines for individual dates using the Full Details screen in the bill tab on the patron account.
Before an anticipated weather-related closing based on the forecast, Branch Admins and above can make changes in the Closed Dates Editor to mark a future date as closed for weather, which means that fines will not be generated for patrons on the indicated future date.
Evergreen now has an Emergency Closing option that will automatically extend existing circulation, booking due dates, and hold shelf expiration times, so long as the Emergency and Process Immediately boxes are checked.
Grace days are the number of days selected by each library system for which Evergreen should hold fines in abeyance to allow patrons a little extra time to get the item back to the library. Fines are accrued beginning the day after the item is due, as usual, but not immediately billed to the patron. If the patron returns the item within the grace period, the fines owed are not billed to the patron. However, if the patron returns the item even one day after the grace period, the full amount of the fines owed from the due date until the checkin date are billed to the patron. There is a library setting that determines whether fines are charged for dates the library is closed — Charge fines on overdue circulations when closed. Grace days apply whether or not a fine would normally be billed.
Evergreen counts each billing cycle as the 24-hour period from midnight to 11:59:59 pm for each calendar day when calculating fines. Overdue fines will begin accumulating after a full day has elapsed. This means that if you check in or renew an item the day after it is due (but before that 24-hour period has completed), the patron will not be charged an overdue fine for that single day, even if your circulation policy does not allow for any grace days.
To illustrate, say a patron has an item that is due on 02/18/2025. It is technically actually due by 11:59:59 pm on 02/18/2025. At 12:00 am on 02/19/2025, the item will be marked as overdue in the patron's account. However, the overdue fine will not be assessed until 11:59:59 pm on 02/19/2025. If the patrons returns or renews the item at, say, 10:46 am on 02/19/2025, the patron will not be charged an overdue fine.
If the patron does not return or renew the item before 11:59:59 pm on 02/19/2025, the fine generator (which runs all day around the clock) will apply the fine at that time.
It must be noted that this only applies to the first 24-hour period after an item is due. This initial 24-hour period is functionally similar to a grace day in that if a patron returns an item less than one day after that first 24-hour period, the full amount of the fines owed from the due date until the checkin date are billed to the patron.
As an example, say an overdue fine for a single day is $.25. A patron has an item that is due by 11:59:59 pm on 02/18/2025. The patron does not return the item until 9:31 am on 02/20/2025. The patron would then be charged $.50, rather than $.25, even though it has not been a full 48 hours since the time the item was due.
Practically speaking, this basically means that Evergreen has its own built in "grace day," so when looking at the number of grace days in a circulation policy, it would be more accurate to add 1 to the number of days listed.
In Evergreen, the default is that library closed dates are counted as grace days, since the patron could theoretically return the item in the bookdrop on the day the library is closed.
Many libraries only want their open dates to count as grace days. To accomplish this, they can choose to select TRUE for the library setting Auto-Extend Grace Periods: When enabled grace periods will auto-extend. By default, this will be only when the grace period is a full day or more and ends on a closed date, though other options can alter this.
Two other options allow the grace days to be extended to differing degrees.
Example: A library permits 1 grace day for the patron to return or renew an item (Evergreen default). A patron's item is due on Friday. The library is open on Saturday, closed on Sunday and Monday, open on Tuesday. The patron returns the item on the following Thursday.
Since the library is open on Saturday, that counts as the patron's grace day. If the patron does not return or renew the item by the time the library closes on Saturday, the patron will be billed for Saturday's overdue fine on Sunday morning and subsequent days as follows.
If fines are not charged for closed dates (as determined by library setting: Charge fines on overdue circulations when closed), the late fee accrued for Saturday will be billed Sunday morning, but no fines billed for Sunday or Monday. Then, the patron account will be billed on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday (in the early morning hours) for each day's overdue fines.
If fines are charged for closed dates (as determined by library setting: Charge fines on overdue circulations when closed), the patron will be billed for Saturday and Sunday in the early hours of Sunday and for each day thereafter, through Thursday's return date.
Since the library is open on Saturday, that counts as the patron's grace day. However, since the library is closed on Sunday and Monday, these trailing closed dates (immediately following the grace day) mean that the patron's grace period is extended through all the closed dates and patron would not be billed Sunday morning for Saturday's overdue fine.
If the patron returned the item in the bookdrop before the library opens on Tuesday morning, and staff backdate the checkin, the patron would not be charged a fine for Saturday at all. Since our example patron does not return the item until Thursday, the patron is billed fines for the grace days on Tuesday morning, and the only difference is for which days fines are applied.
If fines are not charged for closed dates (as determined by library setting: Charge fines on overdue circulations when closed), the patron is billed fines for Saturday and Tuesday on Tuesday morning, then again on Wednesday and Thursday.
If fines are charged for closed dates (as determined by library setting: Charge fines on overdue circulations when closed), the patron will be billed for Saturday, Sunday, Monday, and Tuesday on Tuesday morning, then again on Wednesday and Thursday.
There are number of changes and customizations that can be applied to the patron self registration page to control the look & feel and logic of the page.
Any of the fields on the form can be made required or not. Some of these can be controlled via library settings on the back end while others must be hardcoded into the form.
A pre form message can be added to the registration form to give users additional context or instructions for completing the form.
The post form message appears once a card has successfully been applied for.
Images can be embedded anywhere within the form.
For forms with a required address, any part of the address can be validated to prevent users from outside of a certain region from submitting the form. For instance, Sandhill has a list of valid of zip codes that the address must belong to in order to be valid.
The logic of the date of birth field can be altered to prevent users below or above a certain age from submitting. The logic can also be tied into the digital signature feature mentioned below. Lastly, a counter can be added to the input to show how many years past the date is.
A checkbox or drop down that allows users to set their own permission group. In Sandhill's example, their checkbox sets the users permission group to 42 (Internet). Additional logic can be added to the form to handle different permission groups. For example, if the Internet Only checkbox is checked, email will become a required field.
Any of the user's settings, such as SMS notice info, can be put into the form so that they don't need to do it later. This plays into the digital signature feature described below.
Digital signatures were implemented for parents to sign off on a card for their minor children. This is a new user setting that contains the parent or guardian's full legal name.
The date of birth field can have its logic altered to make the digital signature field required for minor users.
On the pending patrons staff page, the electronic signature will look like this:
Validation occurs when users submit data into the patron self-registration form. Back end validation happens on the NC Cardinal servers and prevents data from being input into the database if things are missing or formatted incorrectly. Back end validation is the stronger form of validation because it's guaranteed to run for all data. It's harder to implement back end validation because it requires changes to be made to Evergreen's code.
Front end validation happens on the user's web browser and can prevent data from reaching the NC Cardinal server. Every web browser is different, and what works on one doesn't always work on the other. It's possible for a browser to be unable to run the validation and allow "dirty" data to reach the server. Sneaky users may also "hack" the form to bypass front end validation. It's always a good idea to review the data by hand before accepting the new user.
Alternative color schemes can be applied to the OPAC at a system wide level. This feature can be utilized to make Evergreen blend in better with the aesthetics of a library's home page. Not every color can be altered, but there's enough options to seriously change the look of the OPAC.
These elements can be modified by system level color changes.
Colors in the web browser are represented by what's called a hex code. You can use this tool to select colors for each element and copy their hex code into your ticket.
Accessibility concerns may arise due to color changes. People with visual disabilities may be unable to read text or use graphical elements if the color contrast is too low. Before suggesting color changes, please use the WebAim Contrast Checker to check your new color against black and white backgrounds. If your color passes the WCAG AA certification we can go ahead and implement it.
This tool: https://www.experte.com/accessibility/contrast is a webcrawler that can be used to check an entire site for contrast related accessibility issues.
Onslow County has extensively changed the color of their OPAC. They have cutomized the header, footer, tabs, buttons and links to match the darker blue color of their library's logo. Additionally, the "fade" of their header has been removed, making the header one solid color.
It is possible to create shared lists of library materials and link to them from your website or from your OPAC home page.
First, create the list. Then, make sure that the list is shared and you have selected HTML view.
Populate the list by selecting items in the catalog and adding them to the desired list.
To add the list to a web page, go to the HTML view and copy the url. Paste into the appropriate location on your website.
To have a link to the list display on the OPAC home screen, follow all the instructions above, then submit a help ticket including the url and the text you would like to display. Specify whether the link should display in the top or bottom bar.
With a modification to your homepage, lists can be displayed on the OPAC as well. This is much more efficient than using the HTML view because records in the list can be retrieved in small paginated batches rather than all at once. In addition to that, the OPAC list remains concise by only displaying the title and cover.
Once this feature is enabled on the OPAC, any shared bucket or list can be displayed if its BB ID is known.
Opac Carousels are interactive elements that appear on your library system's home page. Carousels display bibliographic records loaded from public buckets. You can set up buckets to automatically populate with items based on criteria that you define in the staff client.
To create a carousel, navigate over to the Carousels administration page from the local admin panel.
From the carousel admin page, select "new carousel".
The owner is the library system or branch that this carousel belongs to.
This is the name of the carousel as it will appear on the OPAC.
This defines how the carousel's bib record bucket will be automatically populated.
Items older than this age will not appear in the carousel. This is an "interval" meaning it takes a length and unit of time for instance: "15 years", "2 weeks" etc.
How many items will appear in the carousel. The more items in the carousel, the longer the homepage could take to load.
Items will only show up if they belong to the libraries that you define in this list.
For "Newest Items by Shelving Location" only. Defines which shelving locations items must belong to in order to show up on the carousel.
This box must be checked in order for the carousel to show up on the OPAC.
Once a carousel has been created, it needs to be "mapped" to an org unit for it to show up on the OPAC. In the local admin panel, select Carousel Library Mappings.
New carousels will automatically be mapped to their owning library. When editing a carousel's mapping, you can override its name and where it appears on the page.
When the carousel populates with items, it will show up on the OPAC.
Carousels aren't just limited to the OPAC, they can displayed anywhere on the web using an iframe. Iframes allow your web browser to load content from one website and bring it into another. To grab a carousel, all you need is its ID.
Create a link to the carousel using the following template:
https://[YOUR SUBDOMAIN].nccardinal.org/eg/opac/home?iframe=1&bbag=[CAROUSEL ID]
In your HTML, add this bit of code:
<iframe style="height: 300px; width: 90%;" src="[YOUR LINK]"> </iframe>
Administrators can create alternate templates for action triggers that will generate Locale Specific messages. If you send notices in multiple languages, we recommend putting some words to that effect in your notice templates. The template, message and message title can all be localized. This allows libraries to set patrons' accounts to receive messages in languages other than English.
Note: This feature does not automatically translate existing templates, and an Evergreen administrator must create new alternate templates for each desired locale.
This feature requires two separate elements to function properly:
System administrators can create alternate templates by following these steps:
In order for the alternate template you created in the last step to actually go out, patrons must have a language preference set in their accounts. Staff can set it via the Staff Client in the Edit screen of the patron's account, or while registering a patron.
To use the feature the following UI elements have been added:
When you double-click on an Event Definition under Notifications / Action Triggers to edit it there will be a tab option for Edit Alternate Template if the reactor is ProcessTemplate, SendEmail, or SendSMS.
In the Patron Registration and Patron Editor screens staff members may select a locale for a patron and edit it in the Patron Preferred Language field.
The templates used on the Edit Definition tab are the defaults that are used if there are no alternate templates available that match the preferred language. If alternate templates are available the system will use a locale that is an exact match and then if failing that use one where the language code matches and then fall back to the default one.
For example, if a patron has a locale of fr-CA and there are templates for both fr-CA and fr-FR it will use the fr-CA. If the fr-CA template was deleted it would fall back on using the fr-FR for the patron since it at least shares the same base language.
Valid locales are the codes defined in the i18n_locale
table in the config schema.
In Evergreen, hold available and overdue notices are capable of being delivered by SMS text messages. This feature must be enabled by the patron and is not guaranteed to work for all telecommunication companies.
A patron's user settings determine the destination for their SMS notices. When a patron creates a new hold, that hold's sms notify information is filled in automatically with whatever they've entered in to their Default SMS/Text Number field. Your hold notices can be set up so that they will not be sent if the SMS checkbox under User settings is unchecked. This is not the default behavior of our SMS notices and can not currently be enabled on overdue notices.
Currently, hold notices and 3 day courtesy notices are available for each system in the consortium. Each system may customize their messaging and features as needed by submitting a ticket. The character limit for a single SMS message is 160 characters. Depending on the network, support for concatenation and segmentation can rebuild messages up to 1600 characters.
the standard behavior of this notice is to use the default sender and not your bounced email address. Submit a ticket if you'd like us to use your bounced email address instead, this can be very useful for finding problems. By default, this notice does not respect the SMS checkbox in the User Settings Hold Notices form. Submit a ticket if you'd like us to add this behavior to your notice.
Please note that this notice retrieves its sms number and carrier from the hold record, not from the user's settings. This means that if a user updates their settings after the hold has been placed, their holds still maintain their old information.
From: [ default_sender ]
To: [ sms_notify@sms_carrier ]
Subject: [ number of holds ] hold(s) ready
[ Repeat for every hold ]
[bib record content][ patron first name ] : [ title ] @ [ pickup lib ]
[ end repeat ]
Held items must be collected within 7 days.
Please note that this notice does not respect the SMS checkbox in the User Settings Hold Notices form. This feature can not be enabled as it was only intended to affect hold notices.
From: [ your bounced email address ]
To: [ sms_number@sms_carrier ]
Subject: Library Materials Due Soon
You have items due soon:
[ Repeat for every item due ]
[ copy_details ]
[ title ] by [ author ] due on [ due_date (m-d-Y)]
[ end repeat ]
SMS notices are sent as emails from the NC Cardinal web servers to a special email address called an SMS gateway. Each telecom company defines their own SMS gateway that we have set up in Evergreen.
Name | Email Gateway |
AT&T Enterprise Paging | $number@page.att.net |
AT&T Global Smart Messaging Suite | $number@sms.smartmessagingsuite.com |
AT&T Mobility/Wireless | $number@txt.att.net |
Alaska Communications | $number@msg.acsalaska.com |
Aliant | $number@sms.wirefree.informe.ca |
Alltel (Allied Wireless) | $number@sms.alltelwireless.com |
Assurance Wireless | $number@vmobl.com |
Bell Mobility & Solo Mobile | $number@txt.bell.ca |
Bell Mobility & Solo Mobile (Alternate) | $number@txt.bellmobility.ca |
BellSouth | $number@bellsouth.com |
Bluegrass Cellular | $number@sms.bluecell.com |
Boost Mobile | $number@myboostmobile.com |
Bulletin.net | $number@bulletinmessenger.net |
C Beyond | $number@cbeyond.sprintpcs.com |
Carolina West Wireless | $number@cwwsms.com |
Cellcom | $number@cellcom.quiktxt.com |
Cellular One (Dobson) / O2 / Orange | $number@mobile.celloneusa.com |
Cellular South | $number@csouth1.com |
Chariton Valley Wireless | $number@sms.cvalley.net |
Cincinnati Bell | $number@gocbw.com |
Cingular (GoPhone prepaid) | $number@cingulartext.com |
Cingular (Postpaid) | $number@cingular.com |
Cleartalk Wireless | $number@sms.cleartalk.us |
Consumer Cellular | $number@cingularme.com |
Cricket | $number@sms.mycricket.com |
Edge Wireless | $number@sms.edgewireless.com |
Element Mobile | $number@SMS.elementmobile.net |
Esendex | $number@echoemail.net |
Family Mobile | $number@tmomail.net |
Fido | $number@fido.ca |
General Communications, Inc. | $number@mobile.gci.net |
Globalstar | $number@msg.globalstarusa.com |
Golden State Cellular | $number@gscsms.com |
Google Project Fi | $number@msg.fi.google.com |
Helio | $number@myhelio.com |
Iridium | $number@msg.iridium.com |
MTS Mobility | $number@text.mtsmobility.com |
Metro by T-Mobile (MetroPCS) | $number@mymetropcs.com |
Net10 (AT&T) | $number@txt.att.net |
Net10 (Verizon) | $number@vtext.com |
Nextel | $number@messaging.nextel.com |
PagePlus Cellular | $number@vtext.com |
Qwest Wireless | $number@qwestmp.com |
Republic Wireless | $number@text.republicwireless.com |
Rogers Wireless | $number@pcs.rogers.com |
SaskTel | $number@sms.sasktel.com |
Simple Mobile | $number@smtext.com |
Southwestern Bell | @email.swbw.com |
Sprint (PCS) | $number@messaging.sprintpcs.com |
Straight Talk (AT&T) | $number@txt.att.net |
Straight Talk (Sprint) | $number@messaging.sprintpcs.com |
Straight Talk (T-Mobile) | $number@tmomail.net |
Straight Talk (Verizon) | $number@vtext.com |
Syringa Wireless | $number@rinasms.com |
T-Mobile | $number@tmomail.net |
Teleflip | $number@teleflip.com |
Telus Mobility | $number@msg.telus.com |
TracFone | $number@mmst5.tracfone.com |
US Cellular | $number@email.uscc.net |
USA Mobility | $number@usamobility.net |
USA Mobility | @airmessage.net |
Unicel | $number@utext.com |
Verizon Wireless | $number@vtext.com |
Viaero | $number@viaerosms.com |
Virgin Mobile | $number@vmobile.ca |
Virgin Mobile | $number@vmobl.com |
Wind Mobile Canada | @txt.windmobile.ca |
i wireless (T-Mobile) | $number.iws@iwspcs.net |
i-wireless (Sprint PCS) | $number@iwirelesshometext.com |
These carriers have been disabled because they did not operate in North Carolina or were defunct, and also had no active users in our system. They can enabled as needed.
Name | Email Gateway |
Ameritech | $number@paging.acswireless.com |
Centennial Wireless | $number@cwemail.com |
Hawaiian Telcom Wireless | $number@hawaii.sprintpcs.com |
Kajeet | $number@mobile.kajeet.net |
Koodo Mobile | $number@msg.telus.com |
PC Telecom | $number@mobiletxt.ca |
Panacea Mobile | $number@api.panaceamobile.com |
Pioneer Cellular | $number@zsend.com |
Rogers Wireless (Alternate) | 1$number@mms.rogers.com |
South Central Communications | $number@rinasms.com |
Test Carrier | opensrf+$number@localhost |
Whenever a user fills out the patron self registration form, it may make sense to alert a staff member so that they don't miss the application before it's erased from the database (default 7 days). The Pending Patron Submission Email Notice is an action trigger that will compile all of the day's self-registration form submissions into a message and deliver that to an email address. Filters can be applied on the list of patrons so that only a those that apply will make it to the staff member. For instance, Sandhill Regional implements a filter that will only allow patrons with the Internet permission group to show up in their email notice.
Subject: New Patron Registration
The following patrons have requested to be added to [ LIBRARY SYSTEM NAME ]:
· mailto:[ PATRON EMAIL ]
To complete the registration process, visit circulation -> pending patrons
MessageBee is a patron communication tool for libraries. Evergreen uses an email gateway to send text notifications by sending an email to the telephone carrier, and then the telephone carrier turns the email into a text message which is sent to the patron. Increasingly, carrier services are moving away from this method and reducing the deliverability of these communications, and it has resulted in issues with patrons not receiving their text notifications in a reliable or timely fashion. In an effort to resolve this, Cardinal has partnered with Unique Management to implement MessageBee, which sends native text messages to patrons using a ten digit phone number that is specific to each library system. These phone numbers have been created by Unique Management for each library system using an area code previously provided by the library systems. You will be able to find a list of these phone numbers further down this page.
Note that for the time being, MessageBee will only be used to send hold notifications to patrons. This is to test the efficiency and efficacy of the MessageBee system before expanding it to cover all text notifications. During this testing period, Evergreen will still send all other text notifications.
An account has been created for each library system in the consortium. This account is accessed via the MessageBee portal, which can be found at the following link, where you will log in with your email address and password:
Once you have logged in, you will be taken to the homescreen of the portal:
You will see some basic summary data here.
It will default to Today, but you can also select Yesterday or the Last 7 Days. The view will also default to All, but since we are only sending SMS notifications, there is no need to specifically select SMS. There will be no data for Email or Voice.
Total Notifications shows the total number of notifications that have been sent for the time period selected.
Success Rate shows the percentage of notifications that were successfully sent/received.
Engagement Rate tracks "opens" or "click rates," but since text messages do not have these, there will be no data for this.
Unique Management hosted two trainings for library staff in the usage of the MessageBee portal. The trainings were recorded, and you can find both videos embedded below. The trainings cover a number of topics, including reports, adding users, hold notification templates, and responding to text messages.
As described in the trainings above, you have the ability to view and download reports from the portal that provide information on the number of notifications sent and delivered, how many failed to be delivered, how many patrons elected to opt out of receiving notifications, and the segment count (that is, how many segments a message had to be split into if the message's character count exceeded the 160 character limit).
To access these reports, click on Reports, and then select Transactional from the dropdown menu:
The reports screen is automatically scoped to show only text messages:
You can edit the date range by clicking Custom and then clicking inside the field to the left with the dates listed:
To download a report, you will want to click the Export Results button:
This will bring up the "Transactional Deliverability Download" window. It will already have a report name automatically generated, but you can rename the report as needed/desired. Next click the Download button.
Once the download has completed, you will see the following message:
From there you can access the report be either clicking on the pictured icon with the red number and selecting Report Downloads from the dropdown menu:
Or by clicking Downloads on the reports screen.
Here you will see the available reports to download:
The reports are downloaded as a .csv file.
If you want to see a list of notifications, including the specific phone numbers and corresponding library accounts to which the notifications were sent during a specific timeframe, click Search on the reports screen:
The Search By field will default to Email, so you will want to make sure you select Phone or Library Acct. # from the dropdown menu:
You do not need to enter anything into the Search Term field (unless you are only looking for a specific phone number or library account number, in which case you would enter that number). Once you selected a date or date range, click the Search button.
You will then see a list of the notifications that were sent and to whom. If the notification was successfully delivered, under Final Status you will see "Delivered." If for some reason the notification was unable to be delivered, you will see "Failed."
You can view additional details about each notification by clicking the plus sign next to the date:
If you click the envelope icon under Preview, you will be able to see the message that was sent to the patron:
These previews remain in the system for 90 days before they are purged. (The statistics about whether or not a notification was sent, and about whether or not it was delivered, last forever.)
You can also download a report of these text notifications by clicking the Export Results button.
To view notifications that failed to be delivered, along with the reason why, navigate back to the Transactional section of the reports screen. Then click View Details under Success Rate:
This will bring up a similar chart and list of notifications as shown previously above:
Under Reason you will see why a particular notification failed to be delivered.
Reasons may include:
You can find a full list of the failure reasons along with explanations for each here.
You can also download a report of these failed notifications by clicking the Export Results button.
Patrons have the option to opt out of receiving text notifications from MessageBee, and they can do this by responding to a text notification with "stop" or "quit."
The following is an example of a patron opting out:
As you can see, they can resume receiving text notifications by responding with START.
To access this information from the portal, click on Reports, and then select Communication Preferences from the dropdown menu:
On the "Communication Preferences Report" screen, you will see a list of phone numbers that have opted out from receiving text notifications:
The red checkmark underneath SMS Opt Out? denotes that the patron has elected to opt out of receiving text notifications. (The red checkmark will disappear if the patron texts START to the library's phone number that sends the text notifications.)
Important Note: At this time MessageBee is not communicating back to the Evergreen system, so Evergreen is not going to know that a patron has opted out of receiving these text notifications. Hold SMS Notifications in Evergreen were disabled when MessageBee went live, so if a patron says that they are not receiving their hold notification text messages, you will want to check here in MessageBee first.
MessageBee offers you the ability to view and respond to messages received from patrons (e.g. if a patron responds to a hold notification asking who is sending this message). When a patron responds "stop" or "quit" to opt out of receiving text notifications, that will appear here, as well.
To reach this interface, click on SMS:
This will take you to the chat screen, where you can see messages sent by patrons, respond to them, and initiate new conversations with patrons if necessary:
To begin a new conversation, enter a ten-digit phone number (without hyphens) into the "Start a new conversation" field and click the Create button.
The icon that you previously clicked on to access your report downloads will also tell you if you have any new SMS messages:
Below you can see an example conversation in the interface:
As an admin (which all initial accounts created by MessageBee for member libraries are), you can add additional users to your library's account so that they can access the MessageBee portal, as well.
First click Admin, and then select Users from the dropdown menu:
This will take you to the "Customer" section of the Accounts page. Here you will see the users that are already configured. If the account is highlighted in orange, that means it is a local admin for the library.
To add additional users, click the Add user button, which will bring up the "Add User" window:
Enter the email address for the user you wish to add. If you want the user to be an admin, as well, check both Customer Admin and Transactional. (If you do not check either of these, the user will only have access to the reports.)
Then click the Save button.
The user will appear under Pending Invites until they have accepted the email invitation, which will look like this:
You can also edit or delete users by clicking the three dots and selecting either Manage Roles or Remove from the dropdown menu:
Manage Roles brings up the "Modify Roles" window, which lets you assign or remove the Customer Admin and Transactional roles for a user:
Remove brings up the "Confirm Remove User" window where you can delete the user:
Unique Management offers a support website for MessageBee with helpful articles and training videos at the following link:
You can also access this site from the MessageBee portal by clicking the question mark icon:
1. Is the notification message template customizable?
2. Can each library branch have its own unique message template?
3. Are there any limits on the message template?
4. Is there a limit to the number of users that can be created for an account?
5. When viewing messages in the 2 Way SMS screen, is there a way to tell which messages are for which branch of a library system, or are they all just system-based?
6. When are text notifications scheduled to be sent and with what frequency?
7. Are the text notification schedule and frequency customizable per library?
8. When adding new users, if a new user is an admin, should both options "Customer Admin" and "Transactional" be checked?
To submit a help ticket, you will want to click on the small orange icon in the bottom righthand corner of the MessageBee portal screen that says "Help":
This will bring up the "Welcome to MessageBee Support" window:
Click Contact us to bring up the help ticket form which you can fill out with your request (such as to make changes to your hold notification message template, or a patron says they are not receiving their text notifications and you are not sure why):
Once you have finished filling out the form, click Send to submit your help ticket:
These phone numbers will eventually be listed in the MessageBee portal, as well.
Name | SMS Phone |
Alexander County | (828) 688-7658 |
AMY Regional | (828) 688-7876 |
Appalachian Regional | (336) 704-0241 |
BHM Regional | (252) 623-4401 |
Bladen County | (910) 801-2890 |
Braswell Memorial Library | (252) 740-2051 |
Brown Library | (252) 623-4330 |
Brunswick County | (910) 415-4665 |
Buncombe County | (828) 998-1752 |
Burke County | (828) 475-5260 |
Caldwell County | (828) 572-3307 |
Carteret County | (252) 248-3725 |
Caswell County | (336) 933-1704 |
Clayton Library System | (984) 279-2242 |
Cleveland County | (980) 404-9059 |
Cumberland County | (910) 766-6727 |
Davidson County | (336) 743-2050 |
Davie County | (743) 259-0330 |
Duplin County | (910) 714-0690 |
Farmville Public Library | (252) 228-2355 |
Fontana Regional Library | (828) 341-7382 |
Forsyth County | (336) 743-2950 |
Franklin County | (984) 320-8111 |
Gibsonville Public Library | (336) 901-2677 |
Granville County | (984) 293-1121 |
Halifax County | (252) 486-4631 |
Harnett County | (910) 242-4746 |
Harold D. Cooley Library | (252) 220-4306 |
Haywood County | (828) 564-1469 |
Henderson County | (828) 595-3625 |
Iredell County | (980) 391-8390 |
Johnston County | (984) 201-1446 |
Lee County | (984) 977-9465 |
Madison County | (828) 649-7341 |
Mauney Memorial Public Library | (980) 396-0371 |
McDowell County | (828) 583-0858 |
Nantahala Regional Library | (828) 346-7786 |
NC Cardinal | (984) 375-3790 |
Neuse Regional Library | (252) 549-0966 |
Northwestern Regional | (336) 914-1846 |
Onslow County | (910) 939-3650 |
Perry Memorial Library | (252) 226-9316 |
Person County | (336) 223-6471 |
Polk County | (828) 722-1721 |
Robeson County Public Library | (910) 370-1859 |
Rockingham County | (336) 743-1106 |
Rutherford County | (828) 351-6015 |
Sampson-Clinton | (910) 260-5453 |
Sandhill Regional | (910) 948-5400 |
Scotland County | (910) 501-8563 |
Stanly County Public Library | (980) 581-9755 |
State Library of NC and Affiliated Government Libraries | (984) 375-3790 |
Transylvania County | (828) 419-6151 |
Warren County | (252) 517-9890 |
Wayne County | (984) 305-0824 |
Patron Credit is a payment type that allows patrons to make payments larger than any amount owed. Evergreen will track the patron's credit balance, which can be applied to bills accrued by the patron in the future. For example, in the screenshot below, the patron owes $12.80 in fines. If the patron were to give the desk staff member $15 to apply to the patron account with the checked box Convert Change to Patron Credit, the remaining $2.30 would show as a Credit Available balance that the patron could apply to future bills.
By default, the payment type Patron Credit is enabled in the staff client. Within the Bills interface of a patron’s account, the Patron Credit payment type, the Credit Available, and the option to Convert Change to Patron Credit are exposed by default in the staff client.
If your library system does not wish to allow patrons to accrue a credit balance on their accounts, an administrator can turn off this functionality with the Library Setting, Disable Patron Credit. When the Library Setting, Disable Patron Credit, is set to True, the patron credit payment type will be disabled. Patron Credit will not be an option within the payment type dropdown menu. The Convert Change to Patron Credit and the summary of Credit Available will be hidden from the patron billing interface in the staff client.
To set this Library Setting:
There are 3 different ways to allow patrons to pay bills with credit cards at the library. Two are external (not tied to Evergreen) and one is internal. The first of the two external options would be to contract with an existing RFID provider (such as Bibliotheca) to provide credit card processing on self-check kiosks. (Neuse is doing this.)
The second external option would be to contract with any credit card vendor who provides the credit card terminals and processes the transactions outside of Evergreen. In order to reconcile between the vendor reports and Evergreen, staff would need to add the amount that patrons are paying at the desk (via the cc terminal) into Evergreen manually at the time of payment. (Davie is doing this.)
The only internal option is to set up credit card processing with a bank or credit card vendor that uses PayPal, PayflowPro, or Stripe. This setup allows patrons to self-serve, making payments via the OPAC from home or in the library, and staff do not need to handle patron credit cards at all. (Appalachian, Cumberland, and Iredell are doing this.) It also may be possible to work with the authorized processors through your local bank.
For instructions to set up credit card processing within Evergreen, please see Evergreen Credit Card Setup.
Libraries can choose to set up patron bill payment via credit card within the Evergreen OPAC. The credit card feature requires the following:
You may choose any bank or credit card service as long as they use AuthorizeNet, PayPal, PayflowPro, or Stripe.
Set up credit card processing
Once a credit card service is selected and active for your library system, please submit a help ticket to let NC Cardinal staff know you are enabling Evergreen credit card processing at your library. Proceed to set up credit card processing within Evergreen.
Open the Library Settings Editor window via the Administration menu within Evergreen: Admin→ Local Admin→ Library Setting
Search for Library Setting “Allow Credit Card Payments”.
Select your library SYSTEM from the Context dropdown menu and set the Value to "True". Different branch accounts are not possible within Evergreen.
You must provide login information to Evergreen for the selected credit card service.
On the Library Settings window, enter:
Please submit a help ticket for assistance with applying login credentials to library settings.
Each type of credit card service provides a “test mode” within Evergreen so that you may test your connections before going “live” with credit card payments. Look for the “test mode” library setting for your credit card service. Set the setting = TRUE. Do some testing with your chosen credit card vendor to ensure that the test transactions are going through. When you are ready to “go live” with credit card processing, reset this setting = FALSE.
Staff with the required permissions (Circulator and above) can create bookable non-bibliographic resources such as laptops, projectors, and meeting rooms.
The following pieces make up a non-bibliographic resource:
You need to create resource types and resource attributes (features of the resource types), and add booking items (resources) to individual resource types. Each resource attribute may have multiple values. You need to link the applicable features (resource attributes and values) to individual items (resources) through the Resource Attribute Map. Before you create resources (booking items) you need to have a resource type and associated resource attributes and values, if any, for them.
1) Select Administration → Booking Administration
2) Select Resource Type from the Booking Administration menu page.
3) A list of current resource types will appear. Use the Back and Next buttons to browse the whole list, or increase the number of items to appear in the list.
You may also see cataloged items in the list. Those items have been marked bookable or booked before.
3) To create a new resource type, click the New Resource Type button above the list.
4) A box will appear in which you create your new type of resource.
The following fields appear in the pop-up:
5) Click Save when you have entered the needed information.
6) The new resource type will appear in the list.
1) Select Administration → Booking Administration
2) Select Resource Attributes from the Booking Administration menu page.
3) A list of existing Resource Attributes will appear. Click on the New Resource Attributes button to create a new one.
5) Click Save when the required information has been added.
6) The attribute will appear in the list. One resource type may have multiple attributes. You may repeat the above procedure to add more.
1) Select Administration → Booking Administration
2) Select Resource Attribute Values from the Booking Administration menu page.
3) A list of existing Resource Attribute Values will appear. Click on the New Resource Attribute Value button to create a new one.
4) A pop up box will appear.
You will need to supply the following fields in the pop up to create a new Resource Attribute Value:
5) Click Save when the required information has been added.
6) The attribute value will appear in the list. Each attribute should have at least two values attached to it; repeat this process for all applicable attribute values.
1) Add items to a resource type. Click Administration → Booking Administration
2) Select Resources from the Booking Administration menu page.
3) A list of existing Resources will appear. Select the New resource button to add a new one.
4) A pop up will appear with the following fields:
4) Click Save when the required information has been added.
5) The resource will appear in the list.
One resource type may have multiple resources attached.
1) Use Resource Attribute Maps to bring together the resources and their attributes and values. Select Administration → Booking Administration.
2) Select Resource Attribute Maps from the Bookings Administration page.
3) The Resource Attribute Map Configuration will populate with a list of Resource Attribute Map IDs. Select the New Resource Attribute Map button.
5) Click Save once you have entered the required information.
6) The resource attribute map will appear in the list. A resource may have multiple attributes and values. Repeat the above steps to map all.
Once all attributes have been mapped your resource will be part of a hierarchy similar to the example below.
Staff with the required permissions can edit aspects of existing non-bibliographic resources. For example, resource type can be edited in the event that the fine amount for a laptop changes from $2.00 to $5.00.
Editing Resource Types
1) Bring up your list of resource types. Select Administration → Booking Administration → Resource Types.
2) A list of current resource types will appear.
3) Double click anywhere on the line of the resource type you would like to edit.
4) The resource type box will appear. Make your changes and click Save.
5) Following the same procedure you may edit Resource Attributes, Attributes Values, Resources and Attribute Map by selecting them on Administration → Booking Administration.
1) To delete a booking resource, go to Administration → Booking Administration → Resources.
2) Select the checkbox in front of the resource you want to delete. Choose Delete Selected from the List Action menu. The resource will disappear from the list.
Following the same procedure you may delete Resource Attributes Maps.
You may also delete Resource Attribute Values, Resource Attributes and Resource Types. But you have to delete them in the reverse order when you create them to make sure the entry is not in use when you try to delete it.
This is the deletion order: Resource Attribute Map/Resources → Resource Attribute Values → Resource Attributes → Resource Types.
Evergreen includes a self check interface designed for libraries that simply want to record item circulation. Please be aware that security mechanisms like magnetic strips or RFID tags need to be taken into consideration. Also, the library may want to set up the self check station in such a way that the patron cannot navigate to any other webpage.
The self check interface runs in a web browser. Before patrons can use the self check station, a staff member must initialize the interface by logging in.
Patron scans or types in their library account barcode.
2. Patron enters their account password.
3. Patron scans or types in the barcodes for their items OR Patron places items, one at a time, on the RFID pad.
4. Items will be listed below with a check out confirmation message.
5. If a check out fails, a message will advise the patron.
6. Patron clicks Logout to print a checkout receipt and log out. OR Patron clicks Logout (No Receipt) to log out with no receipt.
7. If the patron forgets to log out, the system will automatically log out after the time period specified in the library setting Patron Login Timeout (in seconds). An inactivity pop-up will appear to warn patrons 20 seconds before logging out.
Patrons are able to view the items they currently have checked out by clicking View Items Out.
Patrons are able to view their current holds by clicking View Holds
Items currently on hold display. Patrons can also see which, if any, items are ready for pickup.
Using the Print List button patrons can print out a receipt listing all of the items they currently have on hold.
Patrons are able to view the fines they currently owe by clicking View Details.
Information usually requested by vendor:
SIP server IP address: sip.nccardinal.org
(If your vendor requires a numerical IP, you can use )
SIP server port: 6001
ILS: Evergreen
Institution ID: cardinal
Library System will need to submit a help ticket request to set up SIP account for self checks at least a week before the desired usage date, since new SIP accounts require a database refresh. Then, provide your vendor with the active SIP account username and password.
Every circulation policy has information about whether items checked out on that policy can be renewed. In addition to allowing renewals, you also have the option of auto-renewals. We can set up individual circulation policies so that they allow for the system to auto-renew the material the number of times that you wish.
Essentially, at a set time before the materials are due, the system will look for materials that are coming due that were checked out with policies that allow for auto-renewals and renew them if they are eligible.
Most systems choose to do this one day before the materials are due. A few do it three days before the item is due, but that means that if, for instance, you have a DVD that’s a seven day loan, at the end of the fifth day the material auto-renews, reducing the total length of the loan period.
If the materials auto-renew 24 hours before the material is due, that gives the user less time to renew the material. In this case, we suggest adding a grace period to the loan policy. Grace periods allow for time to go by before fines are actually applied to an account. So, if for instance you have a two day grace period and the person returns the material on day two, they aren’t charged fines for day 1 and 2. On day three, they start having fines for day 1, 2 and 3 on their account.
So, when the auto-renewal process runs, an email is sent to the patron letting them know which materials were auto-renewed and which materials couldn’t be auto-renewed. Each item also lists the due dates of items that were or were not renewed. Auto-renewal notices are only available as emails. You can customize the language in the emails that are sent.
Reasons that things can’t be auto-renewed is that there’s a hold on their item, or the person has run out of auto-renewals for that individual loan.
So, basically, you have the option to have auto-renewals and you can choose which of your policies allow for auto-renewals.
Options available to you:
Which circulation policies do you want to allow auto-renewals for?
You can choose which circulation policies you'd like to allow auto-renewals for. When making the decision about implementing auto-renewals, we'll provide you with a spreadsheet of your circulation policies and ask which ones you'd like to have set up to auto-renew. This way you can for instance choose not to have auto-renewals on your Equipment or Technology materials, or for your Outreach or Limited accounts that already have different circulation due dates. So, perhaps you have auto-renewals only for Juveniles and Teens. Or, you want auto-renewals on Books but not Videos.
How many times do you want auto-renewals to happen?
In each circulation policy, you have a set number of renewals that are possible. Now with auto-renewals, you can also choose how many of those renewals are auto-renewals. You may for instance want to have the last renewal be manual to require action on the part of the user to extend the loan. Or, you may want all the renewals to be auto-renewals.
How many days ahead of the due date do you want the renewal attempt to happen?
If the renewal is unsuccessful, you want to give the patron time to return the material after receiving information about the failed auto-renewal. Right now most libraries have it at 1 day before but some systems have it at 3 days before the due date. The downside to the 3 day is that let's say you have a 7 day loan, the auto-renewal would happen after day 4, meaning you have 7 more days from that day, reducing the overall time of the loan by three days.
What do you want the auto-renewal emails to say?
Similar to other notices, you have the ability to customize some of the language in the email sent to the patron when the auto-renewal attempt takes place.
Do you want material already on loan to auto-renew?
By default, items only become eligible to auto-renew if at the time they are checked out, the circulation policy they're checked out under allows for auto-renewals. That means that none of the things your users have checked out now will eligible for auto-renewal unless we go back and update their loan information. If you'd like us to, we can go back and update your existing circulation records so that items that are already on loan to users start auto-renewing immediately.
Some Initial Notes on Auto-Renewals from Other Libraries
North of Boston Library Exchange
A Library can opt in to autorenewal. Only their own items checked out at their own library will be autorenewable. Network transfers are not autorenewable.
Autorenewal processing happens the morning the items are due so patrons don't lose any time from their loan period.
Our autorenewal action trigger uses a custom filter so that it only runs for the libraries who have opted in and does not attempt to process autorenewals for checkouts that are not renewable at all.
When a library opts in, and chooses a start date, we adjust their duration rules to set the number of allowed autorenewals equal to the number of allowed renewals. If a duration rule has zero allowed renewals, we don't set a value for allowed autorenewals. This allows the action trigger filter mentioned above to skip them.
To avoid the transition issue with new checkouts vs. existing checkouts, we update open circulations for the opting in library which are due on the start date and beyond to set the autorenewal remaining field equal to the renewal remaining field. In that way, items that were checked out prior to the rule change will be eligible to autorenew.
Feedback has been positive, though we have adjusted the notice language a few times to make it less confusing.
Roanoke Public Library
We implemented auto renew back in March this year and things have gone fairly smoothly with the implementation for my library.
Generally, the patrons have been happy about it. We did have one complaint that boiled down to a patron simply not wanting to be notified at all, which was an interesting one for me, but that was certainly possible to fix for us.
The only rocky start part was getting our notices to generate properly. The stock notice wording was a little too generic, so we made changes that took a bit of work to get implemented properly.
We don’t really have the email/sms issue, so I’m not sure what the best course of action would be for that to be completely honest. I have some ideas, but I’m not sure if any of them would be viable over the long run.
This has drastically reduced fines here, for the moment. It’s not a forever renewal process, so I do still see fines, but it has generally decreased fines across the board. We don’t rely on fine income for operation here, so this isn’t a giant issue for us, but if you do rely on fine income I’d probably recommend against implementing such a process. With that said, my staff spend a lot less time dealing with fine related issues, and I believe it’s enough to have saved money in general.
For implementation, I’d recommend one of two options for the sake of making things reasonable. Either set the renewal to happen a few days before the due date so that patrons have time to return materials that are not renewed, or set the renewal on the due date but add a multi-day grace period for the same reason. We renew on the due date and give patrons 3 grace days to return the item to avoid fines. Another library in my consortium renews the item 3 days before the due date instead. Both work, but I think the important factor is allowing patrons the time to return items.
A number of NC Cardinal libraries have or are adding traditional ‘walk-on’ bookmobiles, while others have or are adding SUVs, vans, etc. for the delivery of outreach materials, and there are different considerations for these different needs and use cases in terms of Evergreen functionality.
For a library that has an outreach vehicle (not a ‘walk-on’ bookmobile) that would be used solely to deliver materials selected by staff (with or without patron input) and already checked out to patron accounts (to daycares, nursing homes, or home-bound patrons) and the bookmobile will not be assigned a permanent (or rotating) collection of materials separate from the main system collection, a separate org unit in Evergreen is not necessary. In this use case, bookmobile users would be limited to Institution/Outreach permission groups and patrons would not be placing holds for themselves. Cardinal staff would build circulation policies for those patron permission groups - Institution (for daycares, nursing homes, and other non-individual entities) and Outreach (for homebound individuals) - with different criteria for the circulation duration and fines (often ‘no fine’) than for patron groups that visit library branches in person. If no materials are owned by the bookmobile, but instead are requested by staff and not directly by patrons, then no org unit is needed. Staff would request the materials for pickup at the physical branch they are working from and can place the holds on their own Institution or Staff account (not their login access account) or place the holds directly on the patron account with a simple, consistent means for desk staff to identify those patrons as bookmobile patrons (perhaps a Name Keyword or an Alert on the account).
A more traditional bookmobile that needs an assigned collection (permanent or changing) and makes routine stops where any library patron (not just Institution/Outreach patrons) may browse and check out materials and/or may place a hold for pickup from the bookmobile on its stops would require a separate org unit as an owning/circulating library for materials and/or as a pickup location for patron holds. The bookmobile would use the standard consortium shelving locations. The org unit name would be the distinguishing factor, so there would be no need for Outreach to be part of the shelving location. Bookmobiles don’t meet the criteria for which organizational units share costs, so there would be no additional cost to add a bookmobile branch, if needed.
No Branch Org Unit Needed | New Branch Org Unit Required |
Staff will check out materials to patron accounts before delivery | Patrons may browse bookmobile collection and/or place holds to select their own material |
Checkouts limited to certain patron permission groups (Institution and/or Outreach patrons) | Any patron permission group may checkout from the bookmobile |
Bookmobile does not have an assigned collection of materials | Bookmobile is assigned a permanent or rotating collection of materials for circulation |
Please submit a support ticket if your library expects to add a new bookmobile vehicle in the near future, so that we can assist you with any questions and decisions about adding new circulation and hold policies and/or a new branch org unit for the bookmobile and the patrons it will serve.
The curbside pickup feature is a Library setting and can be enabled by Cardinal staff.
Currently curbside pickup appointment times are based solely on the Hours of Operation.
Curbside DOES take into account closed dates set in the Closed Dates Editor.
When your hold is checked in at the pickup library, patrons can set up a curbside pickup appointment.
Patrons will indicate the time and vehicle description.
If a patron has scheduled a curbside pickup appointment, an email or text/SMS notification can be sent to confirm the appointment. This confirmation is not related to any specific hold or holds, but rather the appointment they requested, and does not use the hold-specific SMS or email notification settings. Therefore, if the SMS notification is enabled, and the patron has SMS settings, they will receive an SMS notification. Likewise for the email confirmation option. It can prompt them to log into their account or call the library in order to alert staff that they have arrived for their pickup appointment. The notice message is customizable.
Staff can access the curbside pickup module from the circulation tab on Evergreen's staff navigation top menu.
Once the appointment time has come, you can let the patron know the materials are ready for pickup.
Once they arrive, patrons can let the staff know they are outside.
Staff may then check out the material to the patron.
Print Templates in the Web Client by Terran McCanna
What’s HATCH-ing? by Bill Erickson, Jason Boyer, Blake Graham-Henderson, and Chris Sharp
This document incorporates elements of documentation from Georgia Pines: https://pines.georgialibraries.org/dokuwiki/doku.php?id=admin:workstations:hatch shared under Creative Commons Attribution Share-Alike 4.0 License (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/legalcode and is available to share under the same license.
, standing for Standard Interchange Protocol
, was developed by the 3M corporation
to be a common protocol for data transfer between an ILS (referred to in SIP
as an ACS, or Automated Circulation System) and a third party device. Originally, the protocol was developed for use with 3M SelfCheck (often abbreviated SC, not to be confused with Staff Client) systems, but has since expanded to other companies and devices. It is now common to find SIP
in use in several other vendors' SelfCheck systems, as well as other non-SelfCheck devices. Some examples include:
Automated Material Handling (AMH)
generally communicates over a TCP
connection (either raw sockets or over telnet
), but can also communicate via serial connections and other methods. In Evergreen, the most common deployment is a RAW
socket connection on port 6001.
communication consists of strings of messages, each message request and response begin with a 2-digit “command” - Requests usually being an odd number and responses usually increased by 1 to be an even number. The combination numbers for the request command and response is often referred to as a Message Pair (for example, a 23 command is a request for patron status, a 24 response is a patron status, and the message pair 23/24 is patron status message pair). The table in the next section shows the message pairs and a description of them.
For clarification, the “Request” is from the device (selfcheck or otherwise) to the ILS/ACS. The response is… the response to the request ;).
Within each request and response, a number of fields (either a fixed width or separated with a | [pipe symbol] and preceded with a 2-character field identifier) are used. The fields vary between message pairs.
Pair |
Name |
Supported? |
Details |
01 |
Block Patron |
Yes |
01/Block_Patron - ACS responds with 24 Patron Status Response |
09-10 |
Checkin |
Yes (with extensions) |
11-12 |
Checkout |
Yes (no renewals) |
15-16 |
Hold |
Partially supported |
17-18 |
Item Information |
Yes (no extensions) |
19-20 |
Item Status Update |
No |
19/20_Item_Status_Update - Returns Patron Enable response, but doesn’t make any changes in EG |
23-24 |
Patron Status |
Yes |
23/24_Patron_Status - 63/64 “Patron Information” preferred |
25-26 |
Patron Enable |
No |
25/26_Patron_Enable - Used during system testing and validation |
29-30 |
Renew |
Yes |
35-36 |
End Session |
Yes |
37-38 |
Fee Paid |
Yes |
63-64 |
Patron Information |
Yes (no extensions) |
65-66 |
Renew All |
Yes |
93-94 |
Login |
Yes |
93/94_Login - Must be first command to Evergreen ACS (via socket) or |
97-96 |
Resend last message |
Yes |
99-98 |
SC-ACS Status |
Yes |
A selfcheck will issue a Block Patron command if a patron leaves their card in a selfcheck machine or if the selfcheck detects tampering (such as attempts to disable multiple items during a single item checkout, multiple failed pin entries, etc).
In Evergreen, this command does the following:
The request looks like:
01<card retained><date>[fields AO, AL, AA, AC]
Card Retained: A single character field of Y or N - tells the ACS whether the SC has retained the card (ex: left in the machine) or not.
Date: An 18 character field for the date/time when the block occurred.
Format: YYYYMMDDZZZZHHMMSS (ZZZZ being zone - 4 blanks when local time, “Z” (3 blanks and a Z) represents UTC(GMT/Zulu)
Fields: See Fields for more details.
The response is a 24 “Patron Status Response” with the following:
~The request looks like:
09<No block (Offline)><xact date><return date>[Fields AP,AO,AB,AC,CH,BI]
No Block (Offline): A single character field of Y or N - Offline transactions are not currently supported so send N.
xact date: an 18 character field for the date/time when the checkin occurred. Format: YYYYMMDDZZZZHHMMSS (ZZZZ being zone - 4 blanks when local time, “Z” (3 blanks and a Z) represents UTC(GMT/Zulu)
Fields: See Fields for more details.
The response is a 10 “Checkin Response” with the following:
10<resensitize><magnetic media><alert><xact date>[Fields AO,AB,AQ,AJ,CL,AA,CK,CH,CR,CS,CT,CV,CY,DA,AF,AG]
Example (with a remote hold):
09N20100507 16593720100507 165937APCheckin Bin 5|AOBR1|AB1565921879|ACsip_01|
101YNY20100623 165731AOBR1|AB1565921879|AQBR1|AJPerl 5 desktop reference|CK001|CSQA76.73.P33V76 1996 |CTBR3|CY373827|DANicholas Richard Woodard|CV02|
Here you can see a hold alert for patron CY 373827, named DA Nicholas Richard Woodard, to be picked up at CT “BR3”. Since the transaction is happening at AO “BR1”, the alert type CV is 02 for hold at remote library. The possible values for CV are:
The logic for Evergreen to determine whether the content is magnetic_media comes from or search_config_circ_modifier. The default is non-magnetic. The same is true for media_type (default 001). Evergreen does not populate the collection_code because it does not really have any, but it will provide the call_number where available.
Unlike the item_id
(barcode), the title_id
is actually a title string, unless the configuration forces the return of the bib ID.
Don’t be confused by the different branches that can show up in the same response line.
Evergreen supports the Hold message for the purpose of canceling holds. It does not currently support creating hold requests via SIP2.
The request looks like:
17<xact_date>[fields: AO,AB,AC]
The request is very terse. AC is optional.
The following response structure is for SIP2
. (Version 1 of the protocol had only 6 total fields.)
18<circulation_status><security_marker><fee_type><xact_date> [fields: CF,AH,CJ,CM,AB,AJ,BG,BH,BV,CK,AQ,AP,CH,AF,AG,+CT,+CS]
1720060110 215612AOBR1|ABno_such_barcode|
1801010120100609 162510ABno_such_barcode|AJ|
1720060110 215612AOBR1|AB1565921879|
1810020120100623 171415AB1565921879|AJPerl 5 desktop reference|CK001|AQBR1|APBR1|BGBR1 |CTBR3|CSQA76.73.P33V76 1996|
The first case is with a bogus barcode. The latter shows an item with a circulation_status of 10 for in transit between libraries. The known values of circulation_status
are enumerated in the spec.
EXTENSIONS: The CT field for destination location and CS call number are used by Automated Material Handling systems.
The SIP2 communication protocol provides for two patron status request types, 23 & 63 with corresponding responses of 24 & 64. After the first two integers in the response, there is a 14 character patron status message that tells if the patron has any types of blocks (described on page 23 of this document).
The values for each of these 14 fixed fields will either be Y or blank. You can decide which of those 14 block types you care about and then if there is a Y in that fixed field of the status response, Kanopy can have a policy to block the patron, or you could tell them any Y in the status response fixed fields should block the patron.
2300120060101 084235AOUWOLS|AAbad_barcode|ACsip_01|ADbad_password|
24YYYY 00120100507 013934AE|AAbad_barcode|BLN|AOUWOLS|
2300120060101 084235AOCONS|AA999999|ACsip_01|ADbad_password|
24 Y 00120100507 022318AEDoug Fiander|AA999999|BLY|CQN|BHUSD|BV0.00|AFOK|AOCONS|
2300120060101 084235AOCONS|AA999999|ACsip_01|ADuserpassword|LY|CQN|BHUSD|BV0.00|AFOK|AOCONS|
24 Y 00120100507 022803AEDoug Fiander|AA999999|BLY|CQY|BHUSD|BV0.00|AFOK|AOCONS|
, optional) is valid patron, so the N value means bad_barcode doesn’t match a patron, the Y value means 999999 does.SIP2
, optional) is valid password, so the N value means bad_password doesn’t match 999999’s password, the Y means userpassword does.So if you were building the most basic SIP2
authentication client, you would check for |CQY| in the response to know the user’s barcode and password are correct (|CQY| implies |BLY|, since you cannot check the password unless the barcode exists). However, in practice, depending on the application, there are other factors to consider in authentication, like whether the user is blocked from checkout, owes excessive fines, reported their card lost, etc. These limitations are reflected in the 14-character patron status string immediately following the 24 code. See the field definitions in your copy of the spec.
Evergreen supports the Renew message. Evergreen checks whether a penalty is specifically configured to block renewals before blocking any SIP renewal.
3520100505 115901AOBR1|AA999999|
36Y20100507 161213AOCONS|AA999999|AFThank you!|
The Y/N code immediately after the 36 indicates success/failure. Failure is not particularly meaningful or important in this context, and for evergreen it is hardcoded Y.
Attempting to retrieve patron info with a bad barcode:
6300020060329 201700 AOBR1|AAbad_barcode|
64YYYY 00020100623 141130000000000000000000000000AE|AAbad_barcode|BLN|AOBR1|
Attempting to retrieve patron info with a good barcode (but bad patron password):
6300020060329 201700 AOBR1|AA999999|ADbadpwd|
64 Y 00020100623 141130000000000000000000000000AA999999|AEDavid J. Fiander|BHUSD|BV0.00 |BD2 Meadowvale Dr. St Thomas, ON Canada
90210|BEdjfiander@somemail.com|BF(519) 555 1234|AQBR1|BLY|CQN|PB19640925|PCPatrons |PIUnfiltered|AFOK|AOBR1|
Note: If your vendor wants to block access to electronic resources for only users from your library, they can look for your "shortname" codes in the AQ field of the 63 response.
See 23/24 Patron Status for info on BL
and CQ
[Connection closed by foreign host.] ...
941 means successful terminal login. 940 or getting dropped means failure.
When using a version of SIPServer that supports the feature, the Location (CP) field of the Login (93) message will be used as the workstation name if supplied. Blank or missing location fields will be ignored. This allows users or reports to determine which selfcheck performed a circulation.
99<status code><max print width><protocol version>
All 3 fields are required:
protocol version - 4 characters - x.xx
98<on-line status><checkin ok><checkout ok><ACS renewal policy> <status update ok><offline ok><timeout period>
<retries allowed><date/time sync><protocol version><institution id> <library name><supported messages><terminal
location><screen message><print line>
The Supported Messages field BX
appears only in SIP2
, and specifies whether 16 different SIP
commands are supported by the ACS
or not.
All fixed-length fields in a communication will appear before the first variable-length field. This allows for simple parsing. Variable-length fields are by definition delimited, though there will not necessarily be an initial delimiter between the last fixed-length field and the first variable-length one. It would be unnecessary, since you should know the exact position where that field begins already.
This free tool may be used to confirm a mobile number's service provider. Enter a phone number and the carrier name and whether the number is wireless or landline will be displayed. The email-to-SMS and email-to-MMS gateway addresses will also be returned for USA and Canadian* phone numbers.
The Development (dev) server is a slightly out-of-date copy of our database we keep running for testing and development purposes. I would caution however not to check anything out or place any holds on dev because it is separate and regularly overwritten with data from our live production catalog and any changes you make there will not be recorded in our normal database. But, this means its a great place to try things out and test things. Your normal login should work there.
System | Development Catalog (OPAC) | Staff Login Page |
Alexander | https://devalexander.nccardinal.org/eg/staff/login | |
AMY | ||
Appalachian | https://devappalachian.nccardinal.org/eg/staff/login | |
BHM | https://devbhm.nccardinal.org/eg/staff/login | |
Bladen | https://devbladen.nccardinal.org/eg/staff/login | |
Braswell | https://devbraswell.nccardinal.org/eg/staff/login | |
Brown | https://devbrown.nccardinal.org/eg/staff/login | |
Buncombe | https://devbuncombe.nccardinal.org/eg/staff/login | |
Burke | https://devburke.nccardinal.org/eg/staff/login | |
Caldwell | https://devcaldwell.nccardinal.org/eg/staff/login | |
Carteret | https://devcarteret.nccardinal.org/eg/staff/login | |
Caswell | https://devcaswell.nccardinal.org/eg/staff/login | |
Clayton | https://devclayton.nccardinal.org/eg/staff/login | |
Cleveland | https://devcleveland.nccardinal.org/eg/staff/login | |
Cooley | https://devcooley.nccardinal.org/eg/staff/login | |
Cumberland | https://devcumberland.nccardinal.org/eg/staff/login | |
Davidson | https://devdavidson.nccardinal.org/eg/staff/login | |
Davie | https://devdavie.nccardinal.org/eg/staff/login | |
Duplin | https://devduplin.nccardinal.org/eg/staff/login | |
Farmville | https://devfarmville.nccardinal.org/eg/staff/login | |
Fontana | https://devfontana.nccardinal.org/eg/staff/login | |
Forsyth | https://devforsyth.nccardinal.org/eg/staff/login | |
Franklin | https://devfranklin.nccardinal.org/eg/staff/login | |
GHL | https://devghl.nccardinal.org/eg/staff/login | |
Gibsonville | https://devgibsonville.nccardinal.org/eg/staff/login | |
Granville | https://devgranville.nccardinal.org/eg/staff/login | |
Halifax | https://devhalifax.nccardinal.org/eg/staff/login | |
Harnett | https://devharnett.nccardinal.org/eg/staff/login | |
Haywood | https://devhaywood.nccardinal.org/eg/staff/login | |
Henderson | https://devhenderson.nccardinal.org/eg/staff/login | |
Iredell | https://deviredell.nccardinal.org/eg/staff/login | |
Johnston | https://devjohnston.nccardinal.org/eg/staff/login | |
Lee | https://devlee.nccardinal.org/eg/staff/login | |
Madison | https://devmadison.nccardinal.org/eg/staff/login | |
Mauney | https://devmauney.nccardinal.org/eg/staff/login | |
McDowell | https://devmcdowell.nccardinal.org/eg/staff/login | |
Nantahala | https://devnantahala.nccardinal.org/eg/staff/login | |
NC Gov | https://devncgov.nccardinal.org/eg/staff/login | |
Neuse | https://devneuse.nccardinal.org/eg/staff/login | |
Northwestern | https://devnorthwestern.nccardinal.org/eg/staff/login | |
Onslow | https://devonslow.nccardinal.org/eg/staff/login | |
Perry | https://devperry.nccardinal.org/eg/staff/login | |
Person | https://devperson.nccardinal.org/eg/staff/login | |
Polk | https://devpolk.nccardinal.org/eg/staff/login | |
Rockingham | https://devrockingham.nccardinal.org/eg/staff/login | |
Rutherford | https://devrutherford.nccardinal.org/eg/staff/login | |
Sampson | https://devsampson.nccardinal.org/eg/staff/login | |
Sandhill | https://devsandhill.nccardinal.org/eg/staff/login | |
Scotland | https://devscotland.nccardinal.org/eg/staff/login | |
Stanly | https://devstanly.nccardinal.org/eg/staff/login | |
Transylvania | https://devtransylvania.nccardinal.org/eg/staff/login | |
Warren | https://devwarren.nccardinal.org/eg/staff/login | |
Wayne | https://devwayne.nccardinal.org/eg/staff/login |