Home → Cataloging in NC Cardinal → Cataloging Overview → 2021 Updates and Changes Log
Last Updated 02/06/2024
*For an ongoing log of more recent and up-to-date changes and updates, view the "Important Updates and Changes Log" page here.
Changes to MARC Record Templates: https://nccardinalsupport.org/index.php?pg=kb.chapter&id=32
"First Cataloger" rule
When a library system receives and catalogs a physical copy of an on order item that is ready to circulate, it is their responsibility to update that item's brief bibliographic record to a full record that conforms to NC Cardinal cataloging best practices.
GMD (245 $h)
GMDs MUST be used if and as listed in Appendix B — GMDs should be added/updated to match the current list whenever catalogers add, edit, or merge bibs.
02X fields
Evergreen searches the 022 field for ISSN and the 024 field for UPC, ISMN, EAN, ISRC, and SICI, based on LOC MARC 21 standards. If these values are not correctly represented in the bibliographic record — e.g. the ISSN is in the 024, rather than the 022 — the record will not show up in search results when a cataloger attempts to search for these values in Evergreen using either Advanced Search or z39.50. Please check any bib records that you import or edit to ensure that, if these values are present, they are in the correct field. As a reminder, catalogers should always do a title search for NC Cardinal as well as several other search variations before importing a new record to prevent duplicate records in the consortium catalog.
OCLC number (035)
When any cataloger makes substantial changes in Evergreen to a bibliographic record that has an OCLC number (such as editing a regular print record to become a large print record or splitting a DVD/Blu-ray combo pack), that cataloger must remove the OCLC number before saving the edited record. Because the Cardinal match set uses the OCLC number as matching criteria and the edited record no longer matches the OCLC data, leaving the OCLC number would mean that batch imported items using OCLC data could be incorrectly matched to the edited record.
Graphic Novels and Manga
New knowledge book page: https://nccardinalsupport.org/index.php?pg=kb.page&id=713
Monograph Parts
Additional formatting requirements will soon be added to the Monograph Parts section. All catalogers should familiarize themselves with and utilize these formats exactly as specified.
9XX fields
Local system specific information should not be retained in a shared consortium record and should be deleted, if present. The fields below should always be preserved when present.
901: information specific to Evergreen - DO NOT alter or delete
902: information specific to the Marcive authorities updates — DO NOT alter or delete
903: information documenting WAVE cleanup process for deduplication. Catalogers who edit records for this purpose can document in this way:
903a should contain your name or tag or library or whatever you decide you want to identify yourself.
903b is the action taken.
903c is the date. A strict date format works best.
903d is any additional necessary information.
When adding the 903, it is crucial that you do not introduce any of the format keywords that the software is looking for so the bib doesn't get additional votes in the WAVE cleanup evaluation.
Previous info:
Check the following:
That all names and terms in a record (check 1XX, 7XX, and 6XX fields), match the 1XX field (authorized access point) in the appropriate authority record. This can be done by validating the record.*
*NOTE: all terms may not currently have an authority record and a cataloger is not required to import an authority record at this time, but must use the correct format
That all subject headings match an appropriate controlled vocabulary (usually Library of Congress)
That genre form/terms are in the 655 and match an appropriate controlled vocabulary (usually Library of Congress Genre Form Terms)
That series statements are listed in the record, and if an authority record exists for the series, make sure that title appears in an 8XX field. Conversely, ensure that any series statements listed in the resource appear in the catalog record 490 and, if applicable, 8XX field(s), not the 245.
NOTE: Series statements MUST NOT be encoded as part of the resource’s title (245 tag). To be searchable, the series statement(s) must appear in the appropriate field(s) (490 + 8XX). |
The 856 field:
Bibliographic records for electronic resources (i.e. e-books, e-audiobooks, e-videos) that require authentication through another website should never have physical holdings attached; they should include an 856 field with $y link text showing the vendor/group (i.e. e-inc, ncdigital) for batch import of e-resources.
Never delete 856 fields that include a link to an actual e-resource (e.g. e-book, e-audiobook, e-video) or other complete version of item*. Remember that bibliographic records belong to the consortium, so the link may not be for your library system.
*NOTE: some bibliographical records for physical holdings may have 856 links to full digital pdf versions of the print resource, in which case, the $y is not required. Do not delete these 856 field(s). Also, do not delete digitization request links for bibliographic records that include Government and Heritage Library holdings.
Always delete 856 fields that are not a link to the actual resource, but only to supplemental material (e.g. table of contents, cover image, excerpt).
Some records may contain 856 fields with these supplemental links for anything from a table of contents to a thumbnail image. These links are sometimes broken and often do not stay up-to-date, so should be stripped out.
Acquisitions issue: Character limit when naming a purchase order
You can give your purchase order a name. Some vendors have a character limit on identifiers for purchase orders submitted via EDI, where the identifier includes not only the name assigned by the cataloger, but also the line item ID (number) and the PO ID (number). The identifier for each line item in the purchase order looks like this:
<PO ID><name>/<lineitem ID>
The PO ID number is assigned by Evergreen in sequence and the current number of digits for NC Cardinal is 6, and will soon be 7. The line item ID number is assigned by Evergreen and is currently 6 digits, but will also soon be 7 digits. There is also a forward slash that takes one character, which totals 15 occupied spaces.
As an example of how that affects naming: Ingram will not allow a total identifier longer than 22 characters. So, a cataloger who will be submitting their PO via EDI will need to limit any name they assign to 7 or fewer characters for Ingram.
Note: Catalogers should check with each of their EDI vendors to see what the character limit is for that particular vendor and adjust the number of characters used for the optional PO name accordingly. Creating a name longer than the vendor's character limit will cause problems with invoices such that the invoices will likely attach to a different PO altogether, causing headaches for all concerned.