Home → Cataloging in NC Cardinal → Serials → Serials Module
Last Updated 11/03/2023
The Serials Module can be used to create subscriptions, distributions, streams, and prediction patterns. As well as to generate predictions and receive issues as they come in to the library.
To access the Serials Module, go to a serials record in the catalog, and click on Serials→Manage Subscriptions.
This will open the serials interface for that particular record. In this interface you can:
Within the Manage Subscriptions tab, create a new subscription by clicking New Subscription. The subscription editor will appear:
Next, create a Distribution for the subscription by selecting the Library for the distribution. Distributions identify the branches that will receive copies of a serial.
After creating a subscription, you can use the Actions menu to take a variety of actions with the subscription, such as adding Subscription or Distribution Notes, linking it to an MFHD record, or creating routing lists.
From the Manage Predictions tab you can create a new prediction pattern from scratch, use an existing pattern template, or use an existing pattern template as the basis for a new prediction pattern.
To create a new prediction pattern, click Add New.
You can also predict new issues from the Manage Issues tab.
A dialog box called Predict New Issues: Initial Values will appear.
If you want to use the pattern "as is" click Create.
To create predictions, click Predict New Issues.
A dialog box called Predict New Issues: Initial Values will appear.
Evergreen can also generate a prediction pattern from existing MFHD records attached to a serials record and from MFHD patterns embedded directly in the bibliographic record.
If you want to review or modify the pattern, click Edit Pattern. The Pattern Wizard will appear.
To create predictions, click Predict New Issues.
A dialog box called Predict New Issues: Initial Values will appear.
After generating predictions in the Manage Predictions tab, you will see a list of the predicted issues in the Manage Issues tab. A variety of actions can be taken in this tab, including receiving issues, predicting new issues, adding special issues.